Recent content by Phloodpants
  1. Phloodpants

    iRiver iHP-120 not world friendly..

    FWIW, I took a JB3 all over Europe, India and Nepal using whatever plug adapter would fit. Worked like a charm. The unit itself is still in good shape even after riding pillion on an Enfield 535.
  2. Phloodpants

    Please help me drown out loud clacking typing!

    Go back to the source. This is your solution if she will accept it... This might not be acceptable to a fast typist like herself, but maybe a regular soft touch keyboard? She might be using an old IBM Model M type, which have the...
  3. Phloodpants

    etys foamies or silacon

    This is all very variable depending on the shape of your ear. I use the foamies because my ear canal makes a sharp turn after the opening. The silicones push up against this wall and get blocked. Just gotta try them and find what's best for you.
  4. Phloodpants


    The microphonic effect should be about nil. They use a very thin teflon coated cable that wraps over the ear.
  5. Phloodpants


    Well, I got my musician's earplugs from Sensapohonics. They cost me $400 in the end, including all three filter varieties (9, 15, 25db) and a hearing test (up to 18K!) Worth every cent! I use them all the time. Sensaphonics is a class operation. The Doc there really knows his stuff and he...
  6. Phloodpants

    BINAURAL 4th of July Fireworks!

    Agreed actually... I think the music and the crowd are very distracting...
  7. Phloodpants

    BINAURAL 4th of July Fireworks!

    Hey people! I've got more binaural action for you! For those of you not familiar with the process, I'll explain briefly. This recording was made with tiny omnidirectional capsules places directly in my ears. This way, everything is recorded as the ear hears it. When played back in...
  8. Phloodpants

    binaural recordings

    Kelly, you've seen my recent threads about this I assume?? It's not music, but it is cool... Also, 'From the Caves of the Iron Mountain' is indeed awesome! Highly recommended...
  9. Phloodpants

    More BINAURAL fun! Chicago's Magnificent Mile!

    Tuberoller, I explain the equipment more in my other thread... Subways and trains are going to be done soon! Although I don't think a motorcycle would turn out too well. The wind noise would drown everything out unless you devise some...
  10. Phloodpants

    Save your ears! Review of Etymotic ER-15 Musicians earplugs

    Hey people! I just did the deed and got a pair of these... They are earplugs that are designed to have FLAT FREQUENCY RESPONSE! See the graph... You need to go to an audiologist to have custom earmolds made for these. What they...
  11. Phloodpants

    More BINAURAL fun! Chicago's Magnificent Mile!

    Just did this one today around lunchtime. Mile.mp3 Warning: 22MB! Again, you must use headphones for this! The better they are, the more realistic this will sound. It starts out with me walking up to the corner of Michigan and Ohio. I stand...
  12. Phloodpants

    Made a cool BINAURAL recording today...

    I go into more detail on the Home Recording BBS...
  13. Phloodpants

    Made a cool BINAURAL recording today...

    I'm using a pair of Panasonic WM-61 omnidirectional condenser capsules. They are about the size of a small aspirin. I take a yellow foam squishy earplug, cut it in half and burn a hole for the capsule to fit inside with a soldering iron. A little super glue holds it in place. I stick the whole...
  14. Phloodpants

    Made a cool BINAURAL recording today...

    Phidauex, I am 6'6" tall, I have a larger head than most humanoids, blond/brown hair (shaggy at the moment) that is receding faster than civil rights in America. My skin was fairly clean at the time, but I did have a wicked 5:00 shadow. I can't recommend any plastic surgeons, nor would I...
  15. Phloodpants

    Made a cool BINAURAL recording today...

    2-channel--- yes, you could definitely record the music playing in a room through good speakers. It would sound almost exactly like being there. Quite a lot of work to get a good crossfeed effect, but what the hell? I'm sure it would be better than a circuit. But you do have the...