verum one
  1. A

    Verum One MKII 5 month review and journey

    Verum One in 3 sentences: The Verum One offers a very distinct sonic signature from most headphones on the market that sounds more like a speaker than a headphone. The Verum One is easy to drive on most any device, but you won't know what you're missing until you put it onto an amp with real...
  2. bogginhead

    Audeze Sine DX vs Fostex T60rp vs Verum One...need help deciding on this!

    I recently received a pair of Audeze Sine DX in a trade, and purchased 3D adapters and over-the-ear earpads for them. I like the sound of them (though I'm dealing with what I guess is driver flex in the right ear; I've emailed Audeze about this and am awaiting a response) and love their...