Closed: Full set of Beyerdynamic Xelento oval tips (OEM)
Listing ID: 48338 Views: 1629
0.01 USD
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  1. United States of America
Wish to purchase a full set of OEM oval tips. OK if previously used. Will pay reasonable price.
Thanks for reading my listing!
Listed by: HiFlight (330)
Listed: 2023-05-25

Sonic Sleuth

You might want to purchase them new from Beyerdynamic Germany. I just got mine and the price is reasonable


Headphoneus Supremus
You might want to purchase them new from Beyerdynamic Germany. I just got mine and the price is reasonable
Thanks much! Do you happen to have a link to them?

Sonic Sleuth



Headphoneus Supremus
Thanks so much. I really appreciate your help!

Sonic Sleuth



Headphoneus Supremus
I found the complete set but unfortunately the Gen1 set was out of stock so I tried to place my order for the Gen2 set, however I was unable to address my order to anywhere other than Germany or Austria so it seems I am at a dead end. I will try Beyerdynamic-US and see if they have them.
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Sonic Sleuth

Ideally they should. I did own the Gen 1 and the nozzle was the same oval shaped one and the same size (recollecting from memory).

Sonic Sleuth

Check this thread.

One of the users had this to say:

I bought the Xelento Gen 2 eartips to try them with the Xelento Gen 1 ... They are a bit more conventional shape then the former Dark Vador's helmet, though they are still oval and shaped to fit perfectly around the drivers, so seal is really very good and maybe they can be inserted just a bit deeper in the ear canal and so stay better in this position.

I am not sure there is any improvement in sound quality, but with the Xelento Gen 1, it's like a step in comfort and they seem to stay easier in the same place, so worth to pay for it.


Headphoneus Supremus
I couldn't place an order to anywhere but Germany or Austria.


Headphoneus Supremus
The Gen2 tip set is also sold out on the US site so it appears that I am out of luck for now.