  1. tlite

    What are three Good 'Schiit-Grade' First IEMs (with Soundstage!) to try?

    Title pretty much says it all. I'm new to everything, wanting to try IEM's to see if I like 'em. I tend to go for the entry to mid-grade stuff that punches above it's weight class initially while I get a feel for stuff. Then if I upgrade to something else or try something else I have a...
  2. thejoker13

    The Toneking discussion lounge

    Greetings friends! I looked and was surprised to find that no Toneking threads existed here. I created this page for discussion about any and all Toneking products. There are no rules here, so posting music that you enjoy on your Tonekings, is not taboo. What Tonekings have you tried or owned...
  3. thejoker13

    Toneking impressions and reviews

    Welcome to the Toneking discussion thread! What products have you tried and what are your feelings on them? I first was introduced to Toneking by purchasing the Nine Tails and was pleasantly surprised to find them to be a very well tuned and enjoyable listen. I then proceeded to buy the T4 and...
  4. DankAudio

    Best Sub $300 IEM's

    This is my list (so far) of the best IEM's under $300 Note: This is just my opinion and am open to any suggestions -FiiO FH5 and FiiO FA7 -Moondrop Kanas Pro -Tanchjim Oxygen -iBasso IT01s -Campfire Audio Atlas I hope you have found this helpful and if I have missed anything feel free to reply
  5. Z

    Best Budget (Chinese ?) IEMs for Heavy Metal

    Hello Everyone, So a while back I was looking for some IEMs for heavy metal (particularly doom metal --Black sabbath and so forth as well as most other forms of metal). I also listen to some hip-hop, classic rock, punk, hardcore etc. Someone recommended the KZ ES3 at that point so I picked...
  6. 2Stroke

    Reliability of Ultimate Ears custom IEMs

    Remember having some IEMs from Ultimate Ears back in the 2013, and they failed right after my warranty ended, after 3 warranty repairs. My friend, who have headphones store, told me he never had so much warranty claims as with UE. Are UEs more reliable now? I'm considering buying new...