AFUL Performer 8

MD Rohit

New Head-Fier
Aful Performer 8 in-depth review
Pros: Build Quality: They are well-made and durable.

Design: The IEMs have a sleek and modern appearance.

Sound: They provide a balanced and detailed sound profile.

Comfort: Designed for a comfortable fit even during long listening sessions.

Soundstage: Offers a wide and immersive soundstage.
Cons: Sound Signature: Not suited for those who prefer a bass-heavy “fun” sound.

Bass: The bass might be too lean for bassheads.

Warmth: They may not sound as warm or musical as some other options.

Disclaimer: I want to be upfront with you all. The earphone I’m reviewing wasn’t given to me for free. I bought it myself, so everything I say is just what I think, nothing else.

If you’re in Bangladesh and you’re thinking about getting this earphone, GEEK Mart is the way to go. They make it easy to buy without any trouble.

For those of you who aren’t in Bangladesh but still want to get your hands on this earphone, Hifigo is your best bet. They’ve got you covered in the international market

Build quality and Design
The AFUL Performer 8 IEMs are a true embodiment of what it means to merge high-quality audio with luxurious design. From the moment you pick them up, you can feel the premium craftsmanship that has gone into their creation. Having used them extensively, I can attest to their solid build quality. They’ve stood the test of time, showing no signs of wear, which speaks volumes about their durability.

The driver shells are impressively lightweight, which is a testament to the advanced 3D-printed resin shell technology employed in their design. This isn’t just for aesthetics; it’s a functional choice that ensures the IEMs are comfortable for long listening sessions. Their size is just right, striking a balance between being unobtrusive and substantial enough to handle easily.

Ergonomics is another area where the Performer 8 shines. They fit snugly and comfortably, making them one of the best-fitting IEMs I’ve experienced. This ergonomic design isn’t just about comfort; it also plays a crucial role in sound isolation, allowing you to immerse fully in your music without external distractions.

The housing of the Performer 8 is crafted from premium materials that serve a dual purpose. Not only do they contribute to the overall sturdiness of the IEMs, but they also play a critical role in sound quality. By minimizing unwanted resonance, these materials ensure that the sound you hear is as clear and precise as possible.

When it comes to design, the Performer 8 doesn’t just sound good; it looks good too. The faceplates are designed with a subtle elegance, boasting a shine that captures light beautifully. This makes them stand out not just as a high-fidelity audio device but also as a fashion accessory. Whether you’re an audiophile or a style-conscious individual, the Performer 8’s design is sure to make a statement.

In summary, the AFUL P8 offers a rare combination of top-notch build quality and stylish design, making it a perfect choice for those who don’t want to compromise on either. It’s clear that a lot of thought has gone into every aspect of these IEMs, from how they feel in your hands to how they fit and look in your ears. For anyone who values both form and function, the Performer 8 is a match made in audio heaven


Fit and comfort
The AFUL P8 are designed with the user’s comfort in mind, and it shows in every aspect of their fit. Having used them for a long time, I can confidently say that they are among the most comfortable IEMs out there.

Here’s what makes them so comfortable:
Ergonomic Design: The P8 IEMs have an ergonomic shape that conforms naturally to the contours of the ear. This design ensures that they sit securely without causing any strain, even during long listening sessions.

Lightweight Construction: Despite their solid build, these IEMs are surprisingly lightweight, which contributes significantly to their comfort. You hardly feel them in your ears, which is a big plus for those who listen to music for extended periods.

No Pressure Points: The absence of pressure points means no ear fatigue. The Performer 8 IEMs distribute their weight evenly, avoiding any hotspots that can lead to discomfort over time.

In my experience, whether I’m relaxing at home or on the move, the Performer 8 IEMs have been a constant companion, providing a comfortable and immersive audio experience without any discomfort. It’s clear that AFUL has put a lot of thought into the fit and comfort of these IEMs, making them a great choice for anyone who values comfort as much as sound quality.

The cable that accompanies the AFUL Performer 8 IEMs is a functional piece that complements the earphones well. It’s a 98 wire 4-core cable, which might not immediately stand out in terms of aesthetics, but its performance is reliable. The 2-pin 3.5 single-ended High Purity Monocrystalline Copper with Silver Cable is a practical choice for those who prioritize ease of use and durability.

One of the standout features of this cable is its tangle-free nature and lack of memory. This means it maintains its shape and doesn’t kink, making it easy to handle and store without fuss. While it may not have the flashy appearance of some flagship cables, it’s well-constructed and does its job admirably, ensuring a clean signal transmission to the IEMs.

In my long-term use, I’ve found that this cable pairs nicely with the P8, both functionally and visually. It’s subtle yet sleek, and while I might have preferred a more luxurious-looking cable at this price point, I can’t fault its performance. For those who might want to customize their setup, the option to choose between a 3.5mm or 4.4mm termination is a welcome flexibility, catering to different sources and preferences.

Overall, the cable of the AFUL Performer 8 is a solid performer. It may not ‘wow’ with its looks, but it certainly won’t let you down where it counts.


When it comes to the AFUL Performer 8 IEMs, the choice of ear tips can significantly influence the listening experience. Based on my long-term use and extensive testing, I’ve found that while the stock tips are adequate, aftermarket options like the SpinFit W1 and Dunu Candy tips can enhance the sound quality in notable ways.

SpinFit W1 Tips: The SpinFit W1 tips have been a game-changer for the Performer 8. With these tips, there’s a noticeable improvement in the clarity of vocals and the expansiveness of the soundstage. The W1 tips seem to open up the music, giving it room to breathe and allowing for a more immersive experience. The vocals, in particular, gain a level of presence and detail that brings the music closer to the listener. [My personal preference]

Dunu Candy Tips:
On the other hand, the @DUNU-Topsound Candy tips slightly enhance the bass impact. If you’re looking for that extra bit of punch without overwhelming the rest of the frequency spectrum, these tips might be the way to go. They manage to provide a fuller bass response that complements the Performer 8’s balanced sound signature. ( My personal preference)

In conclusion, while the stock tips of the AFUL Performer 8 are certainly competent, experimenting with different ear tips like the SpinFit W1 and Dunu Candy can tailor the sound to personal preferences. For those who prioritize vocal clarity and a wide soundstage, the W1 tips are an excellent choice, while the Dunu Candy tips offer a subtle enhancement to the bass that some listeners may prefer.

Source i used for review:
•Questyle M15
•cayin ru7
•Shanling h5
•Cowon Plenue R2
•Astell & kern sp1000m
•Fiio btr7
•hiby r3 ii
•Ddhifi tc44
•Moondrop dawn pro
•Lg v60

•Asus zenfone 10

The AFUL Performer 8 IEMs are quite versatile when it comes to amplification requirements. They are efficient enough to be driven by a simple DAC dongle, which is great news for those who prefer a minimal setup or often listen on the go. However, through my extensive use, I’ve discovered that these IEMs truly come into their own when paired with a high-quality amplifier. The soundstage seems to expand, and the details become even more pronounced, enhancing the overall listening experience.

It’s important to note that the source can greatly influence the sound you get from the Performer 8. If you pair them with a bright or analytical source, you might find the sound to be on the thinner side, which could detract from the musicality. On the flip side, sources with a neutral to warm tonality tend to complement the Performer 8’s sound signature beautifully, resulting in a rich and engaging musical experience.

In essence, while the AFUL Performer 8 doesn’t demand powerful amplification, providing it with a quality source can elevate its performance significantly, making the most of its sound capabilities

Sound performance

The Bass
Bass: The Performer 8 takes a path less traveled in the IEM world—it’s not a bass-heavy set. Instead, it offers a neutral sound signature, prioritizing quality over quantity. For those who aren’t bassheads, this approach is refreshing, as it allows for a more balanced and accurate representation of music.

Sub-Bass: The sub-bass in the Performer 8 has a good rumble and excellent control over the lower frequencies, ensuring there’s no bleed into the mids or mid-bass. It has a good depth, allowing the sub-bass to be heard distinctly, though the fill might feel slightly lacking. The detail in the sub-bass is commendable, making it suitable for those who appreciate a neutral sound and a clean performance.

Mid-Bass: The mid-bass on the Performer 8 is robust. It delivers a good punch and provides a satisfying bass impact. The body of the mid-bass is substantial, giving power to the bass attack without adding unnecessary weight to the midrange. Its speed is noteworthy, maintaining bass separation and detail even in complex passages. Overall, the mid-bass has a strong presence and supports the music effectively.

Instrument Reference:
The Performer 8 renders drum kicks with precision, capturing the essence of a drum set from the tight snap of a snare to the resonant boom of a bass drum.

Bass Guitar: The plucks and slides on a bass guitar are articulated with clarity, from the gentle strumming in an acoustic piece to the aggressive lines in a rock anthem.

Music Reference:
Metal: In metal tracks, the Performer 8 ensures that the bass guitar and double-pedal drum work cut through the mix, providing the necessary aggression without muddying the sound.

Rock: The mid-bass punch complements rock music, giving life to bass lines and drum patterns that drive the genre’s energetic feel.

Classical: The subtlety of upright basses and timpani in classical compositions is well-represented, adding depth and warmth to the orchestral arrangements.

Hip-Hop and Pop: The Performer 8 handles the synthetic bass and beats of hip-hop and pop with finesse, ensuring that the bass is present but not overpowering.

Overall Bass Performance: The AFUL Performer 8 offers a bass experience that is both articulate and controlled. It’s a testament to the IEM’s ability to provide a detailed and neutral bass response that can adapt to various genres. While it may not satisfy those seeking a bass-heavy sound, it excels in delivering a balanced and authentic low-end that complements the music rather than competing with it.

In essence, the Performer 8’s bass is like the foundation of a building—solid, reliable, and essential, but not the only feature that defines the structure. It’s there to support and enhance, providing a base upon which the rest of the music can shine.

The mid-range is often considered the heart of the music, where the soulful interplay of vocals and instruments takes center stage. The AFUL Performer 8 handle this critical frequency range with finesse and detail, making them a standout choice for those who value clarity and natural sound reproduction.

The P8's mid-range is a testament to its engineering, offering a clear and clean presentation that brings out the nuances in music. It's not as warm as the Performer 5 , but it compensates with a more natural and detailed mid-range. The P8 excels in delivering vocals and instruments with great separation, even in complex compositions, ensuring that each element is heard distinctly.

Male Vocals:
Male vocals are rendered with an appropriate weight, striking a balance that allows for emotional expression without overwhelming the listener. The P8 captures the depth and nuances of male voices, from the gravelly tones of a blues singer to the smooth baritone of a classical performer.

Female Vocals:
Female vocals shine with energy and liveliness on the P8. Those who enjoy vibrant and dynamic female performances will find much to love here. Initially, some may perceive a slight brightness, but this tends to mellow out with use, revealing a more balanced sound.

Instrument Clarity:
Instruments are presented with remarkable clarity. The P8 delineates each string pluck, horn blow, and percussion hit with precision. The texture and timbre of instruments are faithfully reproduced, allowing listeners to appreciate the intricate details of their favorite tracks.

Instrument References:
The delicate hammer strikes of a piano are conveyed with a transparency that feels like you're seated right at the concert grand.

Guitar:Acoustic guitar strings resonate with a natural warmth and crispness, capturing the essence of a live performance.

Violin:The bowing of a violin is smooth and expressive, with the P8 articulating the subtle vibrato and shifts in dynamics.

Music Reference:
The P8 handles the aggressive guitars and rapid drumming of metal with control, ensuring that the mid-range isn't overshadowed by the genre's intense energy.

Rock:Rock tracks benefit from the P8's ability to present a clear mid-range, keeping vocals and rhythm guitars in the forefront.

Classical:Classical music is rendered with a wide dynamic range, allowing the lush arrangements and complex harmonies to unfold naturally.

Hip-Hop and Pop: The P8 delivers the vocal-centric mixes of hip-hop and pop with clarity, ensuring that the artist's voice remains the focal point.

Overall Mid-Range Performance:
The AFUL Performer 8 are ideal for those who seek a neutral and detailed sound profile. They are particularly well-suited for audiophiles who appreciate a faithful reproduction of vocals and instruments without coloration. While they may not offer the warmest mid-range, their clarity and resolution make them an excellent choice for critical listening across a variety of genres.

The treble
The treble of the AFUL Performer 8 IEMs is indeed one of its standout features. It's energetic, with a sparkle that brings life to the music. The detail in the treble is remarkable, providing a smooth and refined listening experience. There's an abundance of information in the treble area, allowing string instruments to sound lively with a natural presentation.

Instrument Clarity:
The Performer 8 excels in instrument clarity. High-frequency instruments like violins and flutes are presented with a sweetness and airiness that's neither piercing nor fatiguing. The treble detail allows for the texture of instruments to be heard, from the delicate brush of a cymbal to the crisp pluck of a harp string.

Instrument References:
Violins:The bowing and intricate fingerwork of violins are captured with finesse, making classical pieces come alive.

Flutes:The airy breaths and nuanced tones of flutes are rendered beautifully, adding a celestial quality to orchestral works.

Guitars:The metallic strumming of acoustic guitars is crisp and clear, with each note ringing out true and distinct.

Music Reference:
Metal:The treble handles the high-octane energy of metal guitars and cymbals without harshness, maintaining the genre's intensity.

Rock:In rock music, the treble ensures that the lead guitar solos and hi-hats are front and center, driving the songs forward.

Classical:The Performer 8's treble adds a layer of realism to classical compositions, highlighting the brilliance of violins and brass instruments.

Jazz:The subtle nuances of jazz recordings are well-served by the treble's detail, from the shimmer of ride cymbals to the breathy tones of saxophones.

Orchestra:The expansive sound of an orchestra is captured with a sense of space and air, allowing each section to shine.

Instrumental: Instrumental tracks benefit from the treble's ability to convey emotion and detail, making every performance feel intimate.

Hip-Hop and Pop:The crispness of hi-hats and the clarity of synthesized sounds in these genres are delivered with precision, ensuring a modern and engaging sound.

Overall Treble Performance:
The AFUL P8 offer a treble that is both detailed and musical, making them ideal for listeners who appreciate a high level of clarity and energy in their music. They are particularly well-suited for those who enjoy a wide variety of genres and demand a treble that can keep up with complex arrangements without becoming sibilant or fatiguing.

In essence, the treble of the P8 is like the finishing touch on a masterpiece painting—it enhances and defines the work, bringing out the colors and shapes with clarity and brilliance. It's a treble that will satisfy both the audiophile seeking detail and the casual listener looking for an enjoyable, non-fatiguing experience

BA Timbre
Having spent a good deal of time with the AFUL P8 IEMs, I’ve grown quite familiar with their sound, especially the unique qualities brought on by the balanced armature (BA) drivers. The BA timbre, which refers to the particular sound character that BA drivers can produce, is something that stands out in these IEMs.

In my experience, the BA timbre of the P8 is remarkably natural. It brings a certain liveliness to the music, especially noticeable in the higher frequencies where string instruments reside. There’s a crispness and clarity that makes violins and guitars sound as if they’re being played right in front of you. This clarity is one of the reasons I’ve come to appreciate the P8 for genres that thrive on detailed instrumentals, like classical and acoustic sessions.

Some might worry about BA drivers sounding too sharp or artificial, but that’s not the case with the P8. Any initial brightness seems to settle down after a bit of use, and what you’re left with is a sound that’s detailed without being harsh. It’s this aspect of the BA timbre that has made the p8 a reliable choice for my daily listening. Whether I’m analyzing the layers of a new track or just enjoying my favorite songs, the natural presentation of the BA drivers adds to my listening pleasure without fatigue.

So, if you’re curious about the BA timbre and how it might affect your music, the P8 offers a great example of BA drivers done right. They manage to deliver detail and precision that enhance the music, making every listen a rich and enjoyable experience.

Soundstage: The P8 offers a soundstage with good width and height, creating a full and intimate experience. While depth could be improved, the overall sense of space is satisfying.

Separation and Imaging: These IEMs excel in separating musical elements, providing an airy sound with room for each instrument to breathe. The imaging is precise, with a 3D feel that enhances the listening experience.

Detail Retrieval:Detail retrieval is a strong point for the Performer 8, capturing subtle nuances and dynamic shifts with clarity. It competes well within its price range, offering an somewhat analytical sound that doesn’t miss the finer points of music.

Music Reference:The P8 handles various genres with ease, from the complex layers of metal and rock to the delicate nuances of classical and jazz. Instruments like guitars, violins, and pianos are presented with natural clarity, making every track a detailed auditory journey.

Overall Technical Performance: The AFUL P8 impresses with its technical capabilities, offering a detailed and natural sound. It’s well-suited for audiophiles who appreciate a soundstage that feels close and personal, with the technical ability to reveal the intricacies of music in a clean and engaging manner.

In conclusion, the Aful P8 stands out as a remarkable achievement in the realm of in-ear monitors. It’s a testament to Aful’s commitment to quality and innovation, offering a balanced high-resolution sound that will satisfy audiophiles seeking a neutral and natural listening experience. The build quality is commendable, and the design is both aesthetically pleasing and comfortable for extended listening sessions.

The mature and nimble bass, combined with a holographic stage presence and very detailed sound across the spectrum, makes the P8 a solid choice for those who appreciate accuracy over embellishment. While it may not cater to bassheads or those looking for a ‘fun’ sound, its neutral timbre and precise treble deliver an energetic performance that is both engaging and immersive.

Despite a few drawbacks, such as the price and a soundstage that isn’t the deepest, the Aful P8 is a worthy contender in its price range, offering an exceptional value for listeners who prioritize sound fidelity and build quality. Whether you’re a seasoned audiophile or a newcomer to high-fidelity audio, the Aful P8 is an IEM that deserves your attention and consideration.


