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  1. ComfyCan

    Learning guitar on a budget? (not sure which Subforum this goes in....)

    There are tons of websites dedicated to guitar and learning guitar, in addition to the more traditional (and costly) book/dvd route. I'd just dive in and start learning basic chords and strum patterns. Youtube is also a great resource. Just put your favorite artist and the word "cover" in the...
  2. ComfyCan

    S.O.S.--need help diagnosing/correcting noise

    What I'd like to do is throw the pesky thing (Blackberry/cell phone)into the river. Probably not a good career move though. Remember how these things were supposed to make life easier?
  3. ComfyCan

    S.O.S.--need help diagnosing/correcting noise

    Quote: Originally Posted by Orcin If it starts again, try removing your cell phone from the area. This turned out to be a huge factor as well. The problem improved quite a bit when I reset the tubes, but there's no doubt that my pesky Blackberry is the primary cause. When I...
  4. ComfyCan

    So that is why Vinyl was invented....finally understood the hype.

    Vinyl is very rewarding, once you get past the initial investment stage. In my view, the "initial investment stage" also includes picking up a record cleaning machine. I had trouble believing the hype, but now that I have one I do not know how I survived without it. It turns junk into gold.
  5. ComfyCan


    ...Especially because I loved Scar Tissue every time I heard it on TV/Radio. The album version is really bad though. It's clipping like a mother****er.. I downloaded the album in nice lossless. Will getting the real thing be any better? This is pretty lifeless, and did I mention the...
  6. ComfyCan

    S.O.S.--need help diagnosing/correcting noise

    I may be jumping the gun here, but I think the problem was that one of the phonstage tubes was just not seated properly. I switched them, as Jade suggested and the problem didn't move--it disappeared, which is of course ideal . Thanks much! I was hoping it was just a "little thing" like that...
  7. ComfyCan

    S.O.S.--need help diagnosing/correcting noise

    Checking now (never would have thought of that). Update to follow; thanks.
  8. ComfyCan

    Californication - RHCP: Clipping?

    RHCP's Californication has been the "poster child" for the loundness wars since it was released. It seems to have been surpassed in terms of both "awfulness" & media attention by Metallica's "Death Magnetic" earlier this year. Here's a wiki on the subject: Loudness war - Wikipedia, the free...
  9. ComfyCan

    Who has been the greatest live act ever?

    Let's see. In the "old days," the best shows I saw were: 1) Zeppelin (just because) 2) Springsteen, twice (nobody could fire up an auditorium like that guy) 3) The Who In recent times, I'd have to give the nod to The Red Hot Chili Peppers. I didn't even like their music until I saw them...
  10. ComfyCan

    S.O.S.--need help diagnosing/correcting noise

    I have a noise in my system that is driving me nuts. It only occurs when I use my turntable, never when playing cd's. It is only in the right channel, and it sounds like "Dat-did-did-did-did," in rapid-fire. It happens every few minutes, and only lasts for 2-4 seconds. The sound is quite similar...
  11. ComfyCan

    Help choosing a new turntable

    ...This board is surprisingly active and full of helpful people That's because you inadverently started a "Technics vs. Rega" thread, which is *always* a very heated debate on every audio forum on the internet. There are literally hundreds of threads on this subject on the various...
  12. ComfyCan

    I like all kinds of music, except country...

    I always thought I couldn't stand country either until I really gave it a try. I found that there were quite a few artists that I enjoyed. For example, I've always been a sucker for nice female vocals. There are a lot of good ones in country, e.g. Sara Evans; Martina McBride. Then there's...
  13. ComfyCan

    Looking for a good beginners replacement catridge.

    LPGear also sells the AT 440MLa for $99, which is a lot less than I paid for mine. I have heard very good things about the Denon DL-110, but I've never tried it.
  14. ComfyCan

    Reducing vinyl LP surface noise

    That's pretty cool. Naturally, I just bought several bottles of various MFL potions & rinses, which of course cost 1,000 times more than a bottle of vinegar. I must say I have been really impressed with my new (used) VPI 16.5 though. I had a hard time believing this thing would actually be worth...
  15. ComfyCan

    technics 1200?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Pangaea I got your PM- however I am not sure you want to replicate my procedure. I do not use anti skate, and as far as the level- I just leveled it off and then set it to 1.5. Perhaps someone with more experience can give advice on their settings, I...
  16. ComfyCan

    technics 1200?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Pangaea I just did the Cardas Rewire and got the upgraded cart. The Fluid Dampner looked interesting. I researched the heck out of this before I ordered mine. I don't remember seeing anyone who had this mod that did not believe it was worth it. I did a...
  17. ComfyCan

    technics 1200?

    Quote: Originally Posted by searchenabler Don't bother with wire upgrade or the dampening padel. Neither thing addresses the problematic resonances of the SL-1200's arm. There are quite a large number of people who disagree with this statement. I personally do not have the...
  18. ComfyCan

    "Brother In Arms" - Dire Straits

    I have the original redbook CD which is quite good, and Stan Ricker's vinyl 1/2 speed remaster which sounds a bit better to me. That could easily just be my preference for vinyl though--they are both excellant. I haven't heard any recent remasters on CD. What a great album.
  19. ComfyCan

    2-way "bookshelf" speaker recommendations?

    I also have the Wharfedale Diamond 9.1's and I am very happy with them. I bought the 75th anniversary ltd. edtion version, but I doubt they sound any different than the base model. Great value IMO.
  20. ComfyCan

    Which Who?

    Here's a few more suggestions. The "Tommy" 5.1 mix is fantastic. The DVD-A will also play in dolby digital on regular dvd players if you don't have DVD-A capability. The album "Who's Next" is also a must-own. Many consider it to be the greatest rock album of all time. There is a redbook...
  21. ComfyCan


    An old thread, but a new aquisition for me. I have always enjoyed this CD, but like so many overcompressed works it was strictly for use in the car. Not anymore. I just picked up the 180gr. LP box set and WOW. Of course I'm also listening on a new turntable which adds excitement, but this...
  22. ComfyCan

    technics 1200?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Pangaea I picked up a KAB modded 1200 from Kevin and love it. It can certainly get pricey but I felt it was worth it to know it was done right. The sound is really something. Especially if you spend a lot of time listening to digital music. Me...
  23. ComfyCan

    How to maintain VPI 16.5 record cleaning machine?

    I contacted the guy I bought it from, who told me he had always wondered the same thing because this unit has no drain hose. VPI told him that the early units were sealed, and do not use a drain hose. Apparetly, they just seal the chamber with some kind of polyurethane and put a sponge in there...
  24. ComfyCan

    How to maintain VPI 16.5 record cleaning machine?

    Well that sucks, because there definitely is no hose and I see no place to attach one. I suppose I'll have to take the thing apart and try and figureout what's up. Thanks.
  25. ComfyCan

    How to maintain VPI 16.5 record cleaning machine?

    I just picked up a used VPI 16.5 RCM off e-bay and I'm enjoying the benefits of clean records. I am, however, wondering where the waste fluids are going. This unit was originally a HW-16 that was upgraded by the previous owner to a 16.5 (not sure if that matters or not). The instruction...