thieaudio divinity
  1. I

    Thieaudio v16 divinity vs Focal stellia

    Hello, these two headphones are very unrelated to each other, but I'm still stuck between the two. Which one should I get? This is the first time I will try such a high-end headset and frankly, I want it to be at a very good level. Can you help me? I'm curious about your opinions and...
  2. Thieaudio Divinity V16

    Thieaudio Divinity V16

    THIEAUDIO V16 Divinity 16 BA Driver Flagship In-Ear Monitor Thieaudio’s Summit Of Technical Innovation 16 Knowles And Sonion Balanced Armatures In Each Side 5 Way Crossover SystemPerfect And fullness Tuning Ultra-pure silver-plated OCC Copper Litz Wires X modular Plug Design Cable PRODUCT...