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Very detailed and well written review bhai.
RK Turan
RK Turan
I'll finish reading it in 3 days (really appreciate all the instruments impact on every spectrum)
Nice review with details. It's not in my sound preference though. I love Performer 5 over it.


500+ Head-Fier
Aful Performer 8 Review
Pros: -Build Quality is nice
-Nice looking iem
-Accessories are fitting for the price
-Balanced hi-res sound
-Neutral heads should really like this set
-Timbre is very natural to my ears
-Mature & nimble bass with slight emphasis
-Holographic stage presence
-Very detailed sound across the board
-Treble structure is good with nice punch
Cons: -Price
-Not for those seeking a “fun” sound
-Not for bassheads (not really a con, this is probably a good thing)
-Note weight comes across more lean
-Not the most musical or warm sounding iem
-Soundstage isn’t the vastest in depth
-The slightest bit of BA timbre

Aful Performer 8 Review



Aful Performer 8


Hello folks, this is my full written review of the Aful Performer 8, or “P8” as I’ll call it for review purposes. The P8 is an eight-driver hybrid iem hovering around the mid-fi/midrange price of about $330 depending on where you can find it. Also, the P8 is one of three earphones (in total) which have come from this brand-new company… Aful Audio. I actually just recently reviewed the Aful MagicOne (MagicOne Review) and I feel it is one of the better sets in the price point and certainly one of the most unique. I’ve also had the Aful Performer 5 (Mahir’s P5 Review) for a little over a year and have enjoyed it and used it often for comparisons in my reviews. The P5 is a highly regarded set in its price point. Point is, so far Aful hasn’t made many mistakes folks. They seem to take their time and create products they know are going to work for the general public. I feel their tuning process is different for each iem and each iem is in turn… different from the last. Each set thus far has its own distinct flavor and flare, and each can certainly be considered very good within their price segments.


Aful was not a name that we in the west were very familiar with. Well at least I certainly hadn’t heard much of them. Not until the Aful Performer 5 (Mahir’s Review) was released to the public anyways. Shortly after, Aful also released the Aful Performer 8 (Pavan’s Review) as well as the Aful MagicOne and I gotta tell you folks again… all three of these sets are very well tuned and hold a nice spot in their respective price points. Aful actually began their journey back in 2018 when they quickly began setting up their lab and by 2020, they had procured three patents! That’s saying something folks! By 2022 the Performer series was off the ground with the release of the Performer 5, followed shortly thereafter by the Performer 8 and after much R&D the MagicOne came to us. Talk about a startup. This company went from complete obscurity to one of the big players very quickly.

Tour Unit

I want to thank HiFri as well as the good people of HiFiGo for sending this unit to me as part of a tour through the US. Also, I want to thank everyone on the tour as I’ve had more than enough time with this set to get a good understanding of it. I feel this is essential in completing a thorough review. Most tours give you a week and then off it goes. So thankfully I have very good experiential knowledge about the P8 to hopefully help anyone seeking to purchase this set. Welp, I think I am ready to get into this one folks. The Aful Performer 8….

Non-Affiliated Purchase links:

Aful Audio


I received the Aful Performer 8 from HiFiGo for tour purposes in exchange for a full review. I have not received any payment or any other form of compensation for this review. This set is a tour sample iem. HiFiGo has not requested to pre-read any review and doesn’t have any control over “what” or “when” anything gets published to All thoughts within this review are my own though please take note that I will always have my own biases. This is impossible to get around. I try to be as objective as my subjective self can be, but this is an opinion piece folks. Thank you to HiFiGo and thanks for reading.


Ifi Go Blu / Hidizs S9 Pro Plus / iBasso DX240 / Shanling M6 Ultra / Moondrop Dawn 4.4

Gear used for testing

Ifi Go Blu

Hidizs S9 Pro Plus

Moondrop Dawn 4.4

iBasso DX240 with Amp8 MK2

Shanling M6 Ultra


Packaging / Accessories


The unboxing experience is pretty standard as far as what you will receive upon purchasing the P8. The box is of good size with a picture of the Performer 8 on the cover as well as some specs, the usual. Open up the box and you’ll notice some reading material in a thin box. Remove that section and you’ll see the earphones themselves seated all pretty in foam cutouts along with the carrying case right next to them. Take out that section and you’ll see the eartips also seated nicely in foam cutouts. Looking inside the carrying case you’ll find the cable. All things considered, the unboxing isn’t bad by any stretch, but it won’t blow your mind or anything.

AP8 Packaging
AP8 Packaging
AP8 Packaging


Aful Performer 8 eartips

The provided eartips are sort-of puzzling to me. I say that because you get six sets in total. They are all silicone, narrow bore tips. Four sets of those tips (S, M, L, L) belong to the same series of tips which are narrow bore, longer, all black. The last two sets of tips are basically the exact same eartip but with colored (blue/red) stems. Very strange. No wide bore, no different style of eartips to fix the sound to any degree. Again, very strange. I suppose it didn’t matter to myself as I used my favorite KBear 07 tips. I found the upper midrange to come across with more presence and the bass region to have more punch using the 07’s. The included tips are perfectly fine, and they do have a firm flange which does well for sealing in most ears so I certainly wouldn’t call them “bad” tips. In most (99%) of my reviews I will tip-roll. I feel it is almost always beneficial unless the brand actually adds in tips which make good sense for their earphones. While the included tips didn’t make much sense specifically for the P8 here, I still do think they are decent tips.

Carrying Case

AP8 Carrying Case

The included case is pretty cool. It’s a black hockey Puck shaped case that is of good size. I find the leather which covers the case to be a nice touch. You’ll notice the Aful logo in the center and a classy looking stitching around the top. Again, it’s also pretty big inside. Certainly, big enough for your earphones, cable, tips, and possibly a small dongle dac. The lid on the case opens rather easily but stays nicely closed due to the friction of the materials around the lid nice and tight. It doesn’t screw on, clasp, or button down and so I really do like how easy it is to get in and out. If I’m being honest, I usually never use the cases with any set of earphones. However, because this was a tour unit, I used this case constantly and was very happy with it.


Ap8 Cable

The cable which comes with the P8 is pretty good. I wouldn’t say it is something which will wow anyone. It’s decent. The cable is a 98 wire x4 strand cable. The cable in my package is a 2-pin 3.5 single ended, High Purity Monocrystalline Copper cable with Silver Plating. If any of you are familiar with the Tripowin C8 cable, then you’ll notice this one is very close in almost all ways. However, this cable is a bit more elegant to me. I would’ve liked to see more of a flagship looking cable at this price, but it serves its purpose very well and even looks good paired with the P8 too. Not bad at all folks. You can purchase either the 3.5 or 4.4 at checkout wherever the P8 is sold.

What’d I use

Due to the fact that the cable I was given is a 3.5 single ended cable, I instead went with the awesome KBear Chord 4.4 cable to pair with the P8 and my balanced sources. Folks, whether you actively believe cables make any auditory difference in sound quality or not, I do believe the KBear Chord with its Graphene and Copper mix does help add some warmth into the sound. That cable is fantastic on a budget! Anyways, the Chord is a beefcake of a cable and looks dope paired with most any set. I think it looks pretty fly on the P8 too. One further thing, the P8 will scale with slightly more output and nine times out of ten the balanced jack will provide more output power. I do think it helps with the sound though it isn’t earth shatteringly different.

Ap8 Cable

The Performer 8 and the Hidizs S9 Pro Plus is a very nive tonal pairing.

Build / Design / Internals / Fit

Build Quality

Once you’ve seen an all-resin build, you’ve basically seen them all. They’re really nice but the P8 isn’t anything truly special. It is nicely built though. It has a solid feel in hand and in the ear. The feel is robust for an all-resin design. It is actually constructed by way of 3D printing, which includes the entire shell as well as the acoustic cavity inside. There’s a premium essence about this set. However, I couldn’t say it’s built any better than sets costing 1/5th of the P8. It’s nice but nothing out of the ordinary. You’ll notice the P8 is in two pieces. The Shell and the Faceplates. I only see one small vent hole towards the front and the nozzle is of medium length. The nozzle width read about 6mm on my calipers. Inside the nozzle you’ll see the three tube endings so be sure to not block those with whatever tips you use. I prefer a more semi-wide to wide tip like the 07’s I spoke about. The build is nice, the finish is nice, and the build is perfectly ergonomical.

AP8 Build Quality
AP8 Build Quality
AP8 Build Quality
AP8 Build Quality
AP8 Build Quality


I suppose that the design will not be for everyone, but I like it and I think it looks very cool. You’ll notice the deep orange, yellows, reddish-purple, and reds on the faceplate but mostly looks like a brownish-orange hue from afar. I also enjoy that the faceplates refract the light in a room to a degree. It looks as though Aful used six different colors of foil on the faceplate and strategically covered them in resin. It is a dope look in the right light as the foil bounces the light around. Aful also added in their name or logo along the bottom of the faceplate which I feel is a class way to go about it. I usually feel disdain for any logos, but this is nice. I feel the Performer 8 is very much a “Fall Themed” iem. Kinda reminds me of the colors of Autumn where I grew up and is very striking. Granted, not everyone wants these colors in their ears and that I understand. Personally, I actually dig blues, blacks contrasted with more vibrant colors, but I don’t think this set is bad looking at all. It’s a cool look and a nice design theme for the price.

AP8 image


Aful went all-out on the P8 by providing this set with one dynamic driver and seven balanced armature drivers. The dynamic driver is said to be an 8mm driver with a biological diaphragm. The DD covers the bass in total, but Aful also used two BA’s (of unknown origins) to cover this area as well. I’m assuming to add that BA type snap to the mid-bass. They also decided upon two BA’s covering the midrange and two more BA’s covering the top end of the treble. I haven’t found anything which states exactly where the BA’s come from or what type they are, but I can tell you they are there. Aful did a nice job of tucking them inside very nicely.


One sweet thing about this set involves one of Aful Audio’s very own patents (Patent #: CN109803206A). This patent is named “Special Shaped Sound Channel Physical Frequency Division of an Earphone”. Yes, that is a mouthful. Aful also incorporated an air-pressure balance system which makes use of different filters to fine tune the treble area. Aful adds that this system will replicate the sound of electrostatic drivers in this region. Now, I don’t know if I would necessarily go that far but the treble does have a smoothness to it, so I figure the tech is doing something right.

Internals cont…

Aful uses a physical style frequency division technology which makes use of sound tubes of various lengths to harmonize the sound waves. Basically, this helps to create a more coherent sound between all of the drivers. If you look inside, you can see a very long tube running from the mid-bass BA’s. Aful states that the tube is actually 46 mm long. You’ll also see a roughly 10mm midrange tubing too. Aful also used an air pressure relief system using dampers which is said to add elasticity and depth to the low frequency of the P8 by way of a catheter tube and filter system. Adding into that, Aful also uses a RCL frequency division correction tech for better help with tuning the P8. I will not go into depth on this tech due to the length at which it takes to explain it. However, I am impressed with how far Aful went to make a solid sounding earphone. Look what this genius company did with the single-BA MagicOne. Quite impressive.

AP8 Internals
AP8 Internals
AP8 Internals
AP8 Internals
AP8 Internals

Fit / Isolation

This is one area that astounded me personally. I find the fit to be so good that I may rank it number one next to Aful’s own MagicOne. The fit is incredible. It’s perfect for me. They fit so good you’d think the damn P8 grew there. I get no suction at all as the pressure relief does work well. I also found that the passive noise isolation is great for an earphone. Maybe not stage worthy but fantastic for a casual listening iem. I have zero clue how the P8 will fit you, but I am assuming most people will have a great fit.


The Aful Performer 8 attached to the Moondrop Dawn 4.4.


Mobile Listening

AP8 & the Moondrop Dawn 4.4

The Aful Performer 8 is a very easy to drive iem. With an impedance rating of 30 ohms and a sensitivity of 115 db’s I am very impressed by how well you can bring this set to good fidelity with even low powered sources. Even listening with my Fiio UTWS5 was a great pairing. The warmer chip of the UTWS5 worked great in creating a good synergy making this setup one fantastic tws type option. Moving up to the IFi Go Blu on 4.4 balanced proved to me for the 1st time that the P8 will scale with power and to the quality of the source. Preferably something warmer. The Go Blu is just that.

I also used both the Moondrop Dawn 4.4, as well as the Hidizs S9 Pro Plus as both devices provided their own flare manipulating how the P8 can sound. The Dawn is a bit more technical, very dynamic, but also more neutral. I certainly enjoyed the warmer and thicker sound of the S9 Pro Plus. I feel the synergizing effect of the S9 Pro Plus was a bit more evident to me.

More juice

As far as extra power, I honestly didn’t feel it is some open-shut case that more power will make this a better set of earphones. I don’t totally agree with that. However, I do most certainly hear a slightly more refined sound listening with my two very powerful daps (Shanling M6 Ultra & iBasso DX240). Both daps set at medium gain. Having said that, I more so feel that the P8 does scale, or better said… improves to the source tonalities and is actually pretty picky too. You’ll find this with slightly dryer sounding or analytical sets from time to time. Eh, who am I kidding, you’ll see this with any set, maybe more-so with the dryer sets. Definitely with the P8.

The difference between the ES9038Pro flagship chip of the DX240 and the AK4493SEQ flagship chip of the M6 Ultra is discernible. The M6 Ultra is simply warmer, more silken, velvet, and reacts so much better to the sharpness of a BA timbre to my ears. With the DX240 there is almost a metallic BA type note edge at times. Without question the M6 Ultra was smoother, tighter, and less edgy or coarse. Again, not open-shut and there are variables to that but from my devices this is what I came away with, with certainty.

In the end

At the end of the day, you don’t need a powerhouse of a source device. I feel the P8 much more reacts to the quality and tonality of your source. They’re picky friends. The P8 simply wants something with a tad more thickness and weight, smoothness and warmth to counter the neutrality a bit. I say this but let me also say that these are for my preferences, you could be very much different. So, keep that in mind.

The Aful Performer 8 with the iBasso DX240 shows off a very technical and dynamic performance.

Sound Impressions

he Aful Performer 8 is most certainly a neutral sounding set with only very slight shades of warmth near the low end and some brighness from the highs. This is a neutral sound which is kept in check and very clean. In fact, this is one of the cleanest sounding sets in the price point from my understanding. Everything comes through loud and clear folks. Still, I feel the greatest asset of the tuning comes from the dynamic balance that the P8 has across the mix. You have a pretty snappy transient attack & decay with a hair more sustain in the low-end sub-bass region. Everything else comes and goes very quickly, precisely, and distinctly, with a smooth overall feel to my music listening with the P8.

Pint sized sound Between the 20’s

Beginning with the bass region, the P8 has more of a sub-bass tilt with adequate rumble that I would consider just over moderate. The P8 has some haptic energy and “feel” to the rumble, but the mid-bass may be lacking in warmth and slam for some folks. Basically, this is not an overly emphasized bass, but it is a very lithesome, acrobatic, supple and basically a mature bass. Certainly, it’s quality over quantity here. The midrange is mostly unblemished, well separated, gracefully nimble and the timbre is closer to natural. Despite those lofty words, the note weight is pretty thin with a slight dryness to the sound. Certainly not the most musical sounding set. However, the midrange has a very nice sound to it. I don’t hear any great recession and there is a natural type of density to the entire region. I’m not usually a fan of a thinner and dryer sound but I find myself enjoying the P8 quite a lot. I feel the beauty of this set is the roundness and crystalline definition to notes, which sort-of makes up for the lack of note weight and warmth. The treble is emphasized without being shrill. It’s detailed without sounding overcooked, forced or peaky. I wouldn’t call the extension the greatest in the world, but it is very good. The treble has a nice punch and doesn’t come across brittle or splashy.

If this is all the further you read

So, if you cannot go any further just know that each area of the mix is very well laid out. The tuning is very nicely balanced, textured, sprightly, and good layering within the sound field. Some may feel the sound is lacking proper dynamics or “fun” energy, but I beg to differ. At least for my own listening enjoyment. There are still some pretty vivacious and full macro-dynamics, but they just come across more vibrant. Low-end notes do have some liquid tactility and a very detailed and technically astute response. But they are simply a bit lean.

Again, the bass does lack a bit and doesn’t add any real weight and warmth to the midrange. In the same breath, the low-end is very snappy, detailed and still has some punch to it. The mids are thinner but vocals don’t seem to suffer like a thinner timbre usually does. Now, in some tracks you’ll hear some slight sibilance, but it is not enough for me to label as a “con”. Just the slightest tinges of BA timbre show up from time to time. Beyond that I find the P8 to be a very resolute and vibrant example of a natural tuning. I call it “off natural”. Very close to what I envision real world instruments and voices to sound like, yet with some added luminous color from the elevation up top and the lack of emphasis down low.

Not for everyone

This will certainly not be everyone’s favorite so please hear me out. The sound is going to throw some folks off. In the next sections I will go through each 3rd of the mix and will try my best to outline exactly what I hear. Again, if this is all the further you read just know that this is a technical beast with a very lively sound. It’s clean, it’s resolute, and has very good balance, albeit tilted a hair towards neutral/bright.

Graph provided by “Super Reviews”…Thank You!


Bass Region

The low-end is just like I explained, it’s less than full and not the most bombastic and deep. It’s a good bass but not necessarily a compete bass and it likely won’t fit everyone’s preferences. It’s a quick hitting bass. It comes and goes and doesn’t play around with any atmospheric sustain. Possibly there is some slightly longer sub-bass decay, but I wouldn’t call it an organic sounding low-end. It’s efficient, moderate in quantity, but it will also show up adequately when a track calls for it. Also, this is a bass that won’t infringe on any other frequency. Aful crafted this set to keep it all clean and fleet footed. Great for fast paced tracks and doesn’t easily sound congested. Ever.


