Recent content by Lamby90
  1. Lamby90

    How to fix IEM Shell

    Thanks for the reply! A lot of work I see, I'm not that good in the DIY I'll try my best. Thanks again, yours looks good
  2. Lamby90

    How to fix IEM Shell

    Same problem here, I contact them and they told me it was not their fault but I see I'm not the only one with the problem. Have you fixed them? How?
  3. Lamby90

    ThieAudio Monarch MKII Experience

    Happy owner of the Monarch MKII since 2022, these days I noticed a really bad crack on the right shell. Anyone else have this problem? I mean, I always stored them in their case and never drop them, these days I just accidentally noticed that.
  4. Lamby90

    Popular Classical Music

    I'm in love with this version of this masterpiece by Bach
  5. Lamby90

    DX240 DAP. DAC ES9038PRO - NEW: AMP8MK2S .****** NEW Firmware! 2.01 *******

    Hello, my dx240 has arrived today. I put some of my (local) files on it and tried to open them with mango player and foobar but foobar don't recognise the dsd (.dsf files) but mango does. Why? I'll probably will just use mango but it bothers me that foobar doesn't recognise the dsd files. Is...
  6. Lamby90

    DX240 DAP. DAC ES9038PRO - NEW: AMP8MK2S .****** NEW Firmware! 2.01 *******

    Just bought this dap on 11/11 on HifiGo (hoping on some 11/11 discount but nothing on this sadly), shipped today. My first really expensive dap (previously I had the Sony NW-A55), hope I'll like it, bought because of the output power to drive my (current and future) IEM. BTW with this output...
  7. Lamby90

    Need advice for a DAP

    Sorry the double post, I've just sold my Sony dap. In my hunt for a new dap I have come to a crossroads (I'm impatiently waiting for the 11/11 on hifigo or linsoul to buy the new one, hoping some good discount), the two options are: -Cayin n3 Pro (414€ right now) -IBasso DX240 (794€ right now)...
  8. Lamby90

    Need advice for a DAP

    Hello all, I'm just thinking to upgrade my current portable setup (Sony NW-A55 with a FiiO BTR5) with a DAP. Mainly because I'm always concerned not to have enough power to drive my IEMs (KBear BElieve, Starfield, GK10, Blon 03, Blon 01, ecc) and secondly I want to remove the bluetooth from the...
  9. Lamby90

    Hifiman Sundara (HE400i upgraded, around $500)

    Yes, few weeks ago. If i remember correctly it took less than a month. Unfortunately I haven't got much time to test it but for the few hours I tried it it worked really well. The cable itself is very soft (not like the default cable) and the sound is good, I didn't hear any difference between...
  10. Lamby90

    Hifiman Sundara (HE400i upgraded, around $500)

    I'm listening right now my Sundara (2020 version) with the Topping A90 set in high gain and it is phenomenal, heavenly good (in single ended with original cable). So the A90 is more than enough for the Sundara in my opinion. I've just bought btw a balanced cable for them from aliexpress (very...
  11. Lamby90

    Sundara with a high output impedance amp?

    That's an idea. But is there a headphones amp with 3 rca inputs? I have the turntable, cd player and tape deck all connected with RCA to the amp. I can keep the Yamaha just in case in the future I can listen the music with speaker but right now I have to listen with headphones
  12. Lamby90

    Sundara with a high output impedance amp?

    Sorry if I resume this old topic of mine, but I've just discovered that the output impedance of my turntable amp is (I send and email to Yamaha) 470 mV/470 Ω. That's a loooooot, which headphones could be paired with this output impedance? Forgot the Sundara of course, my dt 990 pro 250 ohm...
  13. Lamby90

    Need help with portable setup, overwhelmed too many choices

    The plus version of the xduoo xd 05 has 1.000 mW at 32 ohm too. But I didn't know the xCan was 1.000 mW too, I read another number my mistake. That change the game, xCan with the Bluetooth could be a better choice. Ifi xCan 299€ Xd 05 plus 239€ Plus of the xCan is the Bluetooth. Ps I know the...
  14. Lamby90

    Need help with portable setup, overwhelmed too many choices

    Yes, bluetooth is more convenient. But soundwise? I always can use cable to plug the sony to the amp, with an adapter usb female to usb c? That's not a problem a little more weight, i work on a table I always can put it on the table near me.
  15. Lamby90

    Need help with portable setup, overwhelmed too many choices

    Yes, it's one of the option. But isn't the XDuuo XD 05 plus better? To pair with the sony