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  • Users: ceeloChamp
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  1. ceeloChamp

    EQ Tuning my Digital!

    Hey All, I have a Yamaha CSP-150 piano, the model number doesn't really so much as the fact that it is a digital piano that has speakers as its output. The sound is pretty stuffy using the presets, so I went down a 3 hour long rabbit-hole where I tried to tune it this weekend. I like a...
  2. ceeloChamp

    DAP most similar to Hugo 2

    Hey Everyone! I have always been a huge fan of the Hugo 2, it is probably one of my favorite, if not my very favorite source. I am looking for a DAP that can stream music and store for offline mode, one with a quick interface and one that most importantly has the SQ similar to the Hugo 2 and...
  3. ceeloChamp

    Clear Nail polish + CIEM, Anyone Tried?

    Hey All, I have a pair of A12t and the right-side fits like a dream, but the left side is slightly and I do mean slightly off. My left ear canal is just a bit bigger and because of this the seal is fairly easily broken when I eat/talk. I have some of the Comply CIEM wraps, but that makes the...
  4. ceeloChamp

    Final Audio -- The Most Polarizing IEMs?

    Hey All, I read a lot about headphones. I listen to a lot of headphones. In all of my travels I have rarely seen such a company that garners such inconsistent reviews as Final Audio. I will confess that I haven't read too many bad reviews of the Lab II, but the rareness of that IEM lead me to...
  5. ceeloChamp

    TOTL Earbuds?? (Not IEMs)

    Hey All, I know the earbud market is growing, but I know nothing about it. It is also really hard to find good information on this website about them. Does anyone have the skinny on TOTL earbuds? I’d love to put a toe into the earbud community, if that is even a thing, but I don’t want cheap...
  6. ceeloChamp

    4.4 balanced (female) -- 3.5se Adapters?

    Hello, I was wondering if anyone had any recommendations for a company that has good 4.4 -> 3.5 adapters. Preferably I would like to have the kind of adapter that has has a wire separating the male and female inputs. There isn't a problem electrically converting from 4.4balanced to 3.5 SE is...
  7. ceeloChamp

    Mojo + Poly instead of DAP?

    Hey All, Does anyone use this combo instead of a DAP? Currently I have a DX200 and WM1A and was wondering if I could just use my phone as the controller and stream through the Mojo/Poly, if so...what would the sound quality be like?
  8. ceeloChamp

    Best TOTL CIEM no price limit

    hey all, I’ve done a lot of reading on this subject, and i’d just like to throw this question out there. I have recently gotten to the point in my audio life where I am focusing on hearing top tier IEMs. I tend to gravitate to warmer sounding IEMs, but I don’t like to lose resolution to do it...
  9. ceeloChamp

    64 Audio A12t/U12t Impressions

    It occurs to me that there aren't a lot of impressions about the A12t/U12t, as an owner of the A12t I feel obliged to gift you with my personal opinion. I paid full price for these A12ts and 64 Audio is not forcing me against my will to write this... For the entirety of this review I was using...
  10. ceeloChamp

    Smallest TOTL DAP?

    Hey All, I have an Ibasso DX200, I love it. The different amps make a huge difference, the UI is a bit slow, but it has WiFi and I can use Tidal on it. The only reason I don't have a Sony WM1Z is that it doesn't have WiFi which makes it unusable for me, sadly. What is the smallest, WiFi...
  11. ceeloChamp

    DX200 Digital Filters??

    Anyone have any more information about what sound characteristics each of these have?
  12. ceeloChamp

    If you Could Listen to 1-IEM Forever....

    What would it be?
  13. ceeloChamp

    Campfire Andromeda -- I'd Actually Pay to Have them Refinished

    Hey All, So the Andromedas are AMAZING, but they scrape easily. I am really careful with my headphones but the edges of the paint is scraping. Who else has this problem? Would people pay to have them refinished? Could they potentially put like a clear coat on?
  14. ceeloChamp

    Best IEM From Iphone No Budget

    Hey All, What is the best possible IEM to use straight out of the Iphone with no Amps, or external DACs?
  15. ceeloChamp

    DX200 One Ear Crackling...Should I be Worried?

    Hey All, One ear of my DX200s is constantly crackling when a song is playing, but on a quiet part of the song. Sometimes there is even a high pop in the same here. This crackling is WAAAY more pronounced when using the 2.5mm on Amp1. I tried cleaning my cables to no avail. Anyone else dealt...
  16. ceeloChamp

    High End Universal IEMs -- Tell Me Your Favorites

    Hello Everyone, CIEMs are amazing, they look cool, they sound amazing, and they fit like socks on a chicken, but they are a huge pain to order. Now-a-days they are about the same price as their UIEM counterparts, so if you don't have a pair...get you one. However, I don't think I'm alone...
  17. ceeloChamp

    Classical music—where do you start

    I’m trying to get into the genre in earnest, but it’s overwhelming. If anyone has any recommendations i’d Love to hear!
  18. ceeloChamp

    Beat Audio Emerald

    Hey All! Has anyone heard the Beat Audio Emerald cable? At $500 a cable I feel like I should do my due diligence and research this cable before potentially considering it. I've seen practically nothing review-wise about this cable, but I like Beat Audio and I think that this cable potentially...
  19. ceeloChamp

    How to buy a cable that compliments my headphones

    Hey all! So I know what kind of sound signature I like, a full bodied, but clear sound. I absolutely love the campfire audio Vegas, but I also reallly enjoy headphones with massive, almost sharp, clarity. So I guess I err on the side of warm, but clear. Currently i’m getting my first pair of...
  20. ceeloChamp

    64 Audio U8 compared to U12(U12t)

    Hey All, I have an order in for the N8t, originally I was ordering the A8, but I saw they were releasing the N8t so I decided to wait. Now I'm thinking, I don't want to wait, they have already released the A12t, I should just get that. Has anyone heard the U8 (A8) and the U12 (a12, or...
  21. ceeloChamp

    64 Audio N8t!!

    Hey All, So a week ago I sent in molds to 64 audio for a pair of A8 Apex CIEMs. Today I went online and noticed that they have introduced their Tia technology into their 12 and 18 driver IEMs. So I shot their customer service an e-mail and asked if this meant they would be revamping their A8 as...
  22. ceeloChamp

    DX200 vs X7ii vs Opus #2 vs ZX2

    Hey all! I have 0 opportunity to try any of these DAPs near me so I need to lean on all of your wisdom. I am trying to get a kickass portable setup for around $1000 and my finalists are: Ibasso dx200, opus #2, Sony ZX2, and Fiio x7ii. The reason there is no Astell Kern here is because you...
  23. ceeloChamp

    Do DAPs Sound Good?

    Hey All, I have zero experience with DAPs, but I do have a lot of experience being annoyed carrying portable amps. I even have a Dragonfly Red, which is one of the most portable amps ever and it drives me crazy. Are there DAPs out there that can power hard-ish to run headphones and sound good...
  24. ceeloChamp

    What's Next? Recommendations and Help

    Hey All, I am currently at an impasse. I am kind of stuck wondering what the next step is in my audiophile hobby. Currently my headphones in use are: 64 Audio A8, Sennheiser HD650, Nighthawk Carbon, Sennheiser HD1 Over-ear. My desktop setup is Schiit Asgard 2, and Schiit Modi. My portable is...
  25. ceeloChamp

    CIEMs Similar to Campfire Vega

    Hey all, I absolutely love the sound of the Vega, but I have my heart set on CIEMS. Does anybody know any CIEMs that are similar?