Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Absolute wrecker of a review! enjoyed every bit of the ride.
Ha, thank-you. It is maybe a confusing, wacky and long visit into typical audiophile ideas. It is rambling and long, and I don’t exactly even know what it is? Lol But I’m glad somebody liked it. Cheers! :confused:
It is well done and rooted in the scientific method.
alexandros a
alexandros a
Very good RED..
To my ears this is a sub bass focused set with little to no color over the mids.. Reminiscent from time to time of another GEM : Yanyin Aladdin.. with the exceptional airy midrange but only here the weighty oomph coming from those DDs is clearly superior and more than noticeable..
@alexandros a,
Thanks, I was speculating on value and I’m guessing the bass quality along with the ways the BAs sound makes it a nice package, especially since there is nothing overly offensive here as far as a tune? Ya that oomph, it IS great isn’t it, because it’s both actually detailed, clear and prominent, but not overbearing?
alexandros a
alexandros a
Not overbearing in any case yes true man.. Only downside noticed occasionaly is a slight BA timbre as far as tonality goes... But its wide with good element spatiality and space and a transparent midrange slightly on the darkee side.. A good effort...