The JPS Labs: Abyss AB-1266 Impressions Thread
Jul 10, 2015 at 2:00 PM Post #2,836 of 22,555
  Solid state amp : Schiit Ragnarok ; Mass Ko Bo 394 ; Luxman P700u
Tube amp :  Eddie Current Balancing Act ; Viva 2A3
The best of the best : Viva Egoista

Superfred21, since you heard booth the 2A3 & 845, don't you, like some people here, sometime prefer the "musicality & finess" of the VIVA 2A3 rather than the "raw force & impact" of the VIVA 845 ?  Don't you consider that it depend on the music listened: for "intimate vocal" the VIVA 2A3  may be better while for Music that has a lot of dynamic range (complex orchestra works) the 845 will sound better  ? 
Jul 10, 2015 at 6:07 PM Post #2,837 of 22,555
That's part of the appeal of Head_fo components they are so much smaller and fit in our Den's. Though I have the opposite with my wife, she is pushing for more equipment, I am a lucky man.
Jul 10, 2015 at 6:08 PM Post #2,838 of 22,555
Right finished the Abyss VS HE-1000 review now to get it down in a post, stay tuned
Jul 10, 2015 at 6:09 PM Post #2,839 of 22,555
  Right finished the Abyss VS HE-1000 review now to get it down in a post, stay tuned


Jul 10, 2015 at 6:50 PM Post #2,840 of 22,555
  Right finished the Abyss VS HE-1000 review now to get it down in a post, stay tuned

with a WOO234 I believe ?  or a VIVA Egoista ? 
Jul 10, 2015 at 8:16 PM Post #2,842 of 22,555
  Right finished the Abyss VS HE-1000 review now to get it down in a post, stay tuned

please do.... 
Indeed, i have the feeling that I still have not found "MY Headphone" & "MY AMP" !
on my EC445, I like my TH900 and dislike my LCD-X (I prefer the LCD-X direct on my HUGO !?), but still not totally satisfied by the TH900. Sometime wonder if I should have bought a LCD-3 instead of the LCD-X ? or... should not have bought a LCD at all and instead bought a MrSpeaker ETHER, or HifiMan HE1000 or an ABYSS) 

Jul 11, 2015 at 3:55 AM Post #2,843 of 22,555
Here it is my impressions and those of my partner re the Abyss & the HE-1000
Photos 1st.


The DHC connector, on the other end it runs a 3 pin balanced connector, there would be much if any signal loss the way it has been implemented.

Jul 11, 2015 at 6:09 AM Post #2,845 of 22,555
The system used:
Source: (information and photos removed at the manufacturers request)
Photo attached:

DAC: Gryphon Kalliope
Woo 234 mono's running Takatsuki 300B, 274B and Black Plate, Black Glass 1940's RCA 6SN7 - running Cathode Output Low-Z for both headphones to suit the low impedances.
Power: Dedicated 20 amp line, all Shunyata, TritonV2, Typhon and all Sigma PC's High Currect PC's for the amps and Sigma Digital PC's for the music server & DAC. Custom Synergistic RED fuses for all components:

Headphone cable are the same for both - DHC Spore 4 Fusion, individual balanced cables with Xhadow plugs, adapter used for the HE-1000


