Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Wow! What an amazing review both in terms of your descriptions and information provided but it's encouraging that you have so many great things to say about TGX ears in general.

Jim is a personal friend us having met each other at a local area audio meet (four people in total but still a meet)(LOL).

I hope this review makes some waves! (Get it? Get the joke? Ripples? Waves? Moving water?)
Thank you! That number is most definitely a meet. I've never been to an audio meet before but hope to someday.
In addition to an excellent review, as always, an excellent musical selection that has allowed me to discover a couple of things... :gs1000smile:
Simply amazing!! An audiophile's review can't get better than this. Glad to hear nice things about all the tgxear line up. The all rounder tgx crown is now with ripples, previously it was with the serratus I guess. All the very best Jim!! I'm sure you will better yourself again in the very near future.
I'd love to see these (and the others) terminated with swappable plugs for 3.5-, 2.5-, and 4.4-mm.
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Stuff Jones
Stuff Jones
IT would be great to compare TGX buds with non TGX buds. There's so much enthusiasm for the products that most of the comparisons seem to be with other TGX models, which is obviously a bit of a closed system. How do they compare with other high end buds, including the Moondrop Chaconne which have long been considered at the top for earbud acoustic music listening.
Totally agree. The userbase is growing quickly so those will come with time. It would also be a good idea to pose the question on the TGXear thread. I sold my Channone last year due to a less than great fit so my comparison would be from memory.

The Ripples would be my recommendation for a balanced entry point but I prefer the Alpha for acoustic tracks.
Hi, I think there's a mistake, Serratus -> Greater midrange clarity than Ripples and Serratus
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