  1. inseconds99

    Battle of the Summit Fi Planars (Suvara, LCD-5, Diana TC and Stealth)

    This is a quick discussion around the Summit Fi Planars (Susvara, LCD-5, Diana TC, Stealth). Let’s keep each post as neat as possible. Score all as a 1 to 5. Headphone •Comfort score •Sound score (highs/mids/lows) •Technical score (imaging/soundstage/distortion etc) •EQability score
  2. Rockwell75

    Rank the DAPs you've owned

    There exist threads like this for IEMs and headphones...so I figured why not players. Rank by whatever criteria matters the most to you (the more you can say the better). 1) Sony ZX300 - Rich warm sound, great intuitive interface, exceptional battery life-- close to being the perfect player...
  3. crinacle

    crinacle's IEM Ranking List

    After much support and slightly more than a year, I think it's time to migrate to something that's easier to maintain. BBcode is a huge pain, along with the fact that it breaks on mobile devices and missing crucial functions such as sorting. The ranking list shall continue, just not on this...