The sub-bass has the majority of low-end emphasis. I feel it’s just enough to create a balance across the mix. It steps up when called upon. For instance, I hear a nicely guttural deepness in the song “2040” by Lil Durk, but also, every set sounds pretty deep and authoritative with this song. The beauty of the P8 is its ability to not lose any clarity on the rest of the track while still keeping that edgy rumble. Another track is “Heat Waves” by the Glass Animals. There is a slight melody which begins this track, but it runs straight into a heavy bass drop. I love that the P8 hits with this distinct and hard-edged meatiness. It isn’t bulbous or heavy handed but it’s more natural to my ears. Well, as natural as this track can sound. Honestly the sub-bass has very few shortcomings and comes together very well for me and my library.

Technical sub-bass

Groove” by Ashley Monroe is an example of a sonorous sub-bass hum and thrum that stays so very clean and clear with a more technical sounding sub-bass. Folks, the sound of Ashley’s vocals running in tandem with the bassline is beautiful. Her voice and all other instruments separate almost perfectly. Nothing is out of place and all of it is very coherent in the mix. I could give you a multitude of tracks I have notes for, and each follows the same trajectory. Clean, deep, separated, detailed with a sub-bass that is represented well. Could it have a bit more rumble? Without question. Again, nothing is for everyone. Yet at the end of the day, the Performer 8 has good extension down low with very good speed for complicated bass passages.


When I’m listening to the mid-bass section with the P8 I do find that it lacks just a bit for those fans of a bigger bass section, but I also feel the balance is great and works well for the overall sound of the P8. That’s for me though. However, I don’t find this mid-bass lack a huge issue because the sound is so well rounded in its slam. There is an elasticity to the sound down low and there is actual texture and great definition to the sound. But best of all is the clarity and precision in the slam and boom. Much different from the more lagging decay of the Performer 5, it is very easy to hear the refinement on this set. I’m sure many would consider this a definite upgrade from the previous installment in the series (P5) but that all would have to coincide with your preferences.

Slightly less full sounding

However, the slight lack of mid-bass authority, warmth and fullness does take away from some instruments like bass guitar. For instance, “Feelin’ the Miles” by The Wilder Blue incorporates a bending and rolling bass guitar riff that needs a full-bodied groove. The P8 doesn’t quite get there. The sound is more thin and slightly more edgy/vibrant then it is bellowing and droning. Another instance of slight lack is in big booming kick drums. Like in the track “Billie Jean” by Weezer. One of my most favorite test tracks. It’ll tell you so much about the low-end in easy to digest samples of kickdrum beats. Mostly the sub-bass will show up and provide some feel to the boom, but I notice that some of the fundamental frequency boom has a softened leading edge and just a tad less emphasis than perfect. Well, I have yet to hear perfect, so I think the P8 is doing just fine. That said, the panging snare drum paps hit with a strident sound that has some energy to it. Slightly less natural sounding then it would be if there was more warmth but very nice for casual listening. Fun even.

Further thoughts about the bass

I don’t have much more to add as I think you have a pretty good idea how this set sounds down low. It isn’t the most emphasized and assertive as a whole. It is dialed back but I also feel this was very much intentional. Aful does nothing by accident folks. The bass is one which leaves a crystal-clear midrange by rolling off the mid-bass just short of blending the frequency too much. Also, I feel the low-end BA’s do a lot to add that energy to the note edge on many tracks. There is an expedient nature to the bass. It’s very fast, very tight and micro-dynamic subtle shifts are well rendered.

Downsides to the Bass Region

The obvious downside is that the bass isn’t the biggest, which will also obviously “not” appeal to bass heads, or even moderate bass lovers. This isn’t a super “fun” bass either, for most hobbyists anyways. You won’t get that satisfying decay that some sets will give you. It isn’t the most atmospheric and organic in that regard. Almost too swift to be natural. At least that’s how I hear it and that is certainly debatable. All that said, I think it sounds great per the tuning that Aful was going for. Truly a special for fans of this type as it’s a low-end that’s mature and clean.



Looking at the midrange, it’s not a very thickly weighted or warm midrange. It simply doesn’t have the extra boldness to it that a purposeful mid-bass bleed can offer. I also wouldn’t say the midrange has a lot of fullness in the structure of its notes. From the low-mids to the upper-mids the P8 comes across leaner than it is rich. I’d even venture to say that the mids are drier than they aren’t though the mids also aren’t completely devoid of lushness. The mids are almost perfectly neutral to my ears with just some slightly bright coloration. This may sound like drawbacks, but I find the midrange to be fantastic. Just because it isn’t syrupy or milky in its tonal weight doesn’t mean it doesn’t have density and even some smoothness. Another thing, just because the sound is drier and more analytical doesn’t mean that macro-dynamics are forgotten. I find the sound to be very energetic and with plenty of dynamic flare with a very nice stage presence is this region.


Transients are fast which tightens the note structure. However, in that tighter structure there is some solidity and clean neutral density. This is what I always refer to as “lean-lush” and the P8 holds this moniker like a badge of honor. Please remember the P8 is not what I would consider a “Musical” sounding set. There isn’t that atmospheric emotion that some good smoothness, warmth, and texture can provide, which I prefer. However, the P8 makes up for it with cleanliness, clarity and a lean-lush vibrant texture that is very well defined in the mix. Maybe it isn’t the most musical, but the P8 is still melodic for what it is. It is very well detailed with even the most subtle of details displayed nicely against the neutral balance of this set. No one frequency masks any other frequency which helps tremendously for detail illumination.


The low-mids come across pretty smooth with a nice transition from the bass, even with the slight roll-off. No, there isn’t that ultra warm and bold male voice, but most males also have a very poised and composed sound. Take Larry Fleet in the track “Where I Find God”. His southern rasp is edgy, very edgy. It’s coarse and can so very easily derail on so many sets. So easily his vocals can sound almost metallic and grainy in sets that don’t have good control over the region. Not on this set, no sir, the P8 holds that edge very well, even in Larry’s more vivacious vocals. There is some real note integrity here that I find refreshing. It almost makes this less than musical set kind of engaging. There is something to be said of a set that has great clarity and refinement.

A small observation

Listening to the bass singer Avi Kaplan sing “First Place I Go” is almost a double-edged sword for me. On one hand the definition of his vocals is great. He comes across almost magisterially in the intonation of his vocals, which is helped by the crystalline note outline and fast release of each note. It’s lean-lush in every sense of the word. Not syrupy and sonorous in his inflection but still prominent, forward sounding and bold. However, in this lean-lush type of fast release density you also don’t have the deepness or full bellow that his voice usually sounds. There’s a bit more luster to his vocals with the P8. Just a tad too vibrant then what I feel his voice should sound like. Please don’t take this as a bad thing but it’s simply an observation. Most males sound very nice.


Females in the upper midrange certainly have some shimmer and vivacious behavior to my ears. The upper-mids come across a hint brighter tonally with good note definition. Now, with that you also do have some moments of sibilance. However, not so much that it is an annoyance for me so take that for what it is. Still, in the grand scheme of things females come across resplendent and melodic, albeit slightly drier than it is moist. Listening to Olivia Rodrigo in the track “Teenage Dream” she sounds so effortlessly svelte and soft with a whispery sensualness to her voice in so many lines of this song. Also, at the same time she comes across vibrant and each note she sings has this glass lined cleanliness to it. She sounds forward in the mix yet not overbearing. To me her vocals sound really nice.

BA timbre?

I say all that, but I also hear some less than stellar sounding female vocals like Jess Williamson on the track “Stampede”. Not bad by any stretch but her voice does have a hint of metallic texture to the crest of her notes. Her vocals aren’t as full in body as they can be. She sounds forward but almost tinny, if that makes sense. Perhaps one would call that BA timbre? Still, these issues are few and far in between and seem to only show up with a coarse type of voice like this. It simply isn’t as musical as it could be. Now, I could point to quite a few tracks which go against this example, but I felt the need to add in this little rebuttal to the favorable words thus far. For the most part females sound well developed and framed nicely in their dry and analytical form.


As always, I will keep this short and use very broad strokes to preserve my word count. Instruments are a part of my listening which could derail into a novel if I’m not watching myself. So, generalities it is. Strings are more lurid and striking than they are organic to my ears. For the most part. However, harmonics come across pretty nicely for an analytical sounding set. Details emerge with ease as every scrape, scratch and pluck is highlighted. Strings are just a hair more energetic and brighter in its fundamental tone than perfectly natural. Whatever “natural” is. Percussion is also more energized with a sharpness and bite to them. Especially snare drums, cymbals and hi-hats. Now, yes, they are energetic, but the snap and pang of percussion hits are like a perfect exclamation point on this set. There is a directness and exactness to the sound which is very nice to me. I don’t hear anything tizzy or splashy at all. Piano sounds resounding and tuneful for the most part. Maybe I could use a bit more weight to some lower pitch tones but not a big deal. Violin can sound anywhere from silvery, sharp and edgy to mellow and very charming. Forgive me for my choice of descriptors but this is what I hear folks. I honestly don’t hear anything odd or weird in timbre with most instruments. Just know that all instruments will indeed have a bit more bright/neutral sound than usual.

Downsides to the Midrange

If I were to pick some downsides or issues with the midrange I would 1st point to the note weight. The P8 will not be a set for those who enjoy a richer, more moist, and emotionally charged sound. The mids are thinner and drier to my ears which is a direct connection to the lack of warmth. Next, I would say that the overall tonality has some spritzes of brightness which does color the sound to a degree. There are also times when I do hear some sibilance in this region. I mentioned that it isn’t enough to bother me but… It can be bothersome if you focus on it. It isn’t in any track either but instead sibilance only occurs in tracks really prone to it.


So, to counter all of that I would say that the detail retrieval is top notch folks. I mean “top notch”! Transient swiftness is more than evident and the imaging in this region is fantastic. Separation of elements of the stage is almost class leading. Obviously, the BA’s within are very nice drivers which can handle even the most complicated tracks with ease. You have this marvelous technical ability all the while the P8 isn’t completely devoid of musicality. Also, there is great air to the sound with an openness that is refreshing. Still, this is certainly not a sound that is for everyone, that’s for sure. If it was my perfect preference, I would say that I enjoy a warmer and fuller sound in this region, but I can certainly enjoy this set.


Treble Region

Listening with the Performer 8 I found the treble to have a nice luminous sound without going overboard and never really causing any offense to my ears. The greatest strength of this treble is in its balance and the fact that the treble adds some levity to the overall sound of the P8. This set would be pretty dull had it not been for the tuning up top. In fact, the treble is very well tuned in my opinion. The detail retrieval up top is something to be admired from other sets in the price point. I really mean that with solid conviction folks. There is awesome note definition and awesome resolution in this region. Each note has its own well-defined structure to it. This isn’t some forced resolution either because there is a nice balance across the mix. In fact, I wouldn’t even say this is an unusually bright treble either. No sir, I would instead say it is simply a refined and talented treble region that offers excellent clarity and separation.

Kept in check

Perhaps, the level of vibrance will be too much for some warm and dark lovers but coming from someone who enjoys pretty much every sound signature I can tell you that it is not too much for me. I never hear any undue and obvious glare or piercing peaks in my music. The only objection I would give is that the treble does add some extra energy to other regions at times and does color the sound a little bit. Most notably in the upper midrange. However, for the most part the treble is kept in check. As though it is brought right to the cusp of a peak, but an imaginary governor holds back the sharpness to manageable and clean levels. The awesome thing is that all this energy comes across smoothly in its definition. Yes, the P8 can come across crisp, but only when called upon. What it isn’t is grainy or tizzy and not even close to shrill.


Listening to Billy Strings in his track “In The Morning Light” I hear very delicate micro-dynamic shifts which illuminates even the faintest and most subtle plucks of the guitar with a tinsley and chimney energy that is very nice to hear. This track features almost dainty notes which are laced in intricate details. Or his track “Ice Bridges” which is another of his rapid-fire banjo tracks. I’m telling you the P8 handles this track and laughs. Too easy. Every modulation of the melody is accounted for and cleanly displayed with roundness to each note. Possibly treble heads would like more of an electrostatic type of treble punch but I gotta tell you folks, the P8 brings you close to that. There is some haptic recognition to notes but I still find now weight to be slightly thinner and still drier than it isn’t. Having said that, the treble is very well accomplished.

Downsides to the Treble Region

To pick apart this treble region would be easy for someone who enjoys a thicker and rolled-off treble experience. They could certainly say there is too much lower-treble energy, and I wouldn’t disagree per their preferences. Again, those who are very treble sensitive are not going to enjoy this treble region. There are moments of some shoutiness and the energy is the type which adds an overarching layer of brightness. Granted, it is kept in check for me but I’m not everyone else. You may feel it is way too much. However, I honestly cannot get too down on this treble region as I feel that the P8 is tuned very well. Detail retrieval is fantastic, and I do mean in “every” sense of the word fantastic. The sound is open, airy, and so very well separated. There is a cleanliness to the note outlines up top which is very nice to hear and extension past 10k is admirable without sounding splashy. This is a sparkly and shimmery treble without the shout folks. Nice job Aful!

Truly a wonderful mixture of tonalities between the Performer 8 and the M6 Ultra.



The soundstage has above average width and good height for a fuller sounding intimate experience. However, I do feel that depth could’ve been a bit more… deep. The sound stretches pretty wide to my ears and while the whole presentation is more forward sounding, I still find it big in all directions. It’s full sounding, big sounding. Yet also close. I do get a sense for layering of sounds, but I also feel that the depth leaves a little bit to be desired. However, in the grand scheme of things the soundstage is not one which sounds as though it lacks. Depth is a difficult thing to hear until you hear a set that is obviously deep with easy to hear layering. The P8 does layer the sound but something is slightly missing here. Again, it certainly doesn’t lack to me so take that for what it is.

Separation / Imaging

The Performer 8 excels in separation of elements on an imaginary stage. It has all the good quality attributes to help in this area. Tight transients, open and airy sound, clean note definition and resolution and a good-sized stage. It’s almost as though there is room and air for each instrument to breathe. There is also some roundness to the sound of instruments and layering of those sounds. It definitely isn’t flat which helps this drier and more analytical sound to feel more engaging and 3D. Imaging of instruments and vocalists is very well laid out. Whether left to right or even front to back (to a lesser degree) there is a definite all-around image and nice placement. As it should be for this price. You should expect the P8 to perform here. It would’ve been a tragedy if they didn’t get this part right.

Detail retrieval

Another thing the P8 excels at is detail retrieval. It simply has all the tools to compete well against any set within the price point in illuminating all the subtleties within a track. Again, the P8 has great resolution, tight and compact transients that come and go quickly. The sound is balanced across the mix and so you won’t have the bass overshadowing any other frequency or even the treble for that matter, most of the time. I don’t think anyone will be left wanting if you are after an iem that excels in the analytical type of approach, and you desire to have some of the best detail retrieval within the price point. My opinion of course and also, I haven’t heard every set in the price point so do keep that in mind. I realize it is a lofty statement whenever I am including the word “best”. However, I really am impressed at the P8’s ability to resolve micro-details as well as resolve all the micro-dynamic subtle shifts in such a clean manner.


AP8 Comparisons
Yanyin Canon II / Aful Performer 8 / Xenns Mangird Tea


Xenns Mangird Tea ($329)

Mangird Tea

The Mangird Tea is a set which has been a mainstay in the price point for many years now. Proving that good sound is good no matter what. Of course, we have a Tea 2 by now, but I actually prefer the OG model. The Tea is a seven-driver hybrid model consisting of 1 DD & 6 BA’s and has been lauded for its smooth vocals and balanced sound. I chose the Tea for comparison simply because so many folks have heard it and plus, I understand its sound very well and have spent years dissecting it and enjoying it. Still, after all these years the OG Tea is one of my favorites in the +$300 price point.

Aesthetically there really isn’t much which differentiates the two. Both are all resin builds and both have a premium feel and a dope look. Personally, I prefer the look of the Tea but that is neither here nor there as you could feel totally different. I do think the P8 has a bit better accessory additions for a better unboxing, but honestly it is very close between the two. I will say one thing, it is very possible to find the Tea for much less than the MSRP. In fact, Linsoul has it for $269 at the moment.

Sound Differences

The first difference that comes to mind is the Tea has a bit more warmth across the mix and actually sounds a bit better balanced though it is very close between the. The P8 on the other hand comes across closer to neutral and even slightly brighter than neutral. The Tea has the smoother sound across the mix with transient behavior which seems a bit more drawn out whereas the P8 is tighter and more abrupt in its decay. the Tea sounds softer and easier for long periods of listening as well. The P8 on the other hand has a bit more hard-lined solidity, for the most part anyways.

Bass Region

The Tea has slightly more impact in the low-end though the graph seems to make me a liar. However, I definitely hear more warmth and low-end oomph on the Tea. Despite that, I find the P8 to have the cleaner and tighter low-end with better separation. The Tea has a bit more sustain and is a bit more atmospheric in the bass whereas the P8 sounds more immediate down low. I can tell you this, I don’t feel I need to add a bunch more mid-bass emphasis on the Tea as I do the P8. Both sound fantastic for what they are though. Perhaps the Tea is a bit denser in its bass but also a hair fuzzier at the note outline.


This is an area that the Mangird Tea has been adored for over the years. When it comes to vocals the Tea is one of the 1st sets that I recommend. The Tea has better note weight and is simply more organic in its timbre. The P8 adds a bit more vibrance across the midrange. However, the P8 is certainly the more technically astute set. If details and separation are what you are after, then you’ll prefer the P8. It has better separation and imaging. Still, for vocals and for an emotionally engaging sound the Tea is much better suited for it. You’ll be hard pressed to find a better set for vocals. The two are a bit different from each other though on paper you’d think they are very close in most ways. The P8 is just a bit brighter, and transients are quicker, tighter and more exact. The Tea is smoother and closer to a velvet sounding iem.

