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  1. Squalish

    Working with lethal voltages?

    Quote: Originally Posted by colonelkernel8 This is a myth. Also, about caps, what's particularly dangerous is how quickly they discharge their energy as opposed to a battery or the like. How so? I'm sure I'm not the only one who's gotten a jolt of mains electricity in one...
  2. Squalish

    Working with lethal voltages?

    Fun link Unplug everything. Wear rubber gloves. Use one dry hand. With the other behind your back. Do not hold alligator clips open with your finger, or stab yourself with a probe. Assume that capacitors in circuits you build do not self-discharge at all without your...
  3. Squalish

    Multi-IEM review v.1: 48 earphones compared

    Two deals to weigh. Your review threads win Head-Fi. Re: Your Wallet - a tip jar would not be amiss, for those more financially secure than myself to express their appreciation.
  4. Squalish

    Isolating circumaural cans for less than £150/$240

    DBI Pro 700 would be a good phone to try - they're supposed to be very similar to the GMP's, at a current price of US$40 shipped on Ebay. Based on distant memory (FWIW), my new M50's are slightly less isolating than the DT770 pro's I used to have, and they don't perform quite as well at low...
  5. Squalish

    Airplane + ATH-M50?

    I just got them today, so this is before burn-in, but they were definitely uninspiring in the passenger seat of a car while the radio was playing, driven by a Sansa. They're much better now on most of the same tracks driven by my receiver, but have revealed some flawed (sibilant) recordings that...
  6. Squalish

    Shootout: 114 Portable Headphones Reviewed (Xiaomi Mi Headphones added 04/21/2015)

    Quote: Originally Posted by ljokerl Thanks . I think the HA-M750 qualify as circumaurals. The only other sub-$70 circumaurals I've got are the JVC HA-S700 and Equation EP-3070, reviews of which are coming soon . If you're open to that market segment, here's what I'm trying to...
  7. Squalish

    Shootout: 114 Portable Headphones Reviewed (Xiaomi Mi Headphones added 04/21/2015)

    One of the best reviews I've read, though I'm looking forward to if you ever get around to circumaurals < $70 as well. Most people get cans in this pricerange once or twice - they move on to a higher price tier once they get a taste. I hear "Competes unbelievably well for a $40 headphone - only...
  8. Squalish

    Cheap, Comfortable, Durable, Decent-sounding

    My current notes, still looking for comparisons between these so I can cross off the inferior cans. As usual on Head-Fi, the upper end of the pricerange was magnified. Made mandatory: I will be getting an HD201 regardless of which of the below list I select. Call it a backup. Likely...
  9. Squalish

    Headphones for Hippity Hoppity

    Pricerange? Any other priorities?
  10. Squalish

    Cheap, Comfortable, Durable, Decent-sounding

    ...UR40's distinct from the Portapro/KSC line? Where do ATH-SJ3/SJ5 play into all this? How about ATH-FC700A? DT231? iGrado? Panasonic RP-HTX7? I know that the bottom end of a line isn't usually admirable compared to its big brothers, but is the SRH240 worth considering? *hyperventillates*
  11. Squalish

    Shure SRH440 Impression

    May I recommend, for the bassheads, a DT770 or ATH-M50? The d1001 as well, though I think the former two are considered better. While it was alive, my 770pro250 was great on electronica & hip-hop and not bad on everything else. The M50 is what I've settled on next.
  12. Squalish

    Cheap, Comfortable, Durable, Decent-sounding

    I'm looking to buy a pair of headphones for someone as a gift. She is very hard on her gear, so it needs to be indestructible and cheap-to-replace. So far, she's tried a wide variety of Streetstyles and Sony in-the-ear phones, but is not currently listening to much. I'd like to introduce her to...
  13. Squalish

    RE2 Microphonic effects

    I have a pair of RE2's and while it's possible to get used to it while listening, I found the microphonic effect incredibly irritating in a quiet environment or between tracks. The problem is that any movement of the cable near the ears, particularly against the casing or the neck, appears to...
  14. Squalish

    Back from a long time lurking to request a track ID

    Took me a while, but I found it! Alexis Korner - Bootleg Him! (1973) Bootleg Him!: Alexis Korner: Music
  15. Squalish

    Gift-priced cans with isolation

    Has anyone AB'd the HD201 and the ATH-FC7? Everyone seems to love the HD201, but they often are taking price into account. Does the HD201 sound better than the ATH-FC7? Also, what do you think of the HD 212 pro and the EH 250
  16. Squalish

    Gift-priced cans with isolation

    Would the DT231, or the K 26 P sound any better? And how well does it isolate? And Jahn: just based on the fact that I thought dt770 > sr80, I think I needs' me bass.
  17. Squalish

    Gift-priced cans with isolation

    Bump - need opinions asap, in order to get order shipped before christmas.
  18. Squalish

    Gift-priced cans with isolation

    Based on headroom's evaluation, the AKG K 26 P[who puts so many spaces in their product name??] would be my obvious choice, but from the few comments I've read around here, it doesn't live up to their review, and/or there's a shoddy batch going around.
  19. Squalish

    Gift-priced cans with isolation

    I'm a head-fi member from a ways back looking to get back in on a gift-based budget - my college student wallet is not up to becoming a regular member again. I'm looking for the best set of <$75 closed cans with a decent amount of isolation I can find. Tastes: I had a pair of Beyerdynamic...
  20. Squalish

    Back from a long time lurking to request a track ID

    Singer has a pretty raspy voice, sounds distinctive, but I'm unable to ID him. I'm rather bad at describing songs by genre, this one could be rock/blues? Identifiable instruments are an acoustic guitar, drums, an acoustic bass, a sax, and a trumpet or three(not entirely sure on that part). This...
  21. Squalish

    How do you organize music on your PC?

    Musicbrainz is a very nice program. It looks at the audio info on your song and tries to ID it based on wellknown mp3 hashes. If you're a p2per like me, you will get around 1/2 of them tagged correctly with a high probability of success, and about 1/5 of them with a not so high...
  22. Squalish

    mp3 player - add bigger Hard Drive

    And you'll have a bit of a hard time with the availability on 1.8" HDD-based players like the one in your avatar.
  23. Squalish

    WBT Silver vs Cardas Quad Eutectic Solder?

    Kester silver-bearing eutectic all the way.
  24. Squalish

    In at least one case: iTunes beats EAC in ripping

    I think we should make a distinction between error checking and error correction. All the following is merely my definitions, and is not representative of what actually happens based upon a term determined by Marketting Departments: Error checking means that if it can't read the data, it...
  25. Squalish

    Why I am miffed at the iPod

    There are lots of somewhat old games that NT core OS's can't run, but that's the only problem I know of with XP wrt gaming, aside from the initial batch of incompatabilities when it was released.