sub 500
  1. J

    Sub $500 Balanced Closed Back Headphones for Jotunheim OG W/DAC

    The title kinda says it all, what is a good sub 500 closed back and balanced headphone for the Jotunheim OG with a AKM Dac (may upgrade to the ESS.) I'm upgrading from the Jot OG to Jot 2 for my main system and I am planning on bringing the Jot OG to work to have on my desk. From what I...
  2. voja

    Altiat CAL.1H — Official Discussion & Impressions Thread

    Altiat, pronounced (all-t-a), is the 2nd company founded by Aumkar Chandan. Kaldas Research is his first company, and it's also Altiat's parent company, that is, Altiat is Kaldas Research's sister company. Both companies will exist "independent" of each other, hence why I wrote "is" instead of...
  3. Kaldas Research RR1 Conquest

    Kaldas Research RR1 Conquest

    The RR1 Conquest is a Circumaural Electrostatic headphone. The RR1's chassis is made up of several different materials. The headband assembly is machined Aluminium. Sourced by our neighbor - Hindalco Industries. The headband harp is Spring Steel, the hardening process is done in-house to meet...