bel canto
  1. Todd

    New Streamer from Bel Canto!

    Hi All, We are happy to announce a great new product from Bel Canto! Bel Canto Stream! Shipping Next Week! Bel Canto's new e.One Stream. Order yours today and get yours shipped next week! The e.One Stream network bridge easily connects to your network and any DAC’s digital input or...
  2. nicosalto

    power amplifier for JBL 4319

    Hi, iam looking to replace my amplifier and i would appreciate some help into choosing the right one. My current gear is: MicroRendu > Gustard X20 dac > Marrantz 170DC Amp > jbl 4319 speakers i am mostly listening to acoustic, jazz, folk, indie ... My speakers have a maximum recommended power...