Treble Region

Certainly, the P8 is brighter and has more added levity to its overall sound. The Tea on the other hand seems a bit more cohesive in its balance. Between the two the P8 has a bit better extension into the highest of highs, but the difference in extension is minimal. Certainly, the P8 has the snappier and more energetic treble region with better detail retrieval and better separation. However, the Tea is no slouch in this area, but it is better known for its musicality and smoothness rather than its technical abilities. The Tea is less offensive and easier to stomach over long periods of Listening while the P8 seems to take you right to the point of a peak and stop just short. One more thing, the P8 has much better extension past 10k and simply seems to extend the stage a bit more in this regard.


Between the two the P8 pretty much wins out across the board with better detail retrieval across the mix, better separation and better imaging to my ears. The only thing the Tea has an advantage in is its soundstage. Granted, the P8 sounds wider than the Tea, but I feel there is better depth of field on the Tea. However, the Tea wasn’t tuned to be a detail marvel quite the same as the P8. The Tea is a smooth, coherent and musical sounding iem. The P8 is just a beast in the detail department and just about every area that equates to a “technicality”. Truly these are both special in their own ways.

In the end

At the end of the day these two are both fantastic iems. Do you like a set which is more analytical rather than musical or musical rather than analytical. That really is the difference. The P8 isn’t as atmospheric and organic while the Tea isn’t as clean lined and agile. Both fantastic iems and both really perform well. I do think that the P8 is the more refined sounding set with a much cleaner approach and honestly, it sounds as good as it costs. The Tea is fantastic, but many sets can equal what it can do for less. Other than vocals. I still feel the Mangird Tea is one of the best vocal sets under $500.

Graph provided by “Super Reviews”…Thank You!

Yanyin Canon II ($379)

Yanyin Canon II

The Yanyin Canon II is simply one of my favorite iems, at any price point. I actually reviewed the Canon earlier this year (Canon II Review) and gave it very high marks. The Canon II is a five driver Hybrid with 1DD and 4BA’s. The Canon II was chosen just because it offers a much different sound signature and probably a different set of audio fans which coincidentally helps a lot helping to explain the sound of the Performer 8. I truly enjoy both iems but I am a bit partial to the more fun and robust Canon II. That said, there are a few areas where the P8 out-classes the Canon II and vice-versa.

Both iems are fairly close in price. One (P8) is an 8 driver Hybrid and the other (Canon II) is a five driver Hybrid. However, we all know that driver count is meaningless if the tuning isn’t done well and cohesive. Thankfully both iems are very well done for each respective sound signature. I feel the Canon II is a bit more robust in build though both sets are all resin builds. The Canon II has the luxury of having two dipswitches which do affect the sound quite well so that is something to consider. Without question the Canon II is the better-looking set, well, in my opinion anyways. I much prefer the fluorescent blues, blacks, greens and the design is simply better to me. Tougher looking. Both sets have a nice unboxing experience, and both sets offer quality accessories for the price.

Sound Differences

Between the two we have some pretty drastic differences in overall sound, tonality, & timbre. The Canon II is a warm sounding set with a thick note weight and a big macro-dynamic expression. The P8 is a neutral sounding iem with a tilt towards bright and thinner note body. It’s also still dynamic and energetic but not with the same syrupy type of body to notes of the Canon II. The P8 has swifter and more dexterous transients while the Canon II is what I would call “agile for its tuning”. One set is warm, thick-lush and smooth and the other neutral, lean-lush and an analytical dynamo. The P8 has better resolution and clarity throughout but the Canon II is certainly the more musical of the two.

Bass Region

This’ll be quick, the Canon II is much more guttural, deep, and thickly weighted down low yet very nimble for such emphasis. The P8 is exactly as I’ve explained this entire review, it’s leaner, more vibrant in its punch and less of a nuisance to other frequencies. If a big and dense boom with a tacky note edge while still having a very nimble agility meets your preferences, then the Canon II is likely more up your alley. Or, if a punchy and very taught bass with a clean and precise note delivery are more likely to catch your attention then the P8 would more closely fit your preferences. The biggest difference to me is the quantity here folks. Both low-end displays of both sets are very well done for their respective tunings.


The P8 comes across with better clarity and simply has the clean precision of a great analytical iem. The Canon II on the other hand has the smooth musicality of a nice vocal set. I find the Canon II and the P8 sound equally close in the sound field for stuff like vocals and some instruments. However, the P8 simply comes across thinner and slightly more artificial compared to the slightly richer sound of the Canon II. I do feel that vocals come across better in the Canon II throughout the midrange and instruments have that warm/neutral approach with the clean note delivery to really come across nice. Now, the P8 is better for fine listening and better for picking apart the details in a track. I should also add that the P8 is much more prone to sibilance in comparison to the great control that the Canon II was tuned with.

Treble Region

Both sets have very nice energy up top, but the running theme carries in in this region. That is; the P8 is thinner, higher resolution, better detailed and snappier. Also, the Canon II is more dense, better haptic recognition, better treble punch and only slightly less detailed. Mainly on heavier bass tracks you’ll hear some masking up top on the Canon II but for the most part I hear great details on both sets. Extension is nice on both sets with good info into to the upper-treble. I do find the P8 to be quite a bit brighter to the less offensive Canon II. Both offer very nice treble experiences.


Most technicalities will go to the Performer 8. The tuning is such that separation, transient swiftness, resolution, details and clean note definition are its superpowers. Of course, these attributes take away some of the more musical traits that so many people look forward to. So, it’s a give and take. However, both iems have a nice technical playback but the P8 is simply more inclined to show off its technical abilities. The only area the Canon II supersedes the P8 is in its stage depth and overall 3D holographic sound.

In the end

When looking at these two sets I can only refer to this comparison as a preference battle. You’ll know right away what you are more aligned with just due to the drastic difference of tuning between the two. At times I use the term “preference battle” often when comparing two sets of entirely different sound sigs that will offer obvious and distinct differences and anyone reading will likely fall into one or the other camp. Personally, I enjoy the Canon II quite a bit more. I enjoy the musicality of the Yanyin set and I am not losing much in technicalities. I love the deep and resonant bass, but I also love the clean sounding playback, the juicy lean-lush vocals. I’m sure some will much prefer the P8, and I can totally understand that. Both sets are absolute beasts in their price point, and both represent the best that their price points offer.

Graph provided by “Super Reviews”…Thank You!


Ratings (0-10)

Note: all ratings are based upon my subjective judgment. These ratings are garnered against either similarly priced sets or with similar driver implementations or styles with the unique parameters of my choosing. In the case of the Aful Performer 8 ratings below, that would be $250-$350 iems of any driver configuration. Please remember that “ratings” don’t tell the whole story. This leaves out nuance and a number of other qualities which make an iem what it is. A “5” is exactly average and please take into consideration the “lot” of iems these ratings are gathered against. $250-$350 US is a decent sized scope of iems and so seeing a 9 should probably be pretty special. My ratings are never the same and each set of ratings tells a different story. Each time you read one of my ratings it will be unique to that review. Basically, I create a Rating that makes sense to me.


-Build Quality: 8.0 Built well but nothing out of the ordinary.

-Look: 8.0 Looks great but maybe not for everyone.

-Accessories: 7.5 Nice accessories

Overall: 7.8

Sound Rating

-Timbre: 9.1 The timbre and tonality are very good.

-Bass: 8.3 Mature bass that is quality over quantity.

-Midrange: 8.5 The mids are exceptionally good on this set.

-Treble: 9.4 The treble has good body & has great control

-Technicalities: 9.8 Technical BEAST!

Overall: 9.0🔥🔥🔥

Ratings Summary:

I feel the ratings pretty much explain themselves, but I do have to explain at least for a few categories, just for full disclosure. First off, I gave the P8 a rating of “9.1” in the “Timbre” category. I honestly feel the timbre is great on this set, but I do hear some hints of artificial BA timbre at times along with some sibilance too. Still, the neutral and natural sound is just too nice to ignore. So yes, it may be a high rating, but I feel it qualifies. You may disagree and that is understandable. The next rating which could be argued is the “Bass”. I feel the P8 is worthy of the very lofty rating of an “8.3”. I could see many folks thinking I’m crazy with such a small quantity. Folks, this bass is very good, and not because of its quantity. This is a very mature and very clean bass with a nice punch that is too resolute and defined to give it a low score for me. I suppose those are the only two ratings that are questionable to me but please comment if you feel differently.


AP8 Ifi Go Blu
I love chilling with the Performer 8 and the Go Blu

Is it worth the asking price?

For me this is an easy answer. The Aful Performer 8 is simply fantastic for what it was tuned to be. Too good to simply brush off folks. However, the P8 is without question a polarizing set as it is so one sided in its delivery. There will most certainly be plenty of hobbyists who don’t dig this type of sound. So, I could see many of you thinking there is no way you’d ever put up $329 for a set like this. That all said, as a reviewer I feel that what Aful intended the P8 to be they accomplished. Not only did they accomplish their target, but they created a fantastic rendition of that target by creating a beautifully tuned iem.

The Why…

Because the P8 is built very well, accessorized well according to the price point and has a premium look and feel. As always, the most conclusive reason rests in the P8’s ability to playback music. Friends, the P8 has an elastic dexterity with probably some of the best resolution between $300-$400. The sound is clean to its core, precise across the board from the bass to the treble and each area of the mix has solid representation. The bass is agile as it gets and can take on complicated tracks very well. The midrange is a nice mixture of lean-lush with good density which remains very transient quick yet also melodic as well. The treble is very well detailed and showcases even the most subtle & finite little details with relative ease. The treble also has nice energy that is some of the best in the price point from my perspective. If an analytical sounding set which wears its resolution as a badge of honor sounds like something you’d enjoy, then it’s highly likely you’d agree… The Aful Performer 8 is worth every penny.



To conclude my full written review of the Aful Performer 8 I first have to say thank you to HiFiGo for providing this unit for review, as well as HiFri for conducting this tour through the US. I have greatly enjoyed my time with the Performer 8. Even though the P8 isn’t my favorite sound signature I do have quite a bit respect for what Aful was able to create and I do enjoy my time listening with this set. So, I again thank Aful and HiFri for enabling me to have this enjoyment. I also want to thank you, the reader, for clicking the link and checking out my thoughts. It always means a lot.

Other perspectives

Folks, $329 is not cheap. It is a lot of money for any set. So, I want to implore you to check out other thoughts and perspectives concerning the Aful Performer 8. We all have different tastes in what we like and dislike, different music libraries, different gear and we haven’t all been down the same journey through audio. Some perspectives will come from a person with even more knowledge who has seen even more of what is out there and others maybe not as much. The point is, we are all different and each can offer a different view of this set. So, read, listen to, or watch other thoughts and I do hope you get it right and get the most out of your money. I think I’m done folks, please take good care, stay as safe as possible and always… God Bless!


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I appreciate the extra lengthy review! Happy to see Mangird Tea in the comparison, those are my main drivers so this review helps me considerably more compared to other reviews.
That's great! I was hoping for that. Coming up with comparisons which makes at least some sense isn't always the easiest thing to do. I'm glad. Thank you
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Headphoneus Supremus
Neutral with a cup of bass
Pros: Build , sound , fit
Cons: Picky boy , price.
Aful has been a hype train since the performer 5 in USA but they have been out longer in China before heading to USA. They took all their famous iems and retuned them for USA and they were hit. All of the international model has better bass and treble and cost more as well. For me I'd love to have that tuning for USA but be got use what we are giving. And I loved the tuning of the p5 alot when p8 was announced I went about and bought it. It feels more premium and cable looked better. Same tips and case. Priced around $100 more for a more balanced sound the the little brother. Also I noticed it's source dependent so it can sound different with different quality stuff. Such as tips , cable and sources file will sound different.


Bass: comparing bass on p8 to p5 I can say p5 was bigger and had rumble and texture and thickness, while p8 is less thick and more tighter and textured with better speed. It feels lighter and more agile I I wish for more bass with every song. P5 was closer to my desired bass craving but still wanting just a bit more.

The midrange of p5 versus p8 being the p5 having more midrange and more forward vocals made the p5 better to me because it sounds so natural and real while I say the p8 less midrange and vocals are less forward the p5 making the sound less real and thinner . They can sound mushy sometimes and sometimes clear and thin depending on the recording.

Treble :
The treble on p5 versus p8 being p5 was better extended the p8 having better details on the highs and sound clear while p8 sound super smooth and recessed and mushy. Not so clear like p5.

The soundstage of p5 versus p8 being they are equal but different because the tuning make different tone and quality. The p5 having more bass And treble makes sound more clear and detailed and opening sounding and the p8 sounds smoother but just as open and thicker sounding as well.


If I had to choose I'd choose p5 as I gravitate towards that tuning more , it has more excitement and p8 being neutral with bass is more monitor tuned which is ok and all for people who wants neutrality and not enjoying themselves. I've bought mine from hifigo.
AFUL Acoustics Performer 8/Performer8 1DD+ 7BA Driver in-Ear Monitors, Masterpieces Hybrid Drivers IEMs in-Ear Earphones with Easy Driveability (Performer 8)

Surprised you choose the P5... I find the 8 smoother and richer...but I too always want more bass from the P8, the 5 had a nice sub bass rumble, no doubt! :)


500+ Head-Fier
Pros: Balanced Sound Signature
Tonality and Overall Technicalities
Comfortable for long listening
Cons: Depth felt a little shy
No Balanced/Modular Cable
The AFUL PERFORMER 8 IEM has taken the audio community by storm with its promise of delivering an excellent auditory experience. I had got chance to listen to it at one of my local audiophile meetups.

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Build and Design:
The AFUL PERFORMER 8 IEMs exude a sense of luxury and craftsmanship from the moment you hold them in your hands. The build quality is good, it has an ergonomic design that ensures a comfortable fit even during extended listening sessions. The housing is made of premium materials that not only contribute to their durability but also minimize unwanted resonance, allowing the IEMs to reproduce sound with good clarity.

Sound Quality:
The AFUL PERFORMER 8 IEMs' standout feature is their sound quality. Equipped with eight carefully tuned drivers (7BA+1DD Hybrid Configuration), these IEMs produce a good audio experience. The bass is deep, tight, and controlled, providing a satisfying foundation to the music without overpowering the other frequencies. The mids are rich and articulate, capturing intricate vocal nuances and instrument details with astonishing precision. The highs are crisp, and airy, and extend gracefully, adding a layer of brilliance to the overall sound signature.

AFUL PERFORMER 8 IEMs also have a wide and immersive soundstage. Whether it's a live concert recording or a studio album, these IEMs manage to replicate the spatial characteristics. This makes instruments and vocals positioned precisely within the auditory landscape. The depth on the other hand is average.

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Comfort and Fit:
Comfort is paramount during long listening sessions, and the AFUL PERFORMER 8 IEMs excel in this aspect. The ergonomic design, along with a variety of included ear tips, ensures a snug fit that effectively isolates external noise. I was able to wear them for hours without experiencing any discomfort or fatigue, making them suitable for both casual listening and professional use.

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Conclusion: The AFUL PERFORMER 8 IEMs have undoubtedly raised the bar for in-ear monitors. With good build quality, superior sound reproduction, and a comfortable fit, these IEMs are a must-have for music enthusiasts who demand an overall package. The attention to detail in both design and sound engineering is evident, resulting in a product that offers a truly immersive and captivating listening experience.


New Head-Fier
These should get a lot more praise then they are getting
Pros: Bass response
sound signature
fit and comfort
value for money
Cons: treble could have been a bit more extended
there should have bene a balanced cable at this price
I got my hands on these during a meetup thanks to Pulkit Chugh (he is the one who pushed me down the audiophile rabbit hole).

What follows are my initial impressions rather than a comprehensive review. I had hoped to spend more time with this pair, but unfortunately, I haven't been able to manage that. Without further delay, here are my initial impressions:

I paired these earphones with the IFI GO Bar and Fiio KA5 and used Apple Music on my S22 Ultra as the source.

Upon listening, I found these IEMs to be well-suited to my personal preferences. Right away, I noticed that they delivered the sound I had been anticipating from the Blessing 2. The bass response and overall sound signature appealed to me, and I was pleasantly surprised by the comfort despite the presence of multiple drivers in each earpiece. Had I come across these before investing heavily in the UM MEST MK2, I would likely have chosen these instead. As the title of my review suggests, I'm puzzled as to why these earphones aren't receiving more recognition.


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New Head-Fier
AFUL Performer 8 – The Bass King
Pros: • Very powerful bass
• Juicy mids and vocals
• Balanced sound signature
• Rich highs and no sibilance
Cons: • Slightly lacks the treble extension of BA setup
• Too soft to my taste and lacks airiness
• No balanced cable provided in the box for the price

First of all I would like to thank @gadgetgod @hifigo for considering me as a part of this review tour in India. The views here are purely in my perspective.


AFUL Performer 8 consists of 8 drivers in all, 1 Dynamic Driver and 7 Balanced Armature setup. The shells are lightweight and has ergonomic shape which makes it ideal for long listening hours. The faceplates look very elegant and are eye catching with nice unique texture and color.




AFUL Performer 8 comes with standard 3.5mm termination High-Purity Monocrystalline Copper Silver-Plated Cable with 2 pin connectors and nice round shaped carry case and few ear tips.




The low end on AFUL Performer 8 is well rounded, the punch and slam are notable in every genre of music.


This set has very juicy and meaty vocals. Overall, it has warm tonality to the mids with great energy. I feel this is the strength of AFUL Performer 8.


AFUL Performer 8 has well extended highs and it is not harsh or sibilant in anyway, but it lacks the shine and extension that BA IEMs are usually produce and slightly lacks that extra energy in the high frequency range and I would say.


The soundstage produced by AFUL Performer 8 is not very wide or deep but expansive & spacious enough for the casual listening. The imaging is accurate and instruments are well separated.