The Abyss - 1,000+ hours, the HE-1000 - 120 hours
Kalliope - 125 hours
Listening Notes were compared between my partner and myself over a 24 hour period with various genres of music, ranging from soloist classical performances to full scale orchestral pieces, EDM and eclectic french rock. andJazz and female/male vocal. A mixture of 16/44 PCM up to 24/384 and DSD up to a sample rate of 256 was used.
Abyss is further away from the listener, the HE-1000 puts you either in the front row or in the mix with the performers. Generally felt that the soundstage was more open and wider on the HE-1000, soundstage vocals also seemed to be higher than Abyss
HE-1000 slightly warmer than Abyss, this is somewhat confusing at 1st listen as the HE-1000 is certainly cleaner and sounds more direct so I thought the opposite initially - However the HE-1000 does tonal textures better and instruments seperation is greater. Notes "More personal (HE-1000) I am sitting there and they are singing to me, lets the emotion come through, gives me an idea of what they were feeling, song was written for a reason, did they suffer a loss, sad, allows me to feel there pain" Abyss - feel more distant not as involved - the weight and emotional meaning of the song is not getting through to me in the same way, I feel like I have lost the connection with the vocalist, it sounds like a recording - there are plenty of special effects, almost like a home theatre system, impressive but disjointed in respect of conveying the totality of the performance.
Abyss sounds a little muffled, the HE-1000 sounds so clear, not understanding/hearing the splashy treble people have been referring to? system synergy perhaps, HE-1000 sounds very high resolution, the Abyss while good is not in the same class. HE-1000 - greater contrast. Can feel the bass pressure building before the note, excellent attack, sustain and decay, Abyss seems to do special effects well. HE-1000 great extra texture, can hear inside the notes.
(my Partner) "The Abyss is forcing me to adapt to the headphone, I feel like I am having to concentrate on balancing the headphones on my head, constantly moving the headphone as my ears keep moving inside them - frustrating & annoying after a while but above all it is distracting, taking my focus away from the music" "Abyss fatigues me, HE-1000 I want to go on listening, just  heavily engrossed in the music. Clear winner is the HE-1000 here. With the Abyss, I have become so used to them so that I have come to not be as aware of them, I was surprised that over a week I have picked the HE-1000's every time to listen to, now the Abyss feels uncomfortable and awkward again, fiddling with the fit a lot, gets better after having worn them for a while. Still they are distracting and I am constantly aware of them and that takes my 100% focus away from the music
Bass Performance:
Abyss - I was initially attracted as I think a lot of us are to the outstanding bass performance, I have never heard a headphone produce as much bass in such quantity and quality. My friend and fellow Head-fier Fririce0003 has had the Abyss for a lot longer than me, I have had mine for about 5 months. My 1st response when he asked what I thought of the HE-1000's was where has the bass gone, I said it is MIA and it seems to appear on certain tracks and then you are not aware of it on others. Burn in has helped the HE-1000 open up and the bass to deepen and develop. The bass really seems to have improved in the last 25 hours so I expect this to improve further. My gut feeling is that they need another 150 hours maybe more, I am keeping a spreadsheet which logs all of the hours on every piece of equipment. I will keep a check on this and report when I think they have stabilised and there are no more changes. 
More needs to be discussed about the Abyss bass performance. Fririce0003 (Matt) and I discussed this at length this week and he said that he felt that the Abyss imparted a overly heavy bass imprint on every track and he opined that this was artificial - hence my initial comment re the HE-1000's "where has the bass gone". One of the features that was outstanding about the Kalliope in our comparisons with other SOTA DAC's is it has incredible bass performance. I now realise that the HE-1000's produce good, heavy bass with great extension and weight - when required by the music as part of the performance not in addition to it. The Abyss is more like a subwoofer in a surround system, the bass comes out of nowhere and is exaggerated to an extent. I think this why we like it. Men love bass, women less so, they find it annoying at times. I rarely hear a women say I like that speaker as it has more bass then the other, they don't seem to place it as high on their priorities. I think the HE-1000 has better proportioned bass than the Abyss and it does not run over imprinting it on most music. Its like the Abyss is always looking for a bass heavy track or maybe I am to show what it can do. I wonder how we would all feel if the Abyss was not as heavy in the bass frequencies., would it have gained the following that it has? The drawcard of the Abyss was the its bass performance. Would I have liked as much if it had the bases toned down.
Make no mistake the HE-1000 can produce heavy bass, but it is more tuneful like a well integrated 3-4 driver loudspeaker. I now feel that the Abyss bass is to much of a party trick and this has ultimately become unsatisfying over the long term.
I think the HE-1000 and the Abyss both belong in any serious head-fiers collection, if I had to chose just one, it would be the HE-1000. No doubt this will not be a popular statement however I urge those that can afford both to to get a HE-1000 and then honestly look at how much you use it over time compared to the Abyss. I suspect the results will surprise you. The other major factor here is comfort, the HE-1000 feels substantial enough and the build quality is good. They are not as solid as the Abyss and I suspect that a large part of the budget went into the drivers not the rest of the headphone. I can live with that.
The treble has been much discussed and I have an observation on this, at lower gain the mid range is a little recessed and at higher gain the mid range becomes more prominent whilst the overall sound level doesn't seem to increase that much. These headphones are highly transparent, more so then the Abyss, they need plenty of power to sound their best, system matching is critical.
The comfort of the HE-1000 plays a big part in the attraction, once they are on I simply am not aware of them, unlike the Abyss which love it or not there is no doubt it is not the worlds most comfortable headphone. This limits its use and takes your focus away from the music.
I hope this is useful, Fririce0003 (Matt) will have his mid next week so I expect he will post his impressions. I will keep running them in 24/7 and report on any changes.
Jul 11, 2015 at 7:15 AM Post #2,846 of 22,555

