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  1. nOoneNL

    Help me describe bass impact/slam

    Honestly, my advice would be to just get a Schiit Loki EQ. It's one of the best hardware solutions for bassheads, if you ask me. That way you can give a proper bass boost to any and all headphones you're gonna try and/or own down the road.
  2. nOoneNL

    All-in-One DAC/AMP with smooth/warm sound signature

    Well, I bit the bullet and bought a secondhand HD-DAC1 anyway. It's seems you were right on the money @Monsterzero For my taste it was probably enough to hunt down a descent DAC and feed it into the JVC... After many hours of switching back in forth in configuration, I've come to the...
  3. nOoneNL

    All-in-One DAC/AMP with smooth/warm sound signature

    Yep, I use AUX/Tuner inputs exclusively. Alright, so good to know it's not a headphone mismatch sort of thing. My dad bought it new in/around 1977 and the only "service" it has seen since then was some contactspray and compressed air. So yeah, you're probably right. I'll see if I can get a...
  4. nOoneNL

    All-in-One DAC/AMP with smooth/warm sound signature

    This is some solid advice. I will definitly experiment more with the JVC in the chain. Perhaps a different set of headphones will be a better fit and lower the noise floor considerably? You mention AKG's. I'll see if I can pick up a used pair. That's always a risk-free way to try stuff out. In...
  5. nOoneNL

    All-in-One DAC/AMP with smooth/warm sound signature

    That's a solid option! Also really diggin this: Products are shipped from Netherlands (EU) Outside EU pay excluding VAT price EU citizens pay including VAT (No custom fees) Thanks for the tip @gimmeheadroom !
  6. nOoneNL

    All-in-One DAC/AMP with smooth/warm sound signature

    Thanks for the tip, @msing539 , I'll look into the iFi! Oh, and hi @Chuck Dee ! Yeah, greatly enjoy the HD565 thread! I still have my pair, although my wife has claimed them the better of a year now... :) Right, I understand what you're saying. Of course it's all subjective. But I suppose I lean...
  7. nOoneNL

    All-in-One DAC/AMP with smooth/warm sound signature

    I need some help deciding on an all-in-one DAC/AMP to combine with my beloved Sennheiser HD580's. A few years ago I owned a Meier Audio PreHead MkII SE, which was a great amp in many ways. I just really couldn't gel with the clinical/analytical nature or the amp. In contrast, the output of my...
  8. nOoneNL

    Warm closed back, build like a tank

    Great idea! I have an ipod Classic with Rockbox firmware. It plays FLAC files and has a build in EQ. I only tried EQ-ing the 770's with my Schiit Loki, but could never get any satisfying results. The mids remained recessed and lacked liveliness. But I'll definitely give it another go with the...
  9. nOoneNL

    Warm closed back, build like a tank

    Thanks for the suggestion! I somehow discredited the HD300 for looking plasticy and flimsy. Now that I think about it, most Sennheiser phones I owned I would not dare dream about dragging with me everywhere I go. While build quality is ok for home use, it's far from a "tank". Update: I've been...
  10. nOoneNL

    Warm closed back, build like a tank

    Basically, I'm looking for a DT770 with a warm sound signature. You see, for years I used to drag around my DT770 on the outside of my messengerbag, hanging from the strap. It took alot of beating, but never complained. To this day it still works pefectly. So this has become my prime example...
  11. nOoneNL

    The Sennheiser HD580 Impressions Thread probably to keep people from buying 580's and slapping new grills on them? I imagine they figured this hurts the sales of their current HD6** models? Who knows. I was however, determined to get the best out of these cans. After a quick search, I found a supplier in the UK, bit the...
  12. nOoneNL

    THE best female vocals? (your favorite female singers)

    Some of my favorites: Susan Tedeschi (currently singing in the Tedeschi Trucks Band) Maria Mena, in her prime on her album "Viktoria". Here, her voice has matured and this is before she started going downhill musically (IMHO). Susanne Sundfør. Here's just one of her many sublime songs; I...
  13. nOoneNL