FiiO M11 Plus LTD, Xduoo XD-05 BAL, SMSL SU-9, Topping A90.



AFUL Performer 8 is very well built, ergonomic, light weight IEMs which can be used on the go. The sound produced by this set is well rounded and not harsh at all.


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New Head-Fier
AFUL Performer 8 IEM - A Powerful Balanced Sound with added BassBoost
Pros: Balanced Sound with Enhanced Clarity and Soundstage added Bassboost
If balanced cable used, it has amazing soundstage
Cons: Bassboost
I would like to extend my gratitude to Pulkit Chugh for giving me the opportunity to experience the AFUL Performer 8 in-ear monitors (IEMs). As an avid audiophile, I was eagerly anticipating the chance to audition these IEMs and put them through their paces. In this review, I'll dive into the design, fit, technical performance, and make some interesting comparisons to other popular models.

Design and Fit:
The AFUL Performer 8 impresses with its exceptional design and lightweight build. The IEMs sit comfortably in the ears, allowing for extended listening sessions without any discomfort. The ergonomic design ensures a secure fit, making them suitable for active use as well.

Technical Performance:
The AFUL Performer 8 offers a balanced sound with a well-executed bass boost. The resulting audio is clear, crisp, and highly enjoyable. Comparing it to its predecessor, the Performer 5, the P8 showcases greater clarity and a more expansive soundstage. Additionally, when paired with a 4.4mm balanced cable, the bass is better controlled, and the soundstage opens up even further, elevating the listening experience.

Setup 1: m15:
With the m15 player, the AFUL Performer 8 delivers an impressive soundstage expansion and tighter bass control. The added clarity enhances the overall listening experience, making it a delightful setup for audiophiles seeking an immersive musical journey.

Setup 2: Tempotec V6:
When connected to the Tempotec V6, the AFUL Performer 8 exhibits smooth bass performance, creating a pleasant musical presentation that captivates the listener. The pairing proves to be an excellent choice for extended listening sessions, allowing you to enjoy your favorite tunes for hours on end.

Comparison: AFUL Performer 8 vs. Blessing 2:
Drawing a comparison to the Blessing 2, another popular IEM, reveals some interesting insights. While both models impress with their clarity and tuning, the AFUL Performer 8 stands out with its enhanced bass presence. The Blessing 2 may have a tighter bass response and superb clarity, making it ideal for specific tunings. However, if you enjoy a little more low-end emphasis without compromising clarity, the AFUL Performer 8 could be your perfect companion.

In conclusion, the AFUL Performer 8 IEMs showcase a balanced and powerful sound with a delightful bass boost. The design and lightweight build ensure a comfortable fit, while the enhanced clarity and soundstage make for an immersive listening experience. Whether paired with the m15 or Tempotec V6, the AFUL Performer 8 performs exceptionally well, meeting the demands of audiophiles and music enthusiasts alike. For those who appreciate a tad more bass presence than the Blessing 2 offers, the AFUL Performer 8 stands as an excellent choice, taking your musical journey to new heights. Once again, my thanks to Pulkit Chugh for this enriching experience.


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Great review. I like what aful is doing, I personally would have liked to see an interchangeable plugs.


100+ Head-Fier
The Daily Performer
Pros: Tonality is natural and organic, smooth listening experience, no fatigue whatsoever
Treble (Detailed yet smooth, exquisite)
Soundstage (expansive)
Comfort (good nozzle size unlike B2)
Imaging (great with sound accuracy in games)
Cons: Timbre (Its slightly unnatural sounding, however very music dependent, does not bother me)
Mids sound crispy (can sound artificial to some people, does not bother me)
Bass (A tad more subbass, quality could have been better basically.)
I recently had the pleasure of trying out the Aful Performer 8 (Thanks to Hifigo and @gadgetgod), and I must say, these in-ear monitors (IEMs) have exceeded my expectations in every aspect. Aful has truly crafted a masterpiece with the Performer 8, catering to the discerning audiophile and professional musician alike. I wish to state clearly at first that, as a participant in this, I was not persuaded to have any sort of biases towards the review, therefore, all opinions are solely my own.

Hiby RS2 (Warm Source):
The Hiby RS2, whose warm tone is renowned, may alter how the Aful Performer 8 presents sound in general. Combining the IEMs with a warm source like the RS2 boosts the lower frequencies, giving the music additional warmth and body since the IEMs already have a balanced sound profile. This combination may be quite attractive for individuals who prefer a more relaxed and seamless listening experience. Vocals and instruments sound more full-bodied due to the additional richness the midrange may acquire.
E1DA 9038D (Lean Source): In comparison, the E1DA 9038D might offer some contrasting qualities to the Aful Performer 8 due to its lean sound signature. The leaner source highlights greater clarity and detail in the middle and treble frequencies since the IEMs already have a balanced sound. This might provide a clearer, more analytical sound that is perfect for audiophiles who value precision and clarity in their listening experiences. A tighter and more regulated bass response may arise from the lows not being as prominent.
Overall the impact from these two sources was minor, without any major change in sound characteristics, and one may not even notice if not A/B'd instantly.

Build and Comfort:
Starting with the build quality, the Aful Performer 8 impresses with its sturdy construction and attention to detail. The IEMs feel premium in hand and have a reliable, tangle-free cable. The ergonomic design fits comfortably in the ears, providing an excellent seal that isolates outside noise effectively. Even during prolonged listening sessions, I experienced no discomfort or fatigue, making them perfect for extended use, Although I would like if there were different faceplate options, maybe full blackout.

The real magic of the Aful Performer 8 lies in its sound signature. The eight-driver configuration delivers an astonishingly clear, detailed, and balanced sound that delights the senses.
Lows: are tight and punchy, providing a solid foundation to the music without overpowering other frequencies, the sub-bass has good rumble, and the bass is overall great and perfect for my taste
Mids: are wonderfully warm and rich, offering an engaging experience for vocals and instruments; this is where this IEM shines the most.
Highs: are well-extended, adding brilliance without harshness or sibilance. Still, I would add that the IEM lacks some airiness and the incisiveness of fast instruments; overall, I would not say that the IEM lacks details. Still, details are overall smoother; nonetheless, this type of tuning allows the IEM to be enjoyable for a long period of time without any fatigue.

Although the Aful Performer 8's soundstage is among the biggest compared to the the IEM's that I currently have (Blessing 2, Softears RSV) even compared some others that I have tried like (Simgot EA1000, EA500LM), I would say it it on the realm of Monarch Mkii. Even yet, the imagery is precise, enabling us to recognise various instruments and their positioning within the aural environment.

The Aful Performer 8 excels in various musical genres, giving it a flexible choice for artists and audiophiles alike. Regardless of your musical preferences—rock, jazz, classical, electronic, hip-hop, instrumental, vocals, or pop—these IEMs provide a satisfying and well-balanced listening experience. Basically, this IEM is an all-rounder, a perfect IEM for daily usage.
My listening tracks were mainly Yosi Horikawa, Soweto (Don Toliver), Flowers (Miley Cyrus), People (Libianca), HipHop by Akon, Eminem and Divine. Bili Eilish (Happier than Ever album), and a few Bollywood tracks like Masakali, Kehna hi kya etc...

Blessing 2:
A relatively very old IEM, yet still one of the best I have ever heard. So in quick comparison, the primary difference lies in the Bass and Treble region; while the mids are somewhat similar, the B2 mids are spacious, and the soundstage in comparison is quite wide. P8 vocals are more in the face kind of, and B2 places the vocals at a distance, however, both of them have equally impressive texture on mids so one can go with either and not get disappointed. Bass is very different on both of these; B2 bass is mostly concentrated on its upper register while it lacks a good sub-bass rumble and mid-bass thump I would consider it more of a studio-like bass, in comparison the P8 has similar amount of bass but more evened out, thus it sounds more enjoyable. Coming to the highs, I would say that I am more impressed with the treble coming from B2 only because of that airiness and openness, the separation feels more clear and the instruments are more incisive, However P8 by no means has bad treble it is equally good as B2, but with a different taste, they both share an equal amount of detail and technical definition, P8 being more smoothed out thus making it more enjoyable for longer and comfortable listening.

The Aful Performer 8 is an impressive pair of IEMs with remarkable sound quality and comfort. While the soundstage might not be as expansive as some competitors, it compensates with its well-balanced sound signature and accurate imaging. The Performer 8 is definitely worth considering. Its premium build, comfort, and overall sound performance make it a solid choice for those seeking a high-quality audio experience without breaking the bank.

Rating Scores:
Sound Quality:

Low Frequency (Bass): ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)
Mid Frequency: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (4/5)
High Frequency (Treble): ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)

Fit and Ergonomics: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)
Prolonged Wear Comfort: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)

Soundstage and Imaging:
Soundstage Width: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)
Soundstage Depth: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)
Imaging Accuracy: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5) (An excellent choice for gamers, I did some testing in Valorant and BGMI, and it had pinpoint accuracy)

Overall Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐ (5/5)


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Great review! brief and good!


New Head-Fier
Solid Performer!
Pros: Sub-bass is great
On point imaging
Lush and rich sound signature
Well-extended, non-sibilant highs
Cons: Male vocals could carry some more weight/warmth
Touch of BA timbre (more on this later)
First of all, I would like to thank Hifigo for sponsoring the review tour in India. I would also like to extend my gratitude to @gadgetgod for his assistance in facilitating my participation in this review tour. As a participant in this tour, I want to acknowledge that I have not been influenced in expressing my honest opinion.


The IEMs are 1DD and 7BA on each side. However, the size is quite small considering all the tech inside. They fit very well and I could listen to them for extended sessions without any discomfort or fatigue. The cable is of great quality and I feel it suits the IEM and its signature very well.

The IEM comes with a round faux leather case that has a soft lining on the inside.

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Overall: Balance sound, tonality is natural, timbre has the hint of BA harshness (you will get used to it quickly). Overall sound signature is lush and rich, but I would have enjoyed a tad bit more warmth and weight in the male vocals. The bass is both punchy and rumbly (sub and midbass are great), and does not muddy the mids and vocals. The treble is well extended, and the cymbals sound sparkly. Also, it is smooth and not sibilant or hissy.

I don't think one can go wrong with this IEM. It's a very safe tuning that won't offend anyone.

Details and resolution are on-point. The slight breaths in between songs (like 2:15 of Cradled in Love) come out very subtly. Same with fingers sliding on guitar strings.

The stage is average, nothing spectacular or out-of-the-head experience, but I am yet to hear an IEM that blows me away in this aspect. I enjoy my earbuds when I want to experience the stage more than details/resolution. However, imaging is good along with decent layering. Separation is average. Using a 4.4mm balanced cable, the stage opens up quite a bit.

The dynamics are decent and average. The initial attack on notes is clear but there is a certain rounded feel to the sound, which could be crisper (not a con for me as I love a little laidback listening).

Songs that I listened to for the review:

Awari: Male vocals seem a little off. They need a little more weight. Subbass is there. Does not bleed into the mids. The BA timbre is there.. less than P5 but it is still noticeable for someone who uses DD's exclusively. Nothing that will be a dealbreaker and if you're used to BA sets, then it won't be a problem. After some time, one gets used to the timbre. Drums hit hard! Female vocals sound great. Treble extension is also great.

Maula Mere Maula: Same. Male vocals need more weight.

Maula (Jism-2): Cellos sound like it is in the same room. Layering is on-point. Cymbals shine!

Carnival of Rust: Strings sound organic. There is air at the top and some sparkle.

I would rate this a solid 3.8 out of 5 for my taste.


New Head-Fier
Aful Performer 8
Pros: 1)Very balanced and natural tuning
2)Premium build and looks
3)That bass is refined, tight and punchy
4)Ergonomic fit
Cons: 1)Basic package (could've used a modular cable at this price)
2)Mediocre stock tips
3)the stage is not the Largest
Thanks @hifigo for Aful p8 audition tour in India.

"AFUL Performer 8 "

My review setup includes the Shanling M7 DAP, Topping NX7 amp, Stock cable, AZLA Sedna light ear tips, and Tidal & Apple music as sources.


The tracks used while reviewing it are as follows,

1) GO- Burak Yeter
2) Six Feet Under - The weeknd
3) Karma - Summer Walker
4) Bones - Imagine dragon
5) Kesariya - arijit singh
6) Jolene - Dolly Parton and Miley cyrus
7) Troubled souls - Jack Savoretti
8) My Heart Will Go On - Celine Dion

BUILD and FIT :::
Build quality is excellent. The P8 comes in a 3D-printed resin shell standard for multiple driver IEMs. The IEMs themselves are very light and are small/medium in size. They are very ergonomic and are among the best-fitting IEMs I have tried.

The Performer 8 stands out with its natural and warm tonality. It can effortlessly drive any device I connect it to, even managing to drive from my Oneplus 8 pro without a hitch. Personally, I find tuning of Performer 8 boasts a noticeable warmth, striking a well-balanced sound signature that proves versatile across different genres. It successfully avoids the harsh treble extension.

BASS :::
I would describe the lower frequencies as well-balanced, with neither overpowering the other. The sub-bass offers impressive depth and extension, while the mid-bass is tight and delivers a satisfying punch.

MIDS :::
The mids are pleasing and warm sounding. The vocals sound natural, rich, and immersive.

The treble on the P8 is well-extended with a good amount of air and sparkle. It's pleasant and smooth, perhaps with a slight brightness, but no sibilance to my ears.

The stage is average. It is not particularly wide, but there is some depth.

The AFUL Performer 8 is an excellent IEM, and it gets my recommendation for anyone looking for a very well-tuned IEM that is easy to pick up and listen to. And while it isn't a technical monster by any means, the well-balanced, lush tuning of the P8 handled every song I threw at it in stride with great detail retrieval.


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New Head-Fier
AFUL Performer 8 - Perfect for your next daily driver
Pros: Good tonality.
Lucious mids.
Lightweight and ergonomic earpieces.
Good bass response.
Cons: Could include better ear tips.
Faceplates similar to Performer 5 (kinda boring)
Although the staging is better than AP5, it has scope for improvement, especially considering the competition at this price point.
Aful Performer 8


The Aful Performer 8 is the latest IEM from Aful Acoustics, which also happens to be their flagship IEM, thereby, outperforming the Aful Performer 5. The Aful Performer 8 (AP8 henceforth) comes with a hybrid configuration of 1 dynamic driver and 7 balanced armature drivers. The 8mm dynamic driver comprises of a biological diaphragm that supposedly delivers powerful bass. The 7 BA drivers have been interestingly divided, with 2 of them handling low frequencies, 2 other BA drivers have been assigned to handle the midrange, and three customized high-performance BA drivers have been assigned to handle the high frequencies. There’s a bunch of jargon in the marketing material that I shall paste here, just to help provide a convenient overview before I delve into my subjective take on the IEM.

Features / Jargon

  • 7BA+1DD High-Performance Hybrid Configuration.
  • 8mm Dynamic Driver with Biological Diaphragm.
  • Customized High-Performance Balanced Armature Drivers.
  • Enhanced 3D Printed Acoustic Tube Structure.
  • Ultra-Long Low-Frequency Acoustic Tube
  • RLC Network Frequency Division Correction Technology.
  • High-Damping Air-Pressure Balance Technology.
  • Balanced Sound Tuning with Tight Lower-End, Clear Midrange, and Extended Treble Response.
  • Ideal for Most Genres of Music.
  • Exquisite New Looks with Eye-Catchy Face Covers.
  • Ergonomic & Lightweight Cavities.
  • High-Purity Monocrystalline Copper Silver-Plated Cable.
  • Impedance: 30Ω.
  • Sensitivity: 115dB@1kHz.
  • Frequency Response Range: 5Hz-35kHz.
  • Passive Noise Reduction: 26dB.
  • Standard 2-pin Connectors.

Alas, another thing I’d like to highlight before we proceed with my subjective impressions, is the following disclaimer.

The Aful Performer 8 was sent to me as part of a review tour organized in my country by HifiGo. The unit was a loaner for an audition in exchange for my honest opinion based on my musical taste and audio gear. There has been no monetary transaction or influence (or pressure) to write anything positive (or negative) about the IEM. The views expressed in this writeup, are solely mine and are based on my usage of the IEM for a week or so. The IEM can be purchased from HifiGo here:

(The link is not affiliated; hence, I don’t get anything if you use the link to visit the page or purchase the IEM from HiFiGo. The link has only been pasted here for your convenience, though chances are you already have this link opened in another tab in the background. 😊)


Build & Aesthetics

The unit I received came with a cable with a 3.5mm SE termination. For the purpose of this review, I used a FiiO LS-2.5D silver litz cable with a 2.5mm balanced termination and a DDhifi DJ44AG converter, so I could use the cable with sources that had a 4.4mm balanced output. The primary reason I chose to go with a balanced cable was that the single-ended output on both my DAPs (Sony NW-ZX707 and Hiby R6 Pro II) was rather limited in terms of power and the IEM sounded kind of shouty in the upper mids with the stock cable which has a 3.5mm SE termination.

Coming to the build and aesthetics, the IEM has resin shells that are lightweight and not too large, hence resulting in a comfortable fit. The faceplates resemble AP5 in terms of visuals and the overall shape also seems to be in line with AP5. The stock cable is an SPC that seems to be of good quality. The cable comes with an option of either a 3.5mm SE termination or a 4.4mm BAL termination, which one can choose while buying. As mentioned earlier, the unit I received came with a 3.5mm SE cable, which I swapped with a FiiO LS2.5D attached to a DJ44AG converter to make it compatible with my DAPs that come with a 4.4mm Balanced output. In terms of ear tips, the IEM comes with 3 pairs each of wide-bore and narrow-bore silicon ear tips, which seemed to be standard. Nothing fancy like SpinFits, Azla, Spiral Dots, HS18, and the like. For this review, I chose to go with Flare Audio Audiophile memory foam tips, since they sounded quite like the packed-in wide-bore silicon tips but were far more comfortable.

