  1. Audio Analogue PureLine AAdac

    Audio Analogue PureLine AAdac

    AAdac The new AAdac is the latest product of PureAA line. Just like the AAcento and AAphono, it is a product that perfectly fits in the Audio Analogue philosophy: its simple design, its remarkable sound performances and its great care for the finish and for the materials and parts selection...
  2. christian u

    Native DSD makes DSD 512 version of the Sound Liaison DXD original, upsampling???

    Help me understand this; Native DSD has just released a sampler with 5 tracks in DSD 512. It says; "These higher bit rate DSD 512 tracks are all pure DSD created. They are not up samplings, for there are no PCM or DXD conversions involved in their production."... ? I happen to own the last track...
  3. Kheadfi

    Best High End, well recorded, Music.

    please post links to your favorite High End Downloads. Here are 5 suggestions to get started: https://www.soundliaison.com/ https://www.soundliaison.com/ https://www.prostudiomasters.com/album/page/693 https://www.prostudiomasters.com/featured/genre/jazz/new#quickview/album/7569...
  4. IryxBRO

    Hidizs AP200 — new high fidelity music player from Hidizs. First look

    Two years ago I have first encountered Hidizs AP100 — portable high fidelity music player that outperformed many of its rivals despite a significantly lower cost. That model impressed me so much with its balanced sound that I've continued to use it up till now... And today, I am glad to present...
  5. Mifi

    DAC TEST Files

    2 minutes of same source audio in DXD, DSD, PCM and FLAC: http://www.soundliaison.com/all-categories/6-compare-formats
  6. Kheadfi

    Ideal Headphone (HD800/Audeze) music, suggestions,please

    I read in the liner notes to the After Silence album from the Dutch master of the trumpet Andre Heuvelman, that it has been mixed and mastered with the HD800. The album is maybe the best sounding in my collection and since I do practically all my listening on my Sennheisers, no wonder.  ...