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  1. Aboogwa

    SonicAdventure Reality Headphone Amplifier Review

    Quote: Originally posted by bobjew Kelly: The enevitable question: How do you think it may fare against a Maxed out Meta 42? Bob Quote: Originally posted by kelly Many people right now are apparently trying to decide between the MG Head, Corda, META42 and...
  2. Aboogwa

    Golly, New Bose Headphones

    Has anyone actually heard these headphones?
  3. Aboogwa

    headphone comparison model

    Quote: Originally posted by Earregular Is that a linear function or an exponential one ? It's linear, the variable is never raised to a power anywhere. It would be exponential if it were something like P(h) = 3e^h for example
  4. Aboogwa

    hd-600's for computer audio

    ...amp.. (I have not tried max volume, but I suspect the computer's headphone out will have more distortion at ultra high levels) Maybe this is not *technically* true... I'm not very knowledgeable about electronics. It's just based on the observation that I have to turn up the volume knob higher...
  5. Aboogwa

    headphone comparison model

    Quote: Originally posted by Earregular I believe the relationship would look more like this P(h)= he^3 e being eulers # not the letter and h being the price of the headphones If you throw in a number such as 69 ( the price of a pair of SR60s ) you come up with what I remember was...
  6. Aboogwa

    Headphones fatiguing?

    Quote: Originally posted by Magicthyse Oops sorry about the amp - I missed it. However after some burn in I've been listening to the HD600's and I'd say it's your material that's the issue - these are really fatiguing headphones to listen to MP3's on. I can make out artifacts quite...
  7. Aboogwa

    Headphones fatiguing?

    Tim D shivohum was throwing around a link in that thread about how 256 kbp - 320 kbps mp3s were inidistinguishable from WAVs... I personally cannot readily distinguish between CD and high bit rate mp3s on this system.. Wow it's suprising how many people missed this in my original post...
  8. Aboogwa

    Headphones fatiguing?

    I'm listening moderately loud... but not to an unreasonable level (I hope). The thing is if I listen quieter it doesn't sound as good The fatigue is even an issue with 256-320 kbps mp3s
  9. Aboogwa

    Headphones fatiguing?

    Well my main problem with my headphones is that they sound fatiguing... I can listen to music on my computer speakers all day, but when I put on the headphones my ears start hurting after a while and have to take them off... Also this is not a comfort issue, I think the headphones are very...
  10. Aboogwa

    how detrimintal is an RCA to mini adapter to sound quality?

    Will the use of such an adapter to connect a normal interconnect to a mini jack degrade sound quality by a noticeable ammount? And more importantly, can it possibly introduce Radio interference on a shielded cable?
  11. Aboogwa

    Help! My Corda HA-1 is picking up the radio!

    Quote: Originally posted by kelly Yes; Yes [b] I highly doubt it, but you seem determined and it's your money. well I wouldn't say that "determined" is the right word.. it's just a convenient lazyman's alternative... due to the quick shipping (close geographical location) and...
  12. Aboogwa

    Help! My Corda HA-1 is picking up the radio!

    Did the bolder RCA to mini completely solve the radio interference problems by itself (without needing to adjust the bandwith and stuff)? Is it shielded? Do you think the Kimber mini to RCA on headrooms site would get the job done? Quote: Originally posted by kelly The Game...
  13. Aboogwa

    do you need headphones plugged into an amp while burning it in?

    Quote: Originally posted by poorimpulsectrl see subject line for stupid newbie question. thanks Just out of curiosity, what amp is this? And how do you like it?
  14. Aboogwa

    Help! My Corda HA-1 is picking up the radio!

    Quote: Originally posted by kelly I ordered a Twisted Pair Design Game Junkie mini to RCA pair cabel to address this problem and for me, it did not. The Game Junkie had teflon connectors so I suspect the problem is that it just needs shielding on the cable itself. The sound was good...
  15. Aboogwa

    my work system

    Quote: Originally posted by kelly When I wrote the initial post in this thread, I'd intended to clearly identify what my desires were. You point out that my desires are a compromise, but I never denied this. In fact, I stated pretty specifically what I was willing to compromise and why...
  16. Aboogwa

    HD600 Bare Wire...

  17. Aboogwa

    max out meta

    Quote: Originally posted by Possum You could try to build one yourself. This doesn't factor in to the current situation since like to many others this is not an option for me
  18. Aboogwa

    max out meta

    Quote: Originally posted by LTUCCI1924 Aboogwa HI: It took JMT 2 weeks to get to me. A lot of people want an amp built. E-Mail him again. IT seems that all 3 of the amp builders are very busy. hmm... I see... Guess these DIY amps are hard to obtain..
  19. Aboogwa

    HD600 Bare Wire...

    Well on one of the earcups on the HD600, if I look closely through the outer black grille I can see a single strand of thin bare bronze wire running from the bottom to the transducer... Is this a problem?
  20. Aboogwa

    max out meta

    Funny, I wanted to order a maxed out meta, but JMT wouldn't respond to my PMs sent about a week ago after the initial one with the price quot and options... and eric and tangent seemed to be busy Maybe there's a bias toward veteran members? /EDIT oops what a coincidence, just seconds...
  21. Aboogwa

    best budget home amp for hd600

    The thing is I've always heard horror stories of UPS/Fed Ex accidentally "destroying" packages during shipping. I have had one scary experience myself, I ordered something and the box was crushed, luckily the contents seemed OK.. What would I do if for some reason the Corda HA-1 got damaged...
  22. Aboogwa

    best budget home amp for hd600

    Quote: Originally posted by HappymaN Well Headroom has a 30 day return policy. That might come in handy. Also, would you consider any second hand amplifiers? Yeah, are there any other reliable dealers with a good amp selection other than headroom? Wouldn't I run into the same...
  23. Aboogwa

    best budget home amp for hd600

    Also how bad is the tube maintenance/warm up issue? Is it practical to have a tube amp on 24/7 ? How fast do the tubes "burn out" so that they need to be replaced? How bad does the amp sound right after power on and how drastic is the change in quality after a certain time? If these...
  24. Aboogwa

    best budget home amp for hd600

    I've tried the search function but even if I search "Best budget home amp for hd600" or some synonymous phrase a lot of somewhat unrelated results come up. Even so I have accumulated bits and pieces of information about the topic. Unfortunately sometimes this information is vague and sometimes...
  25. Aboogwa

    ER-4P damaged by excessive volume?

    If the ear phone's drivers were to be damage by excessive volume, is it possible that the damage could be gradual or slight, or is the effect always immediately obvious? In other words is it possible that the driver may be slightly damaged and as a consequence will not perform as well as an...