The IEM comes with a round faux-leather case that seemed to be inspired by the one that comes with FiR audio signature series IEMs.



The sound signature of the AP8 is neutral with a hint of bass boost. The bass has good physicality and unlike the AP5, the bass on the AP8 is well-textured with a fair amount of detail.

Unlike the AP5, the mids on the AP8 are quite organic and are somewhat of a highlight of the AP8. The vocals manage to grab your attention, without being overpowered by the bass and treble. The vocals are clean for the most part with good timbre. Notes have sufficient heft and linger around for just about the right time. All in all, the mids are breezy, and manage to convey the emotions just as they were intended by the vocalist. Going back to a track that I used to test the vocals on the AP5, this time around, the vocals of this track, “Aankhon Mein Raho – Company” were mesmerizing. If you’re someone who enjoys mid-centric / vocal-based tracks, I’d genuinely recommend the AP8 as a potential candidate for your next IEM.

When compared to AP5, the AP8 has certainly improved in terms of treble response. There is a very good amount of detail with just about the right amount of sparkle and a fair sense of airiness all over. IEMs tend to go bright and often get somewhat crisp and shouty when the treble is so detailed, but the AP8 has very good control over the treble response.

In terms of soundstage too, there is a significant upgrade here when compared to AP5. I’d say the imaging has better precision in comparison and overall, AP8 is a significant improvement over AP5 in terms of technicalities. That being said, it still has scope for improvement especially when compared to the competition at this price point.



Balanced sound, lightweight earpieces, good bass response with delicious mids, and well-detailed treble. All of these properties make the AP8 a great candidate for a daily driver. The sound isn’t too fatiguing and should support long listening sessions. If you’re someone who enjoys mid-centric / vocal-based tracks, I’d genuinely recommend the AP8 as a potential candidate for your next IEM.
Just a reminder that my observations are based on a different cable from the stock one because I wanted to use a balanced cable to get the best out of my DAPs. Perhaps, the stock cable with a 4.4mm termination may yield similar results.
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Pavan Kumar

New Head-Fier
Aful Performer 8 – Full-bodied Musical Extravaganza
Pros: - Details!! Details!! Details!! - Nothing I'm missing in the entire frequency spectrum, unlike any other IEM I heard before.
- Very natural and organic sounding
- No hint of a BA timbre
- Excellent Note weight
- Excellent resolution and layering
- Highly resolving mids
- Energetic, lively, and articulate vocals and their decays
- Fantastic Instrument timbre
- Quite versatile across any genre
- Easy to drive and scales really well.
- Great Sub-bass texture, rumble that extends deep
- Super clean bass; Superb punch and slam when called upon
- Fantastic treble performance – smooth, detailed, and fatigue-free
- Highly musical and analytical
- Above-average soundstage and precise imaging
- Great Coherency.
Cons: - Airiness in the treble region could have been better. (Minor one)
- Stock tips could be of varied sizes.
- No modular cable for the price.
I purchased the unit by contacting Aful Acoustics and Hifigo. It was shipped to me earlier than the retail units in exchange for my honest impressions/ review. Thanks to both Aful Acoustics and Hifigo for facilitating this purchase and highly appreciated. I was not affiliated with Aful or the Hifigo in any way.

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Detailed final impressions/ Review:
Aful Performer 8 (hereinafter referred to as AP8) comes with 7 BA and 1 DD drivers per side hybrid configuration - DD (8mm) for the bass, 2 BA for lower mid-range, 2 BA for the mids, 3 BA for the highs. I have listened for more than 300 hours (close to 400 I believe) for the last 20 days whenever I could. Went to sleep, wearing it on a daily basis. Found them very comfortable for long wear. I enjoyed them thoroughly be it instrumental tracks, vocals, movies, or games. They have a neutral tonality with a bass boost (very mildly warm), a wide enough soundstage, and precise imaging that works great with movies and games. They have fantastic tone, instrument timbre, vocals, and note weight that makes them quite versatile across various genres. My listening has been with Tempotec V6 DAP paired with Topping NX7 for most of the time. Also, have paired with Abigail which sounded really well. They are pretty easy to drive and scale really well with more power. My favorite has been when I paired with Topping NX7. My impressions when I received the unit and at the time of this writing are mostly the same but with a few major improvements. The main differences I noticed are with the Mid-bass punch and slam, note weight density, depth, and vocal clarity. There are no downsides though. The things I enjoyed with this IEM far outweigh the nitpicks I mentioned above and hence I have given the IEM, 5 stars without a doubt. This is the most expensive IEM I have heard to date. So, the TOTL gear owners, be aware – Take my excitement with a pinch of salt, lol. Nevertheless, AP8 is fantastic gear and the best I have heard. No doubt about that.

Box, Case & Contents:

Standard boxing is like that of AP5 and comes in Black color. The leather carry case is a lot better compared to the metal case of the AP5 and has more depth inside and I find it more spacious. I find that all the ear tips that come with the package are more or less the same size. Between short to medium. None of them provided a tight seal in my ears. I reverted to my usual favorite Spinfit W1. I even tried Zeo’s Render Silicon/foam tips that were sent to me by Hifigo along with the package. The Bass sounded great but not so good with the rest of the frequencies as compared to Spinfit W1 tips. W1 tips (M) suited me the best. The 2-pin 0.78 cable feels premium and great. I liked it better than the AP5 cable. No balanced terminations though which is a kind of downside for the price, as the IEM scales really well with more power.

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Build and Fit:

The build and looks are exquisite and the fit is ergonomic and I can wear them for hours straight without any sort of discomfort. I daily sleep wearing them without any issues. This provides me the same level of comfort that my AP5 and Kotori Audio Dauntless, both of which I consider the best fit in my collection along with the Final A5000.

Sound Quality:

Sub-Bass extends deep, has a nice body, is well-textured, and rumbles. The decay is fast and pretty good. The mid-bass slam and impact are powerful and hit hard when called upon. My initial impressions were that it is mainly sub-bass focused with tamed mid-bass. My final impressions have changed since. I have to say that Mid bass performance has improved over time of listening. They now have a great note weight, slam to them. I feel that the BA drivers working on the lower mids have opened up quite well after some good listening. The bass is very clean and does not bleed into the mids. I feel the DD used here is different from that of AP5 as I can feel the tightness and speed of the Bass compared to the Bass from AP5. Overall, the bass is very well done here – sub-bass and mid-bass dancing together. Easy 5 stars.


Vocals are the center of the attraction here. Rightly placed with fullness to them. Both the male and female vocals - Highly resolving, full of clarity, micro nuances, and decays – are very well detailed. The same goes for the Instrument timbre. The instruments have a great body, detail, and crispiness to them. Nothing sounds blunt or inorganic. Listening to mid-centric tracks be it instrumentals or the vocals is nothing short of brilliance. They both are presented really well here and are dynamic. Instrument separation is very well done. The upper mids transition to the treble region is pretty smooth. There is no sibilance/ harshness noticed. Full of micro details and clarity. Easy 5 stars.


Treble sounds detailed and smooth. The extension is great. A tad less airy. On certain tracks, the higher treble can be a bit unforgiving and an intense listen but not sibilant. Most of the time I thoroughly enjoyed the treble performance here. 5 stars.


Technically, the most impressive thing I got hooked on this IEM is the resolution. Highly resolving with a lot of details. The layering is clean and very good. Busy tracks are presented really well. You will hear the lesser-known details and it surprises you. Thanks to the great resolution and layering. There are a lot of WOW moments when listening to this IEM. The soundstage is above average and adequate imho. It is not too wide. It is better than the AP5 as I recall. Imaging is accurate and movement tracing is quite good. It is a technical marvel, to say the least, especially the resolution and details. 5 stars.


I did not listen to any similarly priced IEMs to compare with. Hence, I tried comparing with some of the best IEMs under 300 USD – Final A5000 and BQEYZ Winter – Both of which I love dearly. So here we go:

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Final A5k vs P8

P8 sounds denser and richer with great resolution whereas A5k sounds more crispier with a similar level of resolution but less than P8. Both sound great imho. Imaging is a bit more precise on A5k as it has a crispier note weight and pinpoint accuracy. Mids are comparatively more pronounced on P8. Has more detail and clarity. Vocals are strong on P8. They are a bit forward, very lively, and articulate. Vocals on A5K are a tad bit behind but definitely good. The soundstage is very wide on the A5K as far as IEMs are concerned, giving that extra breathing space for the instruments to shine throwing at you the directional accuracy. Most of the time I feel the sound is playing rather from outside than inside my ear with A5K. However, I would say the timbre of the instruments sounds more accurate and detailed on the P8. It's just lovely. The best I have heard. In comparison, the soundstage of the P8 appears intimate although there is great spacing between the instruments. If not for A5K, I would say the P8 soundstage is very good. Sub-Bass is great on both. A tad better textured and hits a bit deep and rumbly on P8. Mid-bass body, slam, and punch are better on P8. The treble on the P8 is way more detailed and extended but a tad less airy compared to A5K. Overall I would say buy both if you can. A5K - best under 300 USD and Performer 8 - best under 400 USD. I would buy both blindfolded. As simple as that.

P8 vs BQEYZ Winter

Winter can be directly compared with P8 as I find these 2 are similar sounding with a fuller body and with great tonality. P8 is a tad denser and fuller compared to Winter. The bass texture is kind of similar on both - detailed, but the sub-bass of P8 extends a hit deeper. The resolution is better on the P8. More clarity, nuances, and micro details on P8 compared to BQEYZ Winter. Certain tracks like Electric Love - Borns sound less clean in the winter compared to the P8. Treble, I love both - Detailed and smooth. Listening to the Electro suite from The Amazing Spider-man 2 - Details, and texture in the treble region are more present on the P8. The main difference I found between the two is the resolution, clarity, and details. Winter is not bad by any means but P8 is clearly a step above Winter. P8 is basically a direct upgrade to Winter as they sound similar in a way with full-bodied sound. My pick is P8 without a doubt.

That's all guys. I had a really great time listening to this IEM. Clearly a step up from the other 2 IEMs that I have mentioned and I think this IEM justifies the price tag. I highly recommend it. Thanks a lot for reading and cheers!!!


New Head-Fier
Pros: Decent balanced signature
Non-offensice compared to Performer 5
Tight bass texture
Natural sounding mids
Smooth, inoffensive treble
Decent imaging
Very easy to drive
Cons: Inclusions are underwhelming for $370 (at this price range, you have a set including modular cables, high-quality eartips, some cleaning tools, etc.)
Lacking in midbass thump
Average soundstage

AFUL, a relatively young company founded in 2018, made its entry into the Chi-Fi market with their initial product, the Performer 5, which elicited mixed reactions from enthusiasts. While some praised its performance, others even made puns referring to it as the "AWFUL Performer 5." Today, we will be reviewing AFUL's latest offering, the Performer 8. Will this be better or nah?


  • I have no affiliation with AFUL and have not received any monetary compensation during or after writing this review. This unit is provided by HiFiGo in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
  • As a non-professional reviewer, I aim to use simple terms that can be understood by both beginners and experts in the hobby.
  • Please keep in mind that the opinions expressed in this review are subjective and based on my personal experience with the unit. I encourage you to try the product yourself to form your own opinion.


What's in the box?​

  • AFUL Performer 8 IEMS
  • Cable
  • 6 pairs of silicone eartips (I did not include the other tips, it's a pain to take them all out)
  • Some paperwork
  • Faux-leather case

The packaging of the Performer 8 remains identical to its predecessor, the Performer 5. However, there is a distinct change in the color scheme, as the box now sports a sleek greyish-black hue. In terms of contents, the quantity and quality remain consistent, with one notable difference. The case included with the Performer 8 utilizes a faux-leather material. The case is also more spacious compared to the Performer 5. The included eartips continue to leave a sense of disappointment, giving off a cheaper and underwhelming impression for a product that carries a price tag of nearly $300.


The shells are nearly identical to the Performer 5; in fact, without the model name on the shells, it would be difficult to discern any differences. However, the drivers are lightweight, which contributes to their overall design. Additionally, the cable appears to be sturdy and reliable.


The Performer 8 stands out with its natural and warm tonality, setting it apart from the Performer 5. It can effortlessly drive any device I connect it to, even managing to drive an old Nintendo DS without a hitch. Personally, I find this tuning preference preferable over the Performer 5 any day. While the Performer 5 offers thumpier bass, livelier vocals and an airy treble extension, the Performer 8 boasts a noticeable warmth, striking a well-balanced sound signature that proves versatile across different genres. It successfully avoids the harsh treble extension that I found displeasing in the Performer 5.

I would describe the lower frequencies as well-balanced, with neither overpowering the other. The sub-bass offers impressive depth and extension, while the mid-bass is tight and delivers a satisfying punch. The bass, as a whole, demonstrates decent dynamics and precision. However, it's worth noting that this is not a bass-heavy earphone, as the extension is mild rather than overwhelmingly heavy.

The mids are pleasing and warm sounding. The vocals sound natural, rich, and immersive. They never sounded thin or too warm. At no point do they sound thin or overly warm, maintaining a euphonic timbre that allows an emotional and powerful performance on the vocals.

The Performer 8 has an outstanding treble reproduction. Compared to the Performer 5, the P8's treble has been noticeably improved and offers a much more pleasing touch to my ears. The treble has a smooth and delightful "zing" and "zesty" texture, reminiscent of the qualities found in Piezo or EST drivers.

The soundstage is not that spacious but it makes up for its outstanding performance, as it not only met but exceeded my expectations when it came to detail retrieval. The level of precision and clarity it provided was truly remarkable. Every intricate and subtle micro-details were captured with remarkable accuracy. The separation of the Performer 8 were commendable, allowing me to easily discern the precise position of individual instruments and vocals within the sound stage. In my observation, during busier tracks, like the "National Anthem" by Radiohead, I noticed a slight decrease in resolution with the Performer 8, which occasionally resulted in a slightly unrefined quality for certain instruments.

Lately, I've been neglecting to include my test tracks in my reviews. However, I have decided to change that moving forward and will once again include them in my reviews. I always use these test tracks initially on my reviews before I shuffle my playlist. I make sure that I handpick and research the best test tracks that covers all genres.
  1. Dreams - Fleetwood Mac
  2. Piano Concerto No. 2 in C Minor - Sergei Rachmaninov
  3. National Anthem - Radiohead
  4. Rehab - Amy Winehouse
  5. Rainbow in the Dark - Dio
  6. Das Spiegel - The Chemical Brothers
  7. Helplessly Hoping - Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young
  8. You've Got To Have Freedom - Pharoah Sanders
  9. Uh Uh - Thundercat
  10. Letters - Yosi Horikawa
  11. Concierto de Aranjeuz (Adagio) - Miles Davis
  12. Team Doing It Right - The Go!
  13. Aphex Twin - Mookid
  14. Blinding Lights - The Weeknd
  15. The Four Horsemen - Aphodite's Child
  16. Minerva - Deftones
  17. The Pot - TOOL
  18. Dry Fantasy - Mogwai
  19. Give Life Back To Music - Daft Punk
  20. Bubbles- Yosi Horikawa



  • Decent balanced signature
  • Non-offensice compared to Performer 5
  • Tight bass texture
  • Natural sounding mids
  • Smooth, inoffensive treble
  • Decent imaging
  • Very easy to drive
  • Inclusions are underwhelming for $370 (at this price range, you have a set including modular cables, high-quality eartips, some cleaning tools, etc.)
  • Lacking in midbass thump
  • Average soundstage

For those seeking a slightly warm and balanced IEM within the sub-$300 price range, this option stands out as a superior choice. However, it's worth noting that some inclusions in the package such as the ear tips might give off a slightly cheaper impression. Nevertheless, swap this out with some better ear tips and you'll be good.

I must acknowledge and commend the significant improvements made in the Performer 8, which builds upon the foundation laid by its predecessor, the Performer 5. It is important not to overlook the fact that the Performer 8's excellence owes much to the advancements introduced in the Performer 5. The Performer 5 set the stage and provided the groundwork for the Performer 8 to excel and deliver an exceptional performance. The evolution from the Performer 5 to the Performer 8 showcases the continuous commitment to refinement and innovation, resulting in a truly remarkable product by AFUL.
@afulperformerinbed I agree, could've added more kick to the midbass for more impact and faster attack.
@szore for real, if I can I would. I think I should consider making these hearts 10 so I can have more flexible options to rate something. Five-number ratings are too limiting and often give off the wrong impressions if I rate it something to 3 or below hahahaha :dt880smile::dt880smile::dt880smile:
@szore Nevertheless, I am glad that we agree to the sound of the P8. I am always sure of what I hear but not confident enough if I am hearing the same stuff with others. Seeing this makes me happy :)
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500+ Head-Fier
Nothing Much to Complain: Solid All-Rounder
Pros: * Enjoyable bass
* Well Extended Treble
* Good expansive soundstage
* Good fit
* Good detail retrieval and resolution
Cons: * At this price point cannot complain of anything
* Okay, bass eating some mids

AFUL, now a prominent Chinese company, has garnered significant acclaim for its production of high-quality in-ear monitors (IEMs), the Performer5. This exceptional IEM has garnered a considerable amount of attention and praise within the passionate audiophile community. Now, with the release of its successor, the Performer8(P8), AFUL has managed to raise the excitement levels even higher. The Performer8 has captivated enthusiasts and experts alike, as it surpasses expectations by delivering exceptional sound quality that truly does justice to all aspects of the audio spectrum, including the highs, mids, and lows. It is particularly noteworthy that this remarkable performance is achieved at a price point that far exceeds what one would typically expect, making the P8 an outstanding value proposition.


