Recent content by dromios
  1. dromios

    Post pics of your builds....

    That thing looks like it'd be illegal to own.
  2. dromios

    Audio-GD FUN vs. Matrix Mini-i Amp+DAC

    Can't seem to find much information on the comparison of these two.  Has anyone tested both of them out or have a good idea about the internal components of each?  I'm pairing with an AKG K702 with USB source if that changes anything.  I'm also interested in whether or not the sound quality of...
  3. dromios

    Blu-Ray as a DAC?

    I opened up a threat in a different category about what amp to use with a pair of AKG K702s.  I decided on the Audio-GD C2 but I have no source besides my iPhone+Dock, so I opted to go with the Augio-GD FUN instead.  I was thinking for a little bit about possible sources and thought my Insignia...
  4. dromios

    C-2C Purchase Information and Questions in General with AKG K702

    Just opened up the AKG K701's and I have to say, even using a Total Bithead as a DAC/AMP I'm VERY impressed.  I'm glad I chose these over the HD 595's, they're on a totally different level in my opinion (relative to the music I've tried thus far).  Can't wait to see what a decent amp/dac combo...
  5. dromios

    C-2C Purchase Information and Questions in General with AKG K702

    I really wanted to get the C2 but Kingwa and many others advised strongly against it without a decent source, so I'm either going with the FUN or Sparrow.  If money wasn't an issue I'd certainly get the FUN + Earth, but unfortunately it is so the Sparrow is something I'm looking a bit more into...
  6. dromios

    C-2C Purchase Information and Questions in General with AKG K702

    God, i'm burnt the hell out, continuing to do some research and finishing finals while I wait for the 702's to get in tomorrow afternoon.  I don't think in the near future I'm going to have enough money to get a good stand-alone DAC to power the C2/M-Stage and I'm coming to the conclusion that...
  7. dromios

    C-2C Purchase Information and Questions in General with AKG K702

    I guess the thing that's making me lean towards the M-Stage over the C-2 is simply the price.  From what I hear both complement the headphone's nature very well, especially with acoustic (my big thing).  I am just now looking at Audio-dg's DAC/AMP solutions the Spawwor and FUN and am trying to...
  8. dromios

    C-2C Purchase Information and Questions in General with AKG K702

    Frank, I was wondering where you ordered the Matrix from?  coolfungadget on this forum or through ebay?  Thanks for the recommendation as well it seems to be a thought out one.
  9. dromios

    C-2C Purchase Information and Questions in General with AKG K702

    Thanks for the quick responses.  The only reason I am looking at these models in particular is because they are well paired with the AKG K701, but I'm starting to thing that an iPod with lossless output will still be a bottleneck with this setup.  Has anyone played with the Audio-dg FUN, which...
  10. dromios

    C-2C Purchase Information and Questions in General with AKG K702

    Hello everyone,   I'm brand new to the forums and found you guys while researching my first semi-expensive headphone purchase.  I originally went with the HD 595's and HeadRoom Total BitHead.  I've probably put over 100 hours on each over the last week and a half and it's really making me...