Heck. One very in depth review. Thanks. Nice work. :)
Jul 11, 2015 at 7:29 AM Post #2,847 of 22,555
I think the HE-1000 and the Abyss both belong in any serious head-fiers collection, if I had to chose just one, it would be the HE-1000. No doubt this will not be a popular statement however I urge those that can afford both to to get a HE-1000 and then honestly look at how much you use it over time compared to the Abyss. I suspect the results will surprise you. The other major factor here is comfort, the HE-1000 feels substantial enough and the build quality is good. They are not as solid as the Abyss and I suspect that a large part of the budget went into the drivers not the rest of the headphone. I can live with that.
The treble has been much discussed and I have an observation on this, at lower gain the mid range is a little recessed and at higher gain the mid range becomes more prominent whilst the overall sound level doesn't seem to increase that much. These headphones are highly transparent, more so then the Abyss, they need plenty of power to sound their best, system matching is critical.
The comfort of the HE-1000 plays a big part in the attraction, once they are on I simply am not aware of them, unlike the Abyss which love it or not there is no doubt it is not the worlds most comfortable headphone. This limits its use and takes your focus away from the music.
I hope this is useful, Fririce0003 (Matt) will have his mid next week so I expect he will post his impressions. I will keep running them in 24/7 and report on any changes.

Seems like we see somethings alike..

HE1K vs. Abyss:
Comfort goes to the HE1K here.  The Abyss with its funky design turns out to be not as bad as one would think, but the HE1K still wins.
Technicalities i.e. clarity, transient response and resolution.  I’ll give the edge to the HE1K because of its clarity and speed again 2 out of 3.  Resolution is always a tricky one for me but I would say the Abyss resolves low-level detail better.  The HE1K has issues with low-level information IMO.
Soundstage, air, imaging and separation.  HE1K take the stage width and height, both have good air and separation of instruments but the Abyss takes the cake with its imaging.  Compared to the Abyss the HE1K seems defused a little or may lose focus a little while the Abyss is pinpoint and stays focused throughout.
The bass area again is good with both.  With the Abyss it feels like my 2 Epic dual 15” subwoofers I have in the living room.  The HE1K feels like a pair headphones with really good bass.  Also, the Abyss bass is more taut or more visceral; the HE1K bass is very well textured with good quantity.
Impact, attack, punch and leading edge go to the Abyss no doubt.  This area of the HE1K is not bad, it’s just not all that good either, so if I had to pick one it would be the Abyss.
Treble and highs on the HE1K are pleasant. The treble on the Abyss is their short fall.  They can be edgy at times and at other times they can be smooth (depending on the track).  The high end on the HE1K is always smooth, pretty damn consistent (to a fault at times).  I think the treble on the Abyss is more true to the recording.
The mids on the Abyss has more presents. The mids on the HEK1 is a bit distant, not as distant as I thought they would be but still not as upfront as the Abyss.  The HE1K has very clean and clear mids they just sit back a little bit. (Not to be confused with recessed) I still like them.  
Tonal Balance.  The Abyss has a pretty good tonal balance but it can be a little rough up top.  The HE1K has a pretty even tonal balance.
Transparency:   Because of all the bass presents the Abyss has.  I’ll give the nod to the HE1K.  Nothing seems to get in the way.  Maybe the most transparent Planar on the market.
Jul 11, 2015 at 7:33 AM Post #2,848 of 22,555
Very nice review Simon!

I have the same impressions as you on the Abyss tonally and detailed wise are they a bit dark in the sound, but it have a great harmonic depth to the sound. We call this type of sound: " The American Sound" here in Europe. The Kharma speakers have a very similar sound like the Abyss i think.

And Preproman:

What amps and DACś where u using when you where reviewing the Abyss and the
HE-1k if you could refresh my memory a little?
Jul 11, 2015 at 8:20 AM Post #2,849 of 22,555
Good write up @isquirrel and @preproman, I agree with the comments you've made.
I still find that Abyss' sound is less fatiguing, I found the HEK to be too direct at times and with it being more revealing, I definitely needed time to adjust to it. But when you mark its performance based on the accuracy and presentation of detail, the HEK does have the edge. I still think the Abyss is a more fun headphone, definitely an easier headphone to put on and enjoy the music IMO.
Jul 11, 2015 at 8:38 AM Post #2,850 of 22,555
I have Abyss and HE1000. They are very different but I love them both!
The Abyss is very special but for Rock & Metal the Best for me!
On the other side the tonality, speed and details of the HE1000 are amazing stunning!

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