Apex Peak/Volcano Review
Aug 22, 2011 at 11:15 AM Post #181 of 415
This is a quote from Audiotubes' site:
A side note about Bad Boys, there were versions with 2 rivet holes in each plate, and versions with 3 holes. Both types sound identical. Don't fall for the bogus story that only the 3 rivet hole types are the true "Bad Boys"! You will miss out on some great sound from the 2 hole type, since the 3 hole versions are more difficult to find, more expensive elsewhere, and don't sound any different! I suspect the "3-hole only" story got started by my competition to justify charging a higher price for these tubes!
I have the 2 hole version, and it sounds great. Probably my favorite so far.
There are two types of "bad boy" listed near the bottom of the page.  What's the difference between them ?

Sep 11, 2011 at 5:57 PM Post #184 of 415
Mike at Headfonia finally posted his Peak / Arete review.
While I don't always follow his prose very well, I actually agree with him for the most part about the Peak.
Maybe this review will spark a few sales for Todd and Pete.
After all, this is a very, very fine amp that is, in my opinion, being overlooked.
Sep 12, 2011 at 2:35 AM Post #186 of 415
My experience was somewhat different than Mike's with the Shuguang Black Treasure. I found that tube thin (but with good extension and articulation) on the bass - with more rather than less treble compared the the russian Tung-Sol. Could be production differences. But at $135, I would find the Shuguang BT a poor value considering you could get several old-stock tubes for the same amount that far outperform it.
I'm also surprised that he that mentioned "uncanny smoothness." The Peak is indeed a smooth sounding amp for what it is, but the Woo WA5, which he mentioned in passing in the same article, is a magnitude smoother than the Peak while still being just as clear. It could have come down to the tubes he was using with the WA5 though. 
Sep 12, 2011 at 8:43 AM Post #188 of 415
I agree. I roll the BT in from time to time for the solid state feel, but I get almost all of that detail and much better bass with the Sylvania Bad Boy. This has become my favorite tube, followed by the more laid back Mouse Ears and the Mullard a distant 3rd.
My experience was somewhat different than Mike's with the Shuguang Black Treasure. I found that tube thin (but with good extension and articulation) on the bass - with more rather than less treble compared the the russian Tung-Sol. Could be production differences. But at $135, I would find the Shuguang BT a poor value considering you could get several old-stock tubes for the same amount that far outperform it.
I'm also surprised that he that mentioned "uncanny smoothness." The Peak is indeed a smooth sounding amp for what it is, but the Woo WA5, which he mentioned in passing in the same article, is a magnitude smoother than the Peak while still being just as clear. It could have come down to the tubes he was using with the WA5 though. 

Sep 12, 2011 at 9:17 AM Post #189 of 415
Yes I'm getting a replacement.  

Sep 21, 2011 at 9:31 AM Post #190 of 415
Tube rolling update:
I purchased a 1972 Brimar CV1988, with brown base and black glass.  Cryo-treated, from Tube World.
(I do not know, nor do I really care whether cryo treating does anything to the sound.  It simply was the last of this tube type they had on hand...)
When I first rolled this tube in, I could tell immediately it was going to be something special.
However, after about 15 minutes of warm up, it developed "tube rush" (I guess that's what you call it) in the left channel.
I was worried, because my first Treasure also developed this sound, and it never went away fully.
However, I burned the tube in for a few more hours, and the rushing sound disappeared.
And now the sound with this tube in the Peak is simply incredible.  Has to be heard to be believed.
As a point of comparison, I have the Cavalli Liquid Fire with stock tubes.  And the Cavalli with stock tubes out-performs the Peak with the Treasure tube.
I found the treasure tube does so many things right, but all that comes at a cost:  A slightly brighter and leaner presentation than I would like.
However, the Brimar CV1988 does all the things the treasure does (detail, ambience, soundstage, imaging, clarity, dynamics, etc.), but has a solid foundation that the music is hoisted upon.
In other words, it does bass right.  And doesn't over-emphasize the treble.
So now, with the Brimar in place, the Peak has regained the lead.  So much so, in fact, that this makes me crave new tubes for the Cavalli.
And I expect good things to happen...
In summary, I would say that I am very encouraged about the Peak's potential as an amp.  And how "blank slate" the amp is in terms of tube rolling.
Forget everything you've heard about the amp being bright, etc.  That is all the Treasure. 
Because the input tube is so critical, the amp basically "becomes" the sound of that tube.
For better or for worse, if you find your special tube for the Peak, you will have as close to audio perfection as you can achieve for the money.  That I now know for sure.
Conversely, since this tube is so critical in the Peak, the amp shows up imperfections, microphonics, noise floor, etc.  Very much.  So, you may have to search for a while to get the right tube. 
But, don't give up.  Trust me, it will happen...
Happy listening, fellas!

The Wuss
Sep 21, 2011 at 10:08 AM Post #191 of 415
The Brimars are magical. I only wished I had the opportunity to try them when I had the Peak. I stayed away from them for a while because Tube World commented "bass ok but not thunderous" which I now feel was misleading. "Nice deep bass" is a more apt description.
You'll need to try some good OS 6922 tubes on the Cavalli now and report back.
Sep 21, 2011 at 11:35 AM Post #193 of 415
Haha. The 6SN7s overall seem pretty straightforward and neutral. The 6922s may be more capable of that "twlight zone" / "tube voodoo" stuff. So this will be an interesting comparison.

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