  1. codythelucario

    Peace APO adjustment for HD600 sub-bass rolloff... is this sufficient?

    So basically I adjusted the settings according to what I have in the second picture, and I based off my first adjustments based on the difference between the output of the hd600 before eq and the Harman target. After adjusting I seem to be getting more bass which is good, but would this be a bad...
  2. codythelucario

    Does anyone use AutoEQ or Oratory1990 to equalize their headphones?

    Earlier today I equalized my HD599s to Oratory's Harman curve and damn the highs were so much clearer and detailed. It opened my world on my HD599s. Before that moment I was considering selling my 599s and my B&W PX to get the 560s but after that I don't think I'm gonna do that. I also recall...