Sound Quality:


The treble response of the P8 is remarkably smooth and exhibits excellent extension. It manages to strike a perfect balance by delivering an ideal amount of airiness without any harshness or sharpness that could cause listener fatigue. The treble reproduction is skilfully executed, allowing it to reveal intricate details in the music with exceptional clarity. The Performer8 excels at presenting these details in the best possible manner, ensuring that each subtle nuance and shimmering high-frequency element is conveyed with precision and finesse. This level of detail retrieval adds an extra layer of immersion and engagement to the listening experience, allowing listeners to fully appreciate the intricacies and nuances within their favourite tracks.


The midrange performance of the P8 is characterised by a delightful sweetness that is truly pleasing to the ears. There is a notable presence of warmth in the mids, which contributes to a rich and inviting sound signature. In particular, vocals shine exceptionally well on the P8, delivering a captivating and emotionally engaging listening experience.

However, it's worth mentioning that there are instances where the bass slightly intrudes into the midrange frequencies, IMO. While this doesn't significantly detract from the overall quality, it's an area that I felt had some scope for improvement. Fine-tuning the balance between the bass and midrange frequencies could potentially enhance the separation and clarity of the midrange, allowing vocals and other midrange elements to truly stand out without any hint of bass interference.

Despite this minor observation, the overall performance of the P8's midrange remains highly enjoyable and commendable. The sweet tonality, coupled with the touch of warmth, creates a very immersive experience, particularly for genres that heavily rely on vocal presence and midrange instruments.


The overall bass performance of the P8 is highly satisfying, providing a smooth and enjoyable low-end experience. The iem delivers clean, deep, and impactful bass that adds a sense of richness and fullness to the music. The sub-bass reproduction is particularly impressive, creating a satisfying foundation that adds weight and depth to the audio. P8 captures the low-frequency elements with precision and control, ensuring that each bass note is articulate and well-defined. Whether it's the rumbling resonance of a kick drum or the reverberating thump of a bass guitar, the Performer8 faithfully reproduces the low-frequency content, allowing listeners to fully immerse themselves in the rhythmic and energetic aspects of their favorite tracks.


P8 boasts a nice build quality that instills confidence in its durability and longevity. The high quality resin gives a solid structure to the IEM, ensuring that it can withstand the rigors of daily use. The ergonomic design of the P8 contributes to a comfortable and secure fit, allowing users to enjoy extended listening sessions without discomfort.

While the cable of the P8 could be improved, especially when compared to higher-end offerings, it is important to consider the context of its price. Given its affordable price point, it's difficult to complain about the quality of the cable. It remains functional and reliable, serving its purpose effectively for everyday use.

It is worth noting that some enthusiasts may have preferred a balanced cable version of the P8. However, considering the competitive price of the IEM, the absence of a balanced cable option is understandable. AFUL has focused on delivering exceptional sound quality and overall value, ensuring that the P8 remains accessible to a wide range of listeners.



Finding a product that strikes the ideal balance between cost and performance in the world of audio equipment can be difficult. The price-to-performance ratio of the Performer8 is simply exceptional. P8 manages to deliver a level of performance that far surpasses what one would typically expect at its price point. The fact that AFUL has been able to achieve such remarkable sound quality, while keeping the cost reasonable is truly impressive. The excitement and positive reception surrounding the P8 among the audiophile community have undoubtedly been influenced by this combination of high performance and affordability. I would encourage people to try this wonderful iem for its exceptional sound quality and value for money proposition.
I was definitely not impressed with bass performance of P8, coming from P5. But the treble and general detail quality is outstanding. If only they kept the bass quantity the same as P5, this IEM would be amazing. Major tuning setback, IMO.


New Head-Fier
Pros: -Great balance of bass and treble
-Great echoes and reverb
-TOTL qualities in bass and smoothness
Cons: - a little bit of midbass can help a bit on metal tracks
-eartips. Don’t use them
-bass level might not be for everyone
AFUL PERFORMER 8 - "Effortless"


Same old same old. A tour unit from HiFiGo . I give my heartfelt gratitude to them. Like really.

On a serious note, nothing much to say here, other than I have my own preferences. So please cross reference reviews. My impressions are only relative to the number of IEMS I have heard.

Anyhow, this is my user experience of the Performer 8.

Let’s start


Here is my unboxing video for that:

To summarize, you get the same inclusions from Performer 5, except for the cables and IEMs themselves. You get:

1.) SML aful eartips- they are awful, don’t use them

2.) Carrying case – similar to a hair pomade case haha

3.) Box – you don’t need this

4.) Papers – you don’t need this!!!

5.) The IEMS – uhmm yeah

They fit relatively the same as the the P5s, but maybe a bit bulkier? Just from memory tho, it must be because of the internals added. They also feel a bit heavier. I do notice some strain depending on eartips, but so far, just average fit for me.

The shell design is very very similar to the P5s as well, but a bit different in color grading. Yeah that's all I can say..

I was amazed when Aful posted their first photo of the Performer 8. They have this tube structure that looks like intestines haha. I have seen this design structure before, maybe from Fiio?

Anyhow, I will summarize what I understand about their technology.
They have implemented the same RLC technology for the performer 8 but added longer tubes for the DD. The company said that longer tubes changes the acoustic impedance.

The DD is an 8mm biological warfare, no no, diaphragm haha. The DD is being supported by two other BAs, which is quite interesting.

There are also two BAs for the midrange and three BAs for the high frequencies. So that’s a total of 8 drivers.

They also have this “high damping air pressure balance system”- that's a mouthful😅. Well, basically it relieves pressure in the ear canal.

Yeah this thing works. I don’t know for others, but AFUL does a great job in implementing air pressure systems. Compared to other hydrids or Full BA setups, the pressure build up on the Performer 8 is lesser and they are more comfortable to wear in long listening sessions.

graph (3) (8).png
The tuning is neutral with mids emphasis, which makes this set midcentric. Well, these also have good subbass and microdetails in the treble, but the overall tonality seem to focus more on instrument presence.

Bass texure is commendable that sits just right on my preferences. Satisfying subbass emphasis. Just clean bass.

Mids come out forward with nice tones to instruments. Guitars have good harmonics and vocals are never shouty. Although, it can do some work in proper vocal timbre.

Treble is inoffensive for me and presents a smoother response compared to P5. Cymbals still doesn’t sound that natural for me, but still good enough to enjoy my tracks.

Technicalities punches above its price point. The resolution, the texture, the stage. You get the taste what expensive sets sound like, at a lower cost. These are not better than TOTL sets, let me get that straight. But making me remember how TOTL sounds is a big complement.

💥The Surprise💥

In my video, I was constantly saying OMG like a freaking shill, well maybe I am haha. One reason for this is I had a rough idea on how they were priced. I saw a comment on facebook about someone who went to an expo in China, and posted a photo on the expected price of performer 8 which is around $360. It is an interesting price point because not a lot of sets are priced around this range. It skips the Blessing 3, while being a few dollars cheaper than some good sets in the $400 range.

Having said that, the performance of the P8 is undoubtedly great for its price. You definitely get an upgrade in sound quality from the Blessing twins, while being competitive on sets that are more expensive like the Softears Studio 4 and Dunu SA6 Mkii.

It shares a similar curve to that of the Dunu SA series and Anole VX/Gemini. The gain is tamed to prevent any shout and harshness whilst having that forward vocal presentation.

What surprised me a lot is how smooth sounding they are, relative to how they are graphed. The upper treble timbre is significantly better compared to SA6 Mkii, at least for me. The stage is wide while having enough depth, and the bass hits my preferences. All that sound for $360? Yeah, I am surprised too!

💥A hyped product does not mean good sound for everyone.💥

Okay, so the Performer 8 is hyped big time. Most reviewers including me are praising them like it’s the end game everyone can afford.

As of this writing, all the videos I watched seem to have similar findings with me. But as days passed by, I read comments that P8 wasn’t that good for them. People are starting to find weaknesses of the P8, like the honky vocals, the lack of midbass, the BA treble etc.

In all honesty, I also found the same weaknesses of the P8, but the PROS just outweighs the CONS. I have some assumptions why P8 is hyped tho.

1. Reviewers including me just have a bad taste in evaluating stuff haha

2. Reviewers including me see the larger picture having tried different sets in different price range. Trust me, there is not a lot of good stuff past $800, at least for my preferences. I can probably only count them with my fingers. Maybe around 10.

3. Reviewers including me seek validity. Humans as we are, we are prone to this. Well actually the hobby is largely run on seeking validation. Its just more fun that way. Imagine having your endgame set without no one to share it with haha.

I don’t think there is anything wrong in disliking a set tho. It is normal to be skeptical and it almost always happens on a hyped set. I explained the nocebo effect in my EA500 review.

OMG I am talking a lot, lets get back to sound

💥The improvement💥

Well yeah. Ill be honest, I did not like the P5 a lot. Well, the prototype I first tried did sound really good, and I was really guilty shilling the P5, only to find out that I didn’t really like the set when I reviewed it lol. Sorry.

The Performer 8 is undeniably better sounding than the P5 for me. Should you still believe me? Hahaha.

Anyhow, I have tried two sets of Aful performer 8. They sound the same, they graph the same, and I get the same feeling about them.

The bass is tighter and more nuanced. They have this quality of being visceral in impact. I tried EDM tracks and yeah, the quantity might not be a lot, but the quality makes up for it. The vocals and instruments are also more natural sounding. One friend mentioned that he hears some honk in the vocals. Probably that 1k elevation? At first I didn't notice this, but after hearing Ed sheerans “ shape of you”, his voice sounded like he got covid lol. Some vocal registers exhibit this, but this CON is very minor unless you are very particular on vocal timbre.

The treble is improved over the P5 too! They P8 sounds less grainy for me, smoother, but more detailed, or should I say, the decays are more natural.

It still has that little boost in the upper treble, around 13k, but not as exaggerated as the SA6 mkii.
The stage is improved too. I get better stage depth and width. They don't sound congested at all. Stage congestion was one of thr major cons of the P5 for some people. I am happy to say that instruments and vocals are well placed in the P8, not the best, but definitely better than most sets in the price range.

💥Why spend much?💥

Performer 8, along with the Studio 4, are one of the IEMS that offer great value in my opinion.

I have probably heared 30+ TOTLs when I was in Japan for two years. I was in a hunt for my own endgame, but in all honesty, it is very evasive. Because the more I hear, the more my preference get skewed to a different tonality.

TOTLs usually have ESTs and these drivers just offer better clarity in the treble when done right.

As for the Performer 8. Although no ESTs were used, I think Aful did a great job with their implemenation of the drivers and their patented technology. They sound like TOTLs for my ears really. Not a direct competetion in terms of overall performance, but I get a feeling of "why spend much?"



✅Great echoes and reverb. The P8 tends to mimic decay in an bigger venue. Yoasobi’s Gunjo feels like listening in a hall rather than in a room.

✅Great balance of bass and treble. I do not find them to be overly boomy in the bass, nor too exaggerated in the treble. The tuning is really smooth from end to end.

✅in the track “love moves in mysterious ways” by Nina, the soundstage is again portrayed like I am in a big hall, or at least represents the correct venue.

✅ever heard of "nandemonaiya" by Radwimps? The vocals presence is amazing. Separation of the two guitars is amazing, the harmonics and presence is really well executed. The low bass hit at 1:44 is surprisingly good. it reverberates like you are in a Cinema.

✅in the track “Face to face” by IU, the bass texture really shines on this set. I immediately knew this sound is up there man. The tone really feels like a real drum for my ears.

✅I thought the P8 is bass light until I tried Dua Lipa’s “don’t start now”. Oh man do they slap a** haha.

-I honestly couldn’t find any major flaws of the P8. Either it hits my preferences very well, or I'm just outright shilling this . Anyhow, I will try my best to nitpick this set.

❌slight honkiness of vocals in certain registers. Not apparent in every track, but worh mentioning for people who are sensitive to vocal timbre

❌bass level might not be for everyone. Try to Auto EQ between SA6 mkii and P8 and see which bass level hits you the best.

❌a little bit of gain or maybe a dip at presence can help for better vocal space. I noticed that Studio 4 has better vocal layering because the gain peaks at 2.5k and gradually declines to a dip. For me, it creates this illusion of a 3d stage.

❌eartips. Don’t use them

❌they are actually bulkier than the P5. In my first impression video, I mentioned that the fit is very good. But after using for a week, I noticed that they strain some parts of my ears when I choose the wrong eartips. Tip roll if you may.

❌ a little bit of midbass can help a bit on metal tracks. I noticed that they are not that engaging on dj-dj dj-dj- djjjents haha.They sound dry.


⏯️DUNU SA6 mkii/ultra
-If I were to rate them, it would be ultra>p8> mkii.

They tonality is uncanny. The ultra just edges the p8 in terms of overall resolution. The mkii is also more resolving than the P8, but I am not happy with the bass and treble elevation. Maybe you will like it tho. However, considering the price point, the P8 is significantly cheaper and to think that it compete with SA6 series is a big praise.

⏯️Studio 4
If you have the extra cash to spare $80 more, I suggest just go straight to studio 4. The studio 4 is just more refined, better techs, better timbre on vocals and instruments, just better everything for me haha.

Okay I will explain. Although the P8 has a DD for the bass, I think the Studio 4 performs better. I am not saying that the bass of the P8 is a slouch, no no, they are great. However the studio 4 just sounds very revealing and tighter. You do get more vacuum from the Studio 4, so if you are sensitive to that, better pick the P8s.

Also, the stage of P8 is wider but lesser in depth. As for the Studio 4, it is more proportionate and rounded, like you are in a room with your artists. Surprisingly tho, I always feel like the reverbs and echoes of the P8 lingers longer, giving me that feeling of a more open space akin to gig outdoors or a hall.

-the M5p is here because these are my current reference when testing sets. Well, I must say that the P8 is better in resolution and micro details. However, for overall engagement, Mega5p still has it. There is a reason why I make the M5p my reference. I don’t want to miss out on musicality whilst resetting my ears.

-Please be reminded that my scoring is always based on its price range.

BASS - 2.5
MIDS - 3
TREBLE - 2.5

=14 ( S rank,exceptional. Consider saving if you want a reference set with TOTL qualities)

Check my scoring criteria here:

This is easy, I just rate the set whether I would grab them for listening. Very subjective.

0️⃣- I will never touch this again

1️⃣- I grab if I remember

2️⃣- Can be part of my rotation

3️⃣- I break my rotation and grab this one today

4️⃣- *** rotation, I’ll listen to these for the whole week

5️⃣- Im selling everything, I will only listen to these haha.

💥So the Performer 8 gets a 3️⃣‼️

There is something about the Performer 8's smoothness that makes me grab them for a short listening sessions. Probably because they are inoffensive? There are other fun sets tho, but this set is really perfect for morning coffee listening.

The Performer 8 does perform. They are a solid upgrade to the P5 in all honesty. But yes, also an upgrade in cost. Does it justify the price hike tho? I think so. Having compared P8 to more expensive sets make them a bang for the buck, that’s if you have the buck haha.

The price of the P8 is in a weird spot tho. You have the gatekeeping blessings at $300, and yet bottlenecked by Studio 4 above $400. Please keep in mind that I have not heard everything in this price range, so my impressions are limited.

Having said that, I can recommend the Performer 8 for people who are looking for a balanced to neutral set. It doesn’t have any annoying peaks, no boom boom bass, no shout, and better timbral accuracy compared to the P5s.

I really had a hard time thinking of what to say about the Performer 8, mainly because they are not particularly doing anything wrong and yet excels just enough to be called a great set, if not for the price as mentioned above.

Contrary to my experience in writing this review, which required a lot of mental exertion haha, the Performer 8 seems to be presenting music like a pro performer-Just effortless.

WHERE TO BUY: non affiliate links

HiFiGo AFUL Performer8 1DD+ 7BA Driver in-Ear Monitors, Masterpieces Hybrid Drivers IEMs in-Ear Earphones with Easy Driveability (Performer 8)

Just found this amazing item on AliExpress. Check it out! ¥ 54,117 | AFUL Performer8 / Performer 8 1DD+7BA Hybrid IEMs In-ear Monitor Wired Earphones with High-purity OCC Silver-plated Cable HiFiGo

I grew up listening to 90’s music. Alternative, punk-rock, screamo, rap, Philippine OPM, Anime songs, JPOP, KPOP, metal, reggae and a lot more.
The artists I regularly listen to are:

Incubus, 311, BMTH, Matchbox 20, The Goo Goo Dolls, Paramore, Polyphia, The Calling,, Babymetal, Metallica, Slipknot, Bon Jovi, Coheed and Cambria, Deftones, Red Hot, Green day,

⭐OPM(Original Pinoy Music):
E-heads, Slapshock, Parokya, Urbanddub, Up Dharma Down, Bamboo, IV of spade, Kamikazee, Rivermaya

IU, Yoasobi, Yorushika, Milet, Reona, Maroon 5, Coldplay, Bruno Mars, Ed Sheeran, Taylor, Dua Lipa, Oliva Rodrigo, Billie Eilish

Carpenters, Micheal Learns to Rock, Celine Dion, Bob Marley, Sitti, Daft Punk, Pink Floyed, Earth wind and fire, Amber rubarth, Sia, Yosi Horikawa

I listen to more, but I can’t just list them all here.haha. Just giving you an idea on what I listen.

