Closed: Ak mkll
Listing ID: 25462 Views: 692
124.99 USD
Or best offer
Ships to
  1. North America
Looks rough plays great
Listed by: madmonkey (0)
Listed: 2022-05-10


100+ Head-Fier
With no lack of respect (I think it can sell for this price, just maybe not as fast as you expected) I'm only going to offer following to help with what might be a useful explanation.

I think the hesitation comes from the 4 year age, the rough condition, and the comparatively limited features, compared to newer items on the market.
A Hiby R3 Pro used in mint condition for $130 is more compact and light, has a more responsive UI, USB type C, has more features, better Bluetooth, possibly better DAC chip (based on opinion/taste), has better battery life, etc.
The only reason this would cost more/the same is the branding and perhaps the original price it sold for 4 years ago, which for consumers today is irrelevant compared to its actual function.