Recent content by paulhar
  1. paulhar

    IEM Repx

    Grr... title should be "IEM Repair UK". Having a bad week. Had one of my UE5pros earbuds fall apart. Both the drivers are intact but one of the wires inside came away from it's solder and it needs a super-fine re-soldering job. And one of our kittens managed to chew through my emergency...
  2. paulhar

    Suggestions for portables after e2c & ue 5 pros please?

    I'll try to avoid a wall-of-text and hopefully you've got time to read what I'm looking for. Thanks in advance! I'm giving up on IEM - I switched from E2c's to UE 5 Pros about a year ago after reading lots of advice about the various phones people were using. I found the E2cs were too hard...
  3. paulhar

    Need some new headphones, but which ones should I get?

    Just plug em in and stick em on your head. Then push play and tell us if the sound is good or not. I too have the agony when choosing headphones (in ear vs. closed) - I'm on my second pair of EX71's and threw my E2c's in the drawer after a couple of weeks of having my ears glow in pain - a...