    Sennheiser HD565 appreciation and service thread

    I opened up and switched around drivers from my HD545, 565 and 580. I especially liked how the 580 driver sounded in the 565 casing. To my ears it did result in an (ever so slightly) increase in air/space. Could be due to the diffence is grills, could be due the reduction in clamping. Who...
  14. nOoneNL

    Sennheiser HD565 appreciation and service thread

    ...So for soundtracks the likes of Hans Zimmer, Nick Cave & Warren Ellis, etc. I grab the 565's every time. This reminds me to buy a couple of HD6** grills for my 580's someday, seeing as the grill are the only thing setting the HD545 and 565 apart and it does indeed make a pretty significant...
  15. nOoneNL

    Sennheiser HD565 appreciation and service thread

    Wow, that's one impressive collection you've got there! Bravo! Warms my heart after seeing the conditions these are sold in on a regular. Also, as an owner of the HD545, HD565 and HD580, I am very interested in hearing what a HD650 driver sounds like in a HD565 chassis. Care to post a thorough...
  16. nOoneNL

    Why can't I find a headphone that will finally replace my 6xx.

    I'm basically in the same position as you're in right now. I have a HD580 which I deeply enjoy listening to... but then there are times where I dream of deeper bass extension and a larger soundstage. It is at these moments (of weakness?) that I go online and do the same running around in...
  17. nOoneNL

    Beyerdynamic Amiron Home (the new T90)

    Just what I wanted to hear! * Black 880's recessed mids confirmed * More body and life on the Amirons * Cinematic experience = better soundstage than HD580 My ears are ever grateful, my wallet despises you. (Edit: I'll just wisely ignore all this T1 talk for now.)
  18. nOoneNL

    Beyerdynamic Amiron Home (the new T90)

    Yeah isn't the 560S pretty much a restyled HD595? I did own the 595 twice. Great set of cans if you don't have an amp, but they don't scale immensely if you do. Sounstage is pretty wide, but very simplistic and the low end is just not quite there. You're probably right about me not liking...
  19. nOoneNL

    Beyerdynamic Amiron Home (the new T90)

    Thanks for the input @sacguy231 ! I have to admit that I just can't stand the look of the HD700. "A monstrosity" would be putting it lightly.. Haha sorry, I don't mean to sound superficial, but my dabblings with musical instruments have taught me that looks do matter as they can invite you to...
  20. nOoneNL

    Beyerdynamic Amiron Home (the new T90)

    Hoping some Amiron owners could chip in and help me out here :) Right now I own two cans: HD565 and HD580. And, you guessed it, I'm looking to upgrade! What I love about these old Sennheisers is the warmth and musicality, but at the end of the day I just can't get over the soundstage. I'm...
  21. nOoneNL

    The Beyerdynamic DT880 Discussion thread

    So 2 pages back I was praising my all-black DT880's... Well... that was until curiosity got the best of me and I foolishly went out and bought the HD565 & HD580. Over the past few weeks I've been comparing them extensively and... I am saddened to admit that I now really (really) dislike how...
  22. nOoneNL

    Sennheiser vintage HD545 and HD565 headphones

    Thanks for sharing, @ChillToMusic I've found myself a nicely persevered HD565 as well, so now I have both headphones at home to test out. First, let me say that the differences can be subtle, depending on source and material, but they are certainly notable. For those unfamiliar with these...
  23. nOoneNL

    The Beyerdynamic DT880 Discussion thread

    Short answer: Low end. Long winded answer: It it said that only cosmetics, the headband and earpads are different. The latter adding to a difference in sonic signature. Not complete-day-and-night kind of different, but a difference non the less. The treble seems about the same, and so do the...
  24. nOoneNL

    Sennheiser vintage HD545 and HD565 headphones

    IT'S ALIVE!!!:robot: Yea, I'm reviving a nine year old thread.. .Sorry if this is frowned upon, but I've been searching high and low for an answer to basically the very same question: What are the (sonical) differences between the HD545 and HD565, if any? Would highly appreciate some input...
  25. nOoneNL

    The Beyerdynamic DT880 Discussion thread

    I've had the DT880 600ohm twice, but was never quite satisfied with it. It just seemed to lack a certain "fun factor" if you will. I've since tried several other headphones... Such as the DT1990, which I found to be too heavy on the head...and a tiring listening experience overall, due to the...