Audeze LCD-4
Oct 2, 2015 at 12:12 AM Post #332 of 12,145
He/She has a great imagination, and that's besides the inhumanity ability to be at all active threads at once, and jump loyalty from headphones go headphones on an hourly basis. Heck, my total forum posts count in all forums since the beginning of the Internet is still less than Music Alchemist's total Head-Fi post count :D

Jeeze, I don't think I've typed that many keys on my computer.
Oct 2, 2015 at 2:42 AM Post #333 of 12,145
So think for a minute about what Audez'e is trying to compete against, with the LCD-4:

 - SR-009     Electrostatic warrior
 - HD800      Best ever dynamic
 - LCD-X      Reference Audez'e
 - LCD-3F     Flagship Audez'e
 - HE1000    Best planar to date, nano tech

I'm sure I missed many.  But it doesn't seem to me as much a competition as an extension of their own, already excellent, technology.  

Aside from the 009, I'm especially interested in how the LCD-4 compares to the Abyss AB-1266. I liked the Abyss and HE6 more than the HE1000, personally.
When Jude mentioned the speed of the 4's I immediately thought of the abyss. How can a headphone be faster? If they are on par I will be very impressed.

hated the midrange of the abyss, and found vocals to be a chore, but if the 4's have that *snap* I am all in, in that department.
Oct 2, 2015 at 2:51 AM Post #334 of 12,145
These headphones tempt me in a irrational way lol. I need to be content, enjoy what I have and not dolt over what I do not really need as of yet.
P.s I need to audition these cans.
Oct 2, 2015 at 4:14 AM Post #335 of 12,145
  mmm.....I know exactly what you mean. For 2015, the must-haves for the haves are: CDM USD 1,495.00, JH Layla USD 2,499.00, HE - 1000 USD 2,999.00, The Ether USD 1,499.99, The Ether C USD 1,499.99, AK 380  USD 3,499.00, Beyerdynamic T1.2 USD  1,099.00, LCD 4 USD 3995.00....................and those are just scratching the surface. The 2015 headphone plus plus  buying season isn't over yet! LOL! Damn. USD 13,490.00 for 2015 alone.......and not counting the grandaddy of 'em all from you know whom and what.

Isn't Fostex releasing their TH-900 revision as well this year?
Oct 2, 2015 at 5:15 AM Post #336 of 12,145

Oct 2, 2015 at 6:31 AM Post #339 of 12,145
Well naturally they must write something bold in order to create expectation, with a price like that. The MSRP of the LCD-4 basically puts it in the same camp as the SR-009, an extremely well regarded high-end headphone from a highly experienced, highly prestigious manufacturer. Which Audeze is not. They owe a huge amount of their rapid success to the head-fi community. 

Whether or not they actually ARE that good remains to be seen like you say. Maybe they are, which would be a great leap forward for planars (haven't heard the HE-1000 yet though). Because as it is now, the higher end STAXes walk all over the LCD series. 

It should be said though, I'm not as biased towards STAX as I may seem. I simply don't like the Astell&Kern-ish direction Audeze is going. Who is to blame them though, it's all controlled by the market. In the LCD-2, they had a really competitive, really solidly priced high-end headphone. With the LCD-3, they doubled the price. And with the success of the LCD-3, now they are doing it again. 

They are and I don't think it's justified....this talk of maximising the cost to what people might pay is also stale...companies, especially small niche ones also have customers and relationships to cultivate and look after....doubling the price of a flagship is what happens in supercar land, with Ferraris and the like. These never see the light of day and again double in price due to rarity and unobtainable this really looking after your loyal customers? The LCD3 is hardly a poor headphone which requires to be doubled in price to see a step up...please no-one tell me the materials and effort are that different to justify the price....otherwise, why not make it out of precious metals and gemstones too and seal the deal on the most desirable flagship ever!? We all want the chance to aim at the best...especially in portable land, which is why we don't all go for room hi fi, due to 10X costs of portable for same performance. Like the Ferrari, I will never own one until they come closer to LCD3 cost.
Oct 2, 2015 at 6:34 AM Post #340 of 12,145
Brother, You sold all your headphones ? U prefer your iem's over them ?
Sorry for going OFF TOPIC.

Nah, of course not!
Just saving up for the big boys [99% to be HEK] 

Oct 2, 2015 at 7:47 AM Post #341 of 12,145
At that price they need to have a better cable...
Oct 2, 2015 at 8:16 AM Post #342 of 12,145
These headphones tempt me in a irrational way lol. I need to be content, enjoy what I have and not dolt over what I do not really need as of yet.
P.s I need to audition these cans.

The last time you posted in similar tone, you ended up buying the product... :grinning:
Oct 2, 2015 at 8:29 AM Post #343 of 12,145
The last time you posted in similar tone, you ended up buying the product... :grinning:

Yes so true but this time I am spent out, it would take me 5 months of savings lol. If the impressions on these cans are fantastic, I might have to save up. The audophile monkey living on my back is hard to keep happy lol.:)
Oct 2, 2015 at 10:09 AM Post #344 of 12,145
I think Audeze should offer a (generous?) trade-up program to their loyal long-time customers. It would be in their favor because such users are probably already Audeze fans and would post favorable impressions.
Didn't car dealers do this some time ago (in simpler times maybe). It would sort of be a subscription model, which I think is something companies like. Heck, Mr. Softee gives you Windows 10 for free.
Oct 2, 2015 at 10:10 AM Post #345 of 12,145
  I think Audeze should offer a (generous?) trade-up program to their loyal long-time customers. It would be in their favor because such users are probably already Audeze fans and would post favorable impressions.

This would be awesome. I would love to be able to trade in my LCD-X and EL-8C toward the LCD-4.

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