I'm gettin' nothin' for Xmas....except SACD!
Dec 21, 2001 at 2:17 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 11


His body's not a canvas, and he wasn't raised by apes.
Jun 29, 2001
This must come as a shock to everyone here, after all my anti-new format rants...

But after reading in TAS that Universal Music has joined the SACD club, and seeing an advert for Sony SACD player for $449 CDN, I got curious.

My wife sees me continually poring over the ad, hinting, so I sez "Here's my Xmas present. I'll go buy it, you wrap it and give it to me for Xmas!"

So it's done. Includes free SACD of "Kind Of Blue" too. For the first time in years, I'm anxious for Xmas. And I've ordered two more titles Joe Satriani "Engines Of Creation" and Weather Report "Heavy Weather". I also want to get the Telarc Robert Shaw/ASO of "The Firebird".

So we'll see what happens. I'll report back after the 25th!

Any SACD recommended titles? Ones where people found a big improvement over the CD version?
Dec 21, 2001 at 6:42 PM Post #2 of 11
I just checked the weather report for hell... snow is in the forecast

Hehe, just teasing. Congrats, Beagle! You of course have to tell us what you think. Which player are you getting?

My two favorite SACDs are Thelonious Monk "Straight, No Chaser" and Isaac Stern's rendition of Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons." But I haven't really beefed up my SACD collection yet, so I'm sure there are lots of others just as good. The trick is finding them for a good price. Many stores jack the price up to obscene levels.
Dec 21, 2001 at 7:19 PM Post #3 of 11
The day the Pearl Jam catalog is released in either DVD-A or SACD (most likly being Sony label) I'll buy the player *and* the whole catalog that day! Viva la vinyl my foot...

Congrat's I'm jealous. Let us know how Kind of Blue is. That's my favorite Miles Davis recording!
Dec 21, 2001 at 8:02 PM Post #4 of 11
Dec 25, 2001 at 2:54 AM Post #6 of 11
An SACD rig is *all* you're getting? P-cha...I'm getting four CDs!

Congrats, man.....Merry Christmas to ye, and happy listenin'....
Dec 27, 2001 at 5:06 PM Post #7 of 11
OK, while you people were filling up 8 pages of new posts
I was listening to my new toy.

First off, the unit works fine as a CD player, and I can use the optical out directly into my MD deck. However, the optical out does NOT work when using SACD. Sony does not want the DSD copied, I guess. But I can still use the analog out which is pretty much the same thing.

I won't comment on SACD sound too much at this point, as the only disc I have is the freebie included, Miles Davis "Kind Of Blue". I know it sounds sacrilegious, but I have never quite taken to this recording. I appreciate it for what it is, but it's not really my cup of tea. It's just that the constant ride cymbal and three note mantra gets on my wick after a bit. But the solos are wonderful in places. And Blue In Green and Flamenco Sketches are very relaxing and soothing.

Anyway, I compared the Sony Legacy SBM remaster with the SACD version. Now, the SBM version is an excellent transfer, but the SACD beats it. The sound is more open, the dynamics are wider and more natural, and the instrumental timbres are much more accurate. The trumpet and sax (all instruments actually) have proper and delicate overtones which appear to be reproduced correctly on the SACD version. There is also much more presence of air and sense of openness. The biggest difference was the absence of glare and upper midrange harshness on the trumpet. The whole recording just sounds more natural. It sounds probably more close to analog but does not sound like vinyl. But like LP's, you can relax, listen and enjoy for longer periods of time. Again, this recording is not really my bag, but I was able to keep listening like it was an actual performance.

AS I said, since this is the only disc I had, I'll have to get back with further comments after I receive the Satriani and Weather Report SACD's.

It's kind of sad that I cannot simply go down to the music shops and buy a couple. They have to be ordered.
Dec 27, 2001 at 7:52 PM Post #8 of 11
SACD rules! Ok, somebody said that before I did.
The lastest SACD titles I picked up were from a local Best Buy store and most of them that they had were $16.99. I did have to yell at the kiddie working there because they had put some boxes in front of the display so I couldn't get to them. Once the idiots got rid of the boxes I could actually get to all the display and I picked up about 4 or 5.
Dec 27, 2001 at 10:44 PM Post #9 of 11

I won't comment on SACD sound too much at this point, as the only disc I have is the freebie included, Miles Davis "Kind Of Blue".

Yours came with Miles!?! Mine came with the Sony sampler. Beagle, if you're not a fan of KoB, I'll gladly trade you the Sony sampler for your KoB. It has Bernstein, Yo-Yo Ma, Miles, Weather Report, Dylan, Billy Joel, Willie Nelson, Luther Vandross, and Cyndi Lauper (weird mix, yes).
Jan 4, 2002 at 7:33 PM Post #10 of 11
Hmmmm......that sampler sounds tempting. But I am really beginning to warm up to Kind Of Blue, especially with the SACD sound. The instruments sound very real, especially through the SR325. And it has senitmental value, it was a Chrsitmas present

Maybe I can get another copy and trade with you.

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