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  1. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    This would happen with real speakers if you time aligned them with a single microphone. It doesn't mean it's better though... Could you open up an issue in Github for this so that we don't lose this idea? I'm definitely up for exploring the option of disabling the delays in the future when I...
  2. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    They small delays discussed here are indeed based on the idea that every speaker is timed exactly to a single point, which would be the center of the head. Ear not being in the center of the head will hear the different speakers at different times, ever so slightly. Impulcifer attempts to first...
  3. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    Sounds good! I find interesting that you use free field HRTF since that's often perceived to be too bright having no tilt. What's your take on that?
  4. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    If all speakers are equal distance from the center of the head, the delay from different angles arrive at the ears ever so slightly different times. Impulcifer adds these delays intentionally.
  5. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    Someone here should start making open ear canal microphones and selling them. Using as small capsule as possible with a some kind of fitting or clamp to keep the capsule in place at the center of the ear canal opening. Currently the biggest problem with Impulcifer is the headphone compensation...
  6. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    Are you testing with the other computers at exactly the same spot and looking at exactly the same thing? Different spot and view will give your brains different cues for localizing the sounds. If you measured 7 channels, then the HRIR doesn't contain a source that's directly behind you...
  7. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    You can also put a cardboard box in front of you and draw speaker drivers on it and then listen to it the center channel. This might trick your brains into thinking the sound comes from the "speaker" and so make it sound like it's coming from in front of you.
  8. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    It could be visuals affecting your perception of the sound instead of anything technical. If what you hear doesn't match what you see, your brain gets confused and one possible outcome could be that you hear the center coming from behind you. Brains tend to default sounds being perceived coming...
  9. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    Headphone type doesn't generally matter. Planars will work just as well as dynamic headphones.
  10. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    Latency will probably ultimately kill this idea in practice. I've hear head tracking for audio requires sub 10 ms latency to work well and there probably isn't a way to achieve that without real time kernel.
  11. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    I'd love to see this come be and I've toyed with the idea of building it myself but probably won't be have time any time soon. Head tracking would be superb and I would definitely make Impulcifer be able to record more angles to support this if anyone would build or find an existing solution for...
  12. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    For over-ear headphones it's 6 dB and it's on top of a target that doesn't have bass boost and so matches Harman target.
  13. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    I if it looks and sounds right then it's probably right. You could have also done this simpler by adding something like this manually to sound signature box frequency,raw 20,0 700,0 1270,2 2300,0 20000,0
  14. jaakkopasanen Is a Web Application for Equalizing Headphones the Easy Way

    AutoEq is a project for automatically equalizing headphones. While this project is now familiar to many people engaged in headphone hobby, it has always been a bit of a pain to use if you want anything else than the pre-computed presets. is a web app using AutoEq but now with a...
  15. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    Location of the first positive or negative peak of at least -12 dB in the impulse response.
  16. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    I'd say yes since anechoic chamber will sound drastically different than a regular listening room for which the content is produced for.
  17. jaakkopasanen

    EQ Settings for 700+ Headphones

    The profiles are based on frequency response measurements. You can't do those realistically yourself. /u/oratory1990 in Reddit has been measuring (at least in the past) headphones people send to him so you could contact him to ask if he'd be willing to measure your pair with the pads you have...
  18. jaakkopasanen

    EQ Settings for 700+ Headphones

    The DAC and amp don't affect the sound unless they're broken.
  19. jaakkopasanen

    EQ Settings for 700+ Headphones

    You say you are not using the original earpads? The earpads have a tremendous impact on the frequency response of a headphone and so you can't use eq settings made based on measurements done with the original earpads.
  20. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    I think most of the modern gaming targeted motherboards do 7.1 and have done for a decade now. I have ASUS ROG STRIX B550-F GAMING. IIRC I had to install the prorietary audio drivers though.
  21. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    I have my HD 800 connected directly to the motherboard and I'm getting just barely enough volume although I don't like to listen so loud. Previously I had ODAC+02 combo but since motherboard's audio drivers are 7.1, I don't need to use virtual cable or any other hacks to make surround sound...
  22. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    Check the product page or manual but I'd think the XLR connectors should have built-in convertor to work with phantom power. They microphone capsules themselves work with 3-10 volts and will fry with 48 volts phantom power.
  23. jaakkopasanen

    EQ Settings for 700+ Headphones

    I'll announce it when the time comes...
  24. jaakkopasanen

    Recording Impulse Responses for Speaker Virtualization

    You could measure just the new headphones and run the processing again. This requires that you have good consistency with your mic placement (the mics need to be in the same positions as the were when you made the original measurements).
  25. jaakkopasanen

    EQ Settings for 700+ Headphones

    I won't be adding more curves to the existing graphs but there is a proper solution for this that I'm working on. Window size is the smoothing window size and affects how smooth the smoothed curves are. This does affect equalizer frequency response, but indirectly.