Recent content by Kevinda
  1. Kevinda

    Should I sell my Koss and get some Senn MX 400/500?

    mx500 and mx400 leak out way too much sound and it bothers people around you if you listen to them on high volumes on public transport (not like you have a choice, there is pretty much no isolation and its worse when there are no foamies)
  2. Kevinda

    NEW Irivers for 2004

    * me starts saving for ihp-300.
  3. Kevinda

    Audigy ES VS GTXP

    ok, I am thinking about getting rid of my beloved GTXP considering I dont use speakers anymore... What would give me better sound quality for mp3's on my Beyer Dynamic DT531? Audigy ES or a GTXP... Thanks :P (please no revo comments, I cant afford it.. not after all the audio gear I...
  4. Kevinda

    Karma vs iHp vs Zen Xtra

    The Zen also has a custom 5band EQ........
  5. Kevinda

    Favorite Single Line of Lyrics

    Kataonia – No Good Can Come of This “I read a letter I never sent, saw me smiling in a picture, whatever made me feel so?”
  6. Kevinda

    Karma or Nomad?

    Well my headphone jack is fine, I use it for about 2 hours a day and constantly switching the sound output devices connected to the headphone jack... ie when out I use my headphone and when I am at home and want to listen to my mp3's on my stereo I take out the headphone plug and stick in the...
  7. Kevinda

    Your 5 newest CDs (or LPs)

    yeah I dont see why people are criticising them for softening their sound. I think this cd is alot more matured and much more better than the "sound of fake progress"
  8. Kevinda

    Karma or Nomad?

    just because it looks more difficult to use doesnt mean that IS more difficult to use in practice.
  9. Kevinda

    Help make up my mind. IPod 20GB or Nomad Zen Xtra 30 GB

    The sound quality IS different!! I tried out a friends ipod 3rd gen a few weels ago and compared the same songs multiple times with me creative zen nx 30gig using no EQ settings what so ever just straight from the source which isthe way the song was meant to be listened with not over...
  10. Kevinda

    Your 5 newest CDs (or LPs)

    I bought these cd's in the past 2 weeks... Soilwork - The Chainheart Machine In Flames - The Jester Race Soilwork - Steel Bath Suicide Soilwork - Figure Number Five Soilwork - A Predator's Portrait Lostprophets - Start Something
  11. Kevinda

    Another List, Top 100 Rock/Metal CDs

    Well I made this list a few weeks ago on the OCAU forums but I might as well post it here Favorite Fifty Albums 1. The Haunted - The Haunted 2. Soilwork - A Predator's Portrait 3. In Flames - The Jester Race 4. Immortal - Sons of Nothern Darkness 5. At The Gates - Slaughter Of The...
  12. Kevinda

    Nomadness scared me out of an Xtra

    Anyway back to the topic, the Zen NX is easily the BEST portable audio device I have EVER owned hands down. Functional, great sound quality, good battery life, ability to store my entire music collection and select albums on random and a good mp3 database system (which remembers tracknumbers...