Recent content by iBud destroyer
  1. iBud destroyer

    Sound leakage of Sennheiser HD25 vs. ATH M50?

    Has anyone compared the sound leakage of the Sennheiser HD25 against the ATH M50? Given the HD25 being supra-aural and the M50 being circum-aural I would assume the M50 would leak less sound at a given volume, but reviews have said the HD25's also have very little leakage, which surprises me.
  2. iBud destroyer

    Are the Eternas too bulbous?

    I'm interested in the Fischer Audio Eternas but they appear very big and bulbous. Can any Eterna owners comment on the size of the IEMs? Do they hide within your ears or attract attention? I would like to wear them in public without being stared at :)
  3. iBud destroyer

    Klipsch x10 bass and sub bass compared to other IEMs?

    Thanks. It's interesting to know it's comparable to the Eterna in bass response. That would put it in basshead territory. When I said reference point, I meant the reviews weren't comparing it to other IEMs. Admittedly I was referring to the Amazon reviews. I've since dug up some old threads here...
  4. iBud destroyer

    Klipsch x10 bass and sub bass compared to other IEMs?

    I'm interested in the bass and sub-bass response of the Klipsch x10's. Some say it is high in quality and quantity, but don't give a reference point. How does the x10 compare to other basshead phones like the IE8, Atrio M8, Hippo VB, Eterna et al.?
  5. iBud destroyer

    Hippo VB or Atrio M8?

    One last question. After so much research (3 weeks), I would rather buy one expensive IEM than end up with several cheaper ones. Since Hippo VB has sub bass, Eterna has mid-bass, what is a more expensive IEM which has both sub and mid bass, as well as a "musical" sound signature? Would it be the...
  6. iBud destroyer

    Hippo VB or Atrio M8?

    That's surprising. The metal body of the Hippo VB looked much sturdier than the plastic Atrio. Do you think the Atrio is still a smart buy in 2011? Is there anything else for a similar price which outperforms the Atrio without sibilance issues?
  7. iBud destroyer

    Hippo VB or Atrio M8?

    After much deliberation I've narrowed my choices down to the Hippo VB or Atrio M8. I like a smooth, musical sound which I can get lost in. I also like strong bass. I am sensitive to sibilance so I am hesitant to buy the Hippo VB. From what I've read, the Atrio M8 is like a smooth Hippo VB. What...
  8. iBud destroyer

    $100 range IEMs with good bass response, isolation and build quality?

    So many options! I could spend a month reading these forums and still not choose one. Of those listed above, which ones are more popular and less muddy than the others?   Would you say the RE0's are completely lacking any bass punch?
  9. iBud destroyer

    $100 range IEMs with good bass response, isolation and build quality?

    I am in the market for a new pair of $100 IEMs. I am coming from bass-heavy IEMs so I'm after something which will let me feel the bass. I am leaning towards the SoundMAGIC PL50 but the appreciation thread has some mixed feelings about the low-end. I'm also interested in the Etymotic MC5 because...