  1. metreonfuture

    er4 with custom tips vs westone es-1?

    has anyone compared the two? has anyone heard the es-1?
  2. psryan

    Singlepower ES-1 crackling on one channel - could it be wall power problem?

    My Singlepower ES-1 Amp (with HE-90) crackles only in one channel with or without source and it is intermittent.  Actually it comes and goes for days at a time and is very hard to duplicate on demand.  If I unplug the power supply for a day it will usually behave for a few days.   I know...
  3. oogabooga

    Westone ES1 Mini-Review

    A few weeks ago I received my Westone ES1 IEMs, which I had purchased as a pair of cost-effective customs to block ambient noise in my office environment. Today, I returned them. The following comments/thoughts will hopefully help anyone else considering this cheap CIEM. NB - I do not have...
  4. Singlepower ES-1

    Singlepower ES-1

    Singlepower ES-1