  1. DDKL

    I need a jack-of-all-trades headphone

    Getting right to the point.   Used for:   -producing music, especially electronic. -listening to music for pleasure (obviously) -gaming (counter strike, horror games, etc.) -closed-back -analog, not USB -as flat as it can get -soundstage not too important, but sure why not...
  2. Meteo

    should I upgrade my headphones? (MDR-CD770)

    Hi all,   Would it be worth upgrading my current headphones to a newer model? The ones I have now still sound great but I was wondering, since they are probably older than me, if I should get a newer model. My priorities are music>movies>gaming with an emphasis on virtual surround sound...
  3. mkygod

    Are there any headphones that can be open or closed depending on preference?

    I want to know if there are any headphones that can be easily changed from open to close design and vice versa.    For instance, something like a swivel backplate on the outside of the phones that can be rotated to reveal open ports/vents and can be immediately closed when needed depending...
  4. Sony MDR-CD770

    Sony MDR-CD770

    The Sony MDR-CD770 digital reference headphones derive the maximum benefit from digital sound sources. Aura-Nomic design corresponds to the natural angle of the ear eliminating excess pressure and providing more natural, more balanced sound. Diameter driver provides deep bass, low distortion and...