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@vicexxx depth here refers to sound imaging. The soundstage illustration in my review shows how I perceived it.
@NPWS sorry, I cannot test that anymore- I've returned the DAC.
@Sonic Defender I'm not an audio engineer so I cannot explain it. Maybe it's best for you to audition them. Nothing better than listening to it yourself :relaxed:
I think this statement is intentionally misrepresenting OP's post. Why he needs to alter what was actually stated you can figure out for yourself.

Essentially this is a theory that suggests that Topping has somehow found a way to truncate the digital information very specifically such that it can actually change the encoded information.
@Sonic Defender All of those assertions made are categorically untrue, and shows a profound lack of experience as well as understanding of audio reproduction. In DACs, the most important part is power supply quality and analog output stage design. These cheap drugstore DACs like Topping are terrible on both. They are designed so that a 1K tone have good distortion figures when in reality they reduce the music to a shiny and grey cardboard cutout representation. The antidote to this is just to go to dealers and fellow audiophiles and listen to properly setup, truly high-end systems.
How u like your SDR HD800?
I made the mod too.. but replacing also the cushions with thicker leather ones gave more deep lows and tamed the treble further keeping the same sounddstage..
Sonic Defender
Sonic Defender
@divertiti You're way off base and I have plenty of experience with audio since the 1980s. Absolutely power supply and analogue stage are very important, but you can have flawless (audibly transparent) performance for hundreds of dollars these days. I'm going to guess that you subscribe to the theory that as you spend more magically the sound gets better and that those poor souls who can't afford boutique DACs just haven't heard what good money can buy.

I understand audio reproduction quite well and you have zero basis to suggest otherwise. Your post actually suggests that you may need to do a little more learning yourself. And nobody test just 1kHz test tones. Where did you get that idea?
You don't even understand that it is math that allows a ds chip to use less data and present better measured results than mb. You are hardly and expert.
Sonic Defender
Sonic Defender
You're joking right?
@inmytaxi A dac can not just simply use less data to make better measurements! But you can argue that measurements doesn't mean everything.
ASR minion alert.
Sonic Defender
Sonic Defender
@dakanao whatever dude. If you think you're insulting me by implying that I believe in scientific evidence you're not insulting me at all, in fact it is a compliment so thank you. You are quite correct I love ASR, great site.
@Sonic Defender: It’s theory disguised as science, with inconsisent measurement methology. That’s why their Topping DACs have no soundstage depth at all, they say soundstage width and depth depends on high frequency extension, to name an example.

Also, they don’t know anything about dynamic variations in music, as if music is simply a straight line of sinewaves. That’s why Topping DACs have no dynamic range at all.

Just like flat earthers pull out the measurement that the earth measures in a straight line on a street, therefore it’s scientifically confirmed that it’s flat. If that’s your science, you’re free to believe in it, but don’t put those subjective believes with limiting supporting measurements onto others.

If you want proper science, hydrogenaudio is the way to go.
Sonic Defender
Sonic Defender
I am not saying that ASR is perfect, but your analysis is somewhat of an oversimplification. I do agree that hydrogenaudio is a great source of information. Cheers.
@Sonic Defender That’s the whole methology of ASR; oversimplifying measurements and scientific knowledge on the different aspects of sound.
Sonic Defender
Sonic Defender
@dakanao If you say so. By the way, comparing yourself to Amir, what is your level of training and knowledge? How much experience do you have with testing devices? What testing equipment do you own and where is your work exposed for public scrutiny? You have such strong feelings that I can only assume you have the experience and training to back up your critiques.
Sonic Defender
Sonic Defender
Thought so.
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@Sonic Defender : I have actual listening experience. Amir doesn’t, he only has measuring experience. But he doesn’t know how that translates to listening since he never listens. So we both are on the same level in terms of objectivity.
Sonic Defender
Sonic Defender
@dakanao He does listen, you're way off and that isn't at all what we were discussing. I will fill in the blanks now which strongly suggest that you do not have a technical background from which you can level any criticism about the testing methodology used at ASR. Amir is so technically savvy that Microsoft allowed him to head up an important division so when it comes to testing methodology and validity of the conclusions drawn, while you seem like a very nice person, I think I'll put my faith in Amir for technical matters.
@Sonic Defender: He only managed people with the Zune product and the WMA format, both of which have aged terribly due to their inconvience and low quality, just like his measurements. He didn’t invent anything, he was just a manager at Microsoft.

Anyway, we’re getting too offtopic here.
Sonic Defender
Sonic Defender
@dakanao Sorry, I am not trying to pick on you, but I cannot allow a gross oversimplification such as you have just stated pass. Amir doesn't need me to defend him, nor would he care, but I would hate for any people to come along and read your posts and think that your assertions about his technical credentials and experience are even remotely accurate. People should read this if they wish to know more about Amir. Then they can decide if a hobbyists with no technical training should feel that they are qualified to critique Amir. Decide for yourself. https://www.audiosciencereview.com/forum/index.php?threads/a-bit-about-your-host.1906/
@Sonic Defender Dude, the whole purpose of ASR is oversimplification.. Their best DAC/amp list is literally based on a 1khz SINAD distortion figure..