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  1. TheJackhammer


    Hello i live in Newfoundland and was wondering any body else here lives in Newfoundland? If so were do you buy your headphones and such? Buying new equipment is a bit of a problem for me since i don't own a credit card so buying on-line is mostly imposable.   Thanks in advance.
  2. TheJackhammer

    free FLAC to AAC converter

    dose anybody know of a free audio file converter. every thing iv found so far is just a demo and says it only convert something like 100 song and i have something like 500-700 songs i need converted. any help would be Reilly appreciated. thanks   edit:im on windows cant beleive i...
  3. TheJackhammer

    audio file converter help

    I guise this is the right place to ask this so here goes okay so do any of you know of a 100% free audio file converter that will convert flac to something that i tunes supports? google only got me demos but i need the full program   and thanks.
  4. TheJackhammer

    Help me buy my first good pair of headphones.

    Hello I'm new to this web sight so please bear with me. Now I own lots of relatively good ear buds but i think I'm ready to buy a really good set of head phones. I listen to just about all genres of music, from dub step to orchestra. My budget is not the largest at only $250.   I'm...
  5. TheJackhammer

    Buying head phones, and possibly an amp.

    Hello I'm new to this web sight so please bear with me. I'm looking a set of head phones for around $250 CAD, that have strong but not overpowering bass, but also withe descent mids and highs.(i listen to alot of different genres) I don't really care weather there open or not but i would...