Thanks for reaching here. Hope you enjoyed reading. :)
Really liked your review. Especially the scores in the end. I was surprised why it ended being 3/5 on the grab ranking after that the score you gave is very high...
Thanks for reading! 3 is actually a high grab score considering that i havent scored a 5 on any IEMS i have heard. Studio 4 should be a 4 or very close to being 5.. 😇

d m41n man

100+ Head-Fier
Faultless and Never Too L8
Pros: - Resolving to a tee, lots of information
- Dynamic yet smooth, inoffensive, and never dull. Very suitable for long listening sessions
- Good extension on both ends
- Premium build and looks
- That bass is refined, tight and punchy (it's not that bass-light as the FR graphs show)
Cons: - Basic package (could've used a modular cable at this price)
- Mediocre stock tips
- Average staging width and depth

Yes, yes... we've heard it and probably already tired of all the brand name jokes but there is no kidding as to all the AFUL releases (at least outside the PRC market) have been so far. Though I have to say, the Performer 5 didn't impress me out of the gate and may have its downsides and flaws at its price bracket for me. This, on the other hand, has all the aces up in its sleeves to be a benchmark in its pricepoint. It impressed me on first listen and just got better on further eartime with different setups. It's only been months since their western debut product but this second release is like a refinement of their proprietary technologies at work. Here's the good part: so far it looks that the only direction they are on is up and forward as this purchase of mine is all good.


Packaging and Build
The Performer 8 comes in a black flip-top box with a slide-out cover sleeve. The IEMs and the premium-looking top-off circular faux leather case that contains the cable are covered in foam with the manuals and eartips being on the bottom layer foam. Covers all the basic but doesn't make you feel shortchanged as the set itself feels and look premium, with the burnt leaves/foil layers on the faceplate looking awesome. The shells are not light and feels durable as well. The cable, while not with interchangeable plugs, is really well-built without microphonics and never felt cheap. It is also quite to note that wearing these does not build up pressure in the ears when wearing, which adds to comfort points.



Sound and Comparisons
As usual, I will leave the graphs to the measurebators as my inputs are based off my good 'ol trusty listening sessions. The Performer 8 impressed right off the bat without the flaws and somewhat odd timbre of its lower predecessor. Details and resolution are apparent while delivering all these information in a dynamic and lively way but still maintaining its smooth character without the shrills and shoutiness. It does feel and sound like a proper $300+ mature set, unlike any at those below its price bracket (but does sound somewhat similar to the SA6 Ultra and Mk2 which are higher up). The bass is just right - fast, tight and punchy with just the satisfying quantity. The treble also feel well extended. I can listen to this set without fatigue for long periods without ever feeling bored enough to switch to something more lively. It is definitely not lacking in both ends of the spectrum and does trump my Blessing2 in almost all aspects. In comparison, the mids are somewhat represented in the same manner as the SA6 Ultra but the SA6 Ultra has even more detail compared to the P8 but priced higher as well. The SA6 Ultra does most of the things better than the Performer 8 but I do feel the bass of the P8 is cleaner and sounds more textured (probably due to the dd nature). The timbre also sounded improved and correct compared to the P5 while the mids have more body and composition compared to the Blessing2 (and even the Variations).


I believe the Performer 8 will have a hard time disappointing anybody who has yet to hear a set at the $300 level as it just has the qualities that make it a great choice entering this price bracket. Though you might find the SA6 brothers and the IE600 impress at a higher price, you'd be deeply satisfied at what the P8 has to offer. Good job and here's looking forward to what AFUL can do to its upcoming products, whether it's a budget set or a tribrid flagship. It seems they're in no pace to lack effort with their releases. The only reason I was not able to give a perfect score is what could have been - such as the modular cables and better tips selection and accessories. Those could've made it a perfect set at the $350 range.

Listened via the Sony ZX-707, Sony ZX-300, and Questyle M15 separately in 3.5mm SE configuration with JVC Spiral Dots+ eartips over the course of multiple genres across FLACs (16bit&24bit) and streaming (Tidal). This is not at all a hard set to drive. As of this writing, it is set to retail at SRP $369.
Last edited:

Dhruv Tampa

New Head-Fier
Easy 5 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Pros: Perfect Tuning !!
Super fast transients
Amazing technical performance
Tight, fast and very detailed bass
Smooth, sweet and natural vocals
NO harshness whatso every and Not at all dark, it's just perfect
Very good fit
High quality cable
beautiful back plate
Cons: No 4.4 balanced cable option
Pathetic eartip options
No lip on nozzle makes the eartip fitting a little finicky
(Nitpick-subbass could've be better with 2-3 db boost)
Aful created a boom with their first release the Performer 5, with amazing tuning and some interesting technology. I personally love it when companies implement new/interesting technologies and try to deliver performance above their price-point. They announced the Performer 8 with a price tag of $370 which is amazing for what they promise, along with 7BA+1DD Each side. They’ve implemented complex crossover and sound tubes and some patented technology to make them sound amazing. Today I’m going to try them and explore how they sound and if they’d be able to deliver the performance they promised.

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Disclaimer: -
I received the Aful Perfromer 8 from Hifigo for the purpose of this review. I have no monetary benefit with this review, neither I am influenced by anyone to write positive or negative about the pair. All thoughts are based on my usage consisting of mostly Anime, Bollywood, EDM, Hiphop, Alt rock, electronic and R&B music (pretty much whatever is currently trending or was trending in the last few decades). I am no professional reviewer and I’m just sharing my thoughts and opinions. If interested, you can check out more information on Hifigo website from the link below(non-affiliated).

Design & Build:-

If you’ve Seen P5 then you exactly know how P8 Looks like, Because they look exactly the same but still here is the detailed impressions on how they look. Aful Acoustics has gone with a Resin Shell. The shells are beautiful, solid, and lightweight. I like Resin Shell iem because of their Custom IEM-like fit and they way the shell looks like glass. The faceplace reminds me of the Thieaudio Monarch MKII or the surface of Mars. The shell and nozzle is one piece which I like as metal nozzle has the tendency to break or sometimes the glue comes off. But it doesn’t have any lip around the nozzle, So, it becomes a little finicky to put on the eartips.

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As for accessories, it comes with 3 pair of Wide bore and 3 pair of narrow bore Eartips, Personally, I feel like Aful could’ve done a better job by giving atleast half decent eartips but these feel very low quality for the price of the Package, A black clam shell like carrying case made of Faux Leather with foam lining inside it with Aful logo on it. The included cable is a 4-core hybrid cable which to me looks like SPC and silver but could be complete SPC but overall it’s a high quality cable, It’s soft and uses standard 2-pin 0.78mm connectors and a 3.5mm termination. At this price they atleast should’ve given an option to choose from 4.4 balanced or 3.5mm singe ended or straightup provided a cable with swapable terminations. We’re seeing manufacturers providing this with IEM’s under $200

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As I said, I like Resin shell due to their custom IEM like fit, you just need to find the right size eartips. They are very comfortable to use for prolonged hours of usage and put zero strain in or behind the ears.

Technical Specs:-
  • >7BA+1DD High-Performance Hybrid Configuration.
  • >8mm Dynamic Driver With Biological Diaphragm.
  • >Customised High-Performance Balanced Armature Drivers.
  • >Enhanced 3D Printed Acoustic Tube Structure.
  • >Ultra-Long Low-Frequency Acoustic Tube
  • >RLC Network Frequency Division Correction Technology.
  • >High-Damping Air-Pressure Balance Technology.
  • >Balanced Sound Tuning With Tight Lower-End, Clear Midrange, and Extended Treble Response.
  • >Ideal for Most Genres of Music.
  • >Exquisite New Looks With Eye-Catchy Face Covers.
  • >Ergonomic & Lightweight Cavities.
  • >High-Purity Monocrystalline Copper Silver-Plated Cable.
  • >Standard 2-pin Connectors.
  • >Single-Ended 3.5mm Termination Plug.

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Power Requirements

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Performer 8 is quite efficient and sounds decent straight out of a Smartphone, with my Xduoo Link2 Bal was able to power it with just 10-15 percent of power and it was same with Tanchjim Space.

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I also tried it with My Zendac V2 and it improved the overall sound by a margin. For fun I also, tried it with my desktop stack which consists of Topping D70s + Gustard H16
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Most of my testing was done using the Hiby R6 Pro II, as I felt like most of you will be using this with either a dongle or a Dap.

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Sound Quality:-

To start with, I find the Performer 8 to have a very Balanced tuning to it with a hint of sub-bass boost, Clean vocals, and precise instruments, and the thing that impressed me the most on these was the imaging and how speed the bass response was. The coherency on these is amazing, sounding very organic with minimal to no BA timbre.
The bass on these is balanced with a hint of boost in the sub bass which adds to the over experience, it’s detailed, and transitions are speedy and does not interfere with the mids at all. Mid-bass on these is fast, precise, and got a lot of texture to it.
Mids in Performer 8 are really amazing and sound very natural, this gives new life to all the vocal centric track you have in your collection. The upper-mids on these is smooth and never get edgy.
The treble on these is smooth and comfortable sound, It has plenty of sparkle with no sign of harshness. It very airy too.

Soundstage on these is decent but imaging is very precise on these, you can easily identify multiple instruments in the stage. Soundstage on these depends on how deep you put on the eartip on the nozzle
Clarity is very good and the detail retrieval is almost on Flagship level which in my personal opinion close to $1000 iems.

This is a very versatile IEM with a very safe tuning which will suite pretty much every genre of track you through at it, it plays like a champ. Only gripe and this is a very subjective point but I feel like if the subbass was just a few DB like 2-3 would’ve made this IEM unbeatable.

Short note on Cable pairing
Personally, I found it to sound the best with the stock cable Even though it’s just 3.5mm, it sounded better then generic SPC and hybrid cables.

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With SPC cable it sounded a bit wider and a little warmer but it lost its bass quality as the bass became a little warmer and this resulted in a loss of that bass speed that I really liked with the stock cable.
With Hybrid (Silver+Copper) cable it sounded more natural with thicker mids but again, it lost it’s technical performance that I was getting with the Stock cable. I really wished that aful atleast gave an option for 4.4 mm cable. Guess we ourself might need to change the termination to 4.4mm.

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Aful Performer 8 vs Aful Perfromer 5:-

Earlier using P5 was a delight with it’s subwoofer like bass, decently wide soundstage, no BA timbre and ergonomic fit but Aful has passed the benchmark and made this one an amazing package with pushing everything on to another level. Personally I fell like this is much suitable for more genres with providing faster transients and sounding more natural and more airy.

Aful Performer 8 vs Moondrop Blessing 2
Blessing 2 is an amazing IEM, sweet vocals, wide soundstage, plenty of treble sparkle and details and very organic timbre but for me Performer 8 takes the cake her with overall a better sounding package with better vocal presence, treble spackle, precise imaging and an overall better technicalities.

Aful Performer 8 VS RaptGo Hook X
RaptGo Hook X here packs an overall smoother sound with wide soundstage and precise instrument placement along with an overall more bass-oriented sound signature. Performer 8 here presents an overall better tuning with faster transients, smoother mids a tad bit more details and personally for me it’s better suited for longer listening sessions.

Tracks used for testing
My playlist consists of Anime/jpop tracks, Hip-Hop, Jazz, R&B and some Bollywood but not limited to this only.

  • Shinunoga E-Wa · Fujii Kaza
  • 夜に駆ける · YOASOBI · Ayase
  • KICK BACK · Kenshi Yonezu
  • NIGHT DANCER · imase
  • Fire · Queen Bee
  • Suzume (feat. Toaka) · RADWIMPS
  • Royals · Lorde
  • Low · SZA
  • Sign of the Times · Harry Styles
  • Glimpse of Us · Joji
  • Until I Found You (Em Beihold Version) · Stephen Sanchez
  • Under the Influence · Chris brown
  • Starboy · The Weeknd
  • Creepin' · Metro Boomin, The Weeknd, 21 Savage
  • Do It Again – Pia Mia feat. Chris Brown and Tyga
  • Collide (feat. Tyga) · Justine Skye
  • Don’t gamble with love – Paul Anka
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Previously with Performer 5, Aful has done an amazing job with tuning them and using some interesting technologies with long sound tubes to give it’s signature Subwoofer like bass and an overall very natural tone and timbre but I personally feel like it left a little short compared to the competition due to it’s below average technicalities. But with Performer 8, Aful has done an amazing job and creating a Benchmark under $500, delivering an amazing package with delivering natural tone and timbre along with super fast transient response along with Flagship level technicalities. I can safely say that this has become a benchmark and deserve Full marks from my end !!


100+ Head-Fier
AFUL Performer8 - it's awfully gr8!
Pros: Very balanced and natural tuning
Unique - finally something different from Harman or neutral with bass-boost
Excellent detail retrieval
Good timbre
The cable and build are solid
Pleasant and smooth tuning
Great quality control
Cons: While not compressed or overly intimate, the stage is not the largest
Not the most dynamic IEM



AFUL is a company that has been making waves in China for a while, only recently entering the global market with the Performer5 last year. While I haven't personally heard it, the P5 made a big splash on release (for better or for worse) and since then has asserted itself as an excellent choice at the $200 price point. With the Performer8, AFUL seeks to improve upon their previous success, but how does it stack up?

Disclaimer: Many thanks to AFUL for making this review possible! While I was offered a discounted unit, I was not incentivized for a positive review. These thoughts are purely my own.

Where to Buy:​



  • Those looking for a rich, lush, natural-sounding IEM with good detail retrieval
  • Mids lovers
  • Those looking for pleasant treble with good extension and sparkle without sibilance
  • Those looking for a smooth and enjoyable listen


  • Those who prefer very thin and clinical-sounding IEMs
  • Those looking for something very incisive and crisp

Build, Fit, Accessories:​

What's in the box: The AFUL Performer8 comes with a decent selection of ear tips, faux leather carrying case, and a cable. It's neither lacking nor excessive. And depending on where the final price lands, it is par for the course. The included cable has a mix of copper and silver plated strands and is also solid - well-behaved and of decent quality.

Build and fit: Build quality is excellent. The P8 comes in a 3D-printed resin shell standard for multiple driver IEMs. The IEMs themselves are very light and are small/medium in size. They are very ergonomic and are among the best-fitting IEMs I have tried. I can't imagine many people having fit issues and my wife, who has tiny ears, had no problems wearing these.

Overall Sound:​

The overall sound signature is very balanced, with excellent natural tonality. The sound has a satisfying lushness/richness with good extension on both ends. The bass is punchy and rumbly, the mids have a nice body and good clarity, and the treble is well extended, smooth, and pleasant, with a good amount of sparkle. The Performer8 is a very well-rounded IEM that does almost everything well!


The bass extends deep. The shelf is slightly sub-bass-focused, but midbass is still quite satisfying! The bass quality is good, with a decent amount of texture. It's a relatively tight bass with a lot of tactility - it punches, slams, and rumbles on demand without sounding overwhelming. It's not particularly incisive, but it isn't boomy or sloppy sounding. It's simply well done.


Mids are rich and lush. Both male and female vocals have a good amount of body and presence. There is a decent amount of warmth, but it's not bloated or muddy. It does retain quite a bit of clarity, and for lack of better words, it sounds nicely balanced.


The treble on the Performer8 is well-extended with a good amount of air and sparkle. It's pleasant and smooth, perhaps with a slight brightness, but no sibilance to my ears. Violins, for example, sound sweet but not piercing.


Details and Resolution:

Details and resolution on the Performer8 are excellent - competitive with IEMs currently priced around $500-600. Regarding detail retrieval, it outperforms the ThieAudio Oracle and is competitive with the Dunu SA6s and Xenns Mangird Top. Depending on where the final price lands for the Performer8, it could be one of the more, if not most, resolving IEMs in the price range. When listening to violin quartets, for example, you can easily pick up the quartet members placing their fingers on the fingerboard, taking breaths to cue phrases, etc.

Soundstage, Imaging, and Separation:

The stage is average to slightly above average for an IEM. It is not particularly wide, but there is some depth. Imaging is good with a decent amount of layering, but separation is average, which keeps it from being pinpoint accurate.

Dynamics, transients, and decay:

Given that this is a smoother IEM, it might not be surprising that transients aren't incredibly incisive - the initial attack on notes is clear and defined but could be crisper. Decay on notes is neither too fast nor too slow. The dynamics are decent but not standout.


Timbre is good. Overall, the Performer8 is a very natural-sounding IEM, and most instruments sound correct to my ear. Nothing sounds glaringly wrong to me.


The AFUL Performer8 came out of left field and really surprised me. When I was offered the chance to review the AFUL Performer8, I was curious but did not know what to expect. I certainly did not expect to be as impressed as I was!

For $369.99, the Performer8 is absolutely a new benchmark - you'll be hard-pressed to find anything better.

The AFUL Performer8 is an excellent IEM, and it gets my recommendation for anyone looking for a very well-tuned IEM that is easy to pick up and listen to. And while it isn't a technical monster by any means, the well-balanced, lush tuning of the P8 handled every song I threw at it in stride with great detail retrieval to boot!
Last edited:


500+ Head-Fier
The Spark that Started the Fire
Pros: Overall balanced sound
Lightweight and comfortable to wear
Classy Beautiful IEM.
Clean resolution
Vocals to die for
Ergonomic fit and light shell
Cons: Price means some might not be able to try this.
No Cartoon Girl on the front.
It’s a modern world, where we need to find value and technology in which we buy. I personally don’t want to buy a rebranded iem but something special. We live in a world of a race to the bottom really exists meaning that iems are getting better and cheaper as manufacturing becomes more efficient.

Not long ago I found a particular iem on a particular reviewer’s list. It was ranked fairly well for the price, and I seem to trust this reviewer. I took a gamble, and it paid off as it instantly became a benchmark and favorite for me.

This iem was the Aful 5, and I still find it an incredibly tuned iem with great retrieval, a major benchmark for the price, but not only that they were releasing the Aful 8 soon. I really enjoyed the Aful 5 and reached out to Aful about the 8 itself to learn more. I now have the Aful 8 in my hands, and I have paid for my copy of the Aful 8 and my opinions are my own.

You can buy this on Hifigo as of right now, it is also on Amazon. This link is only listed here for convenience only. (I recommend waiting until the official price is released, I expect it to be around 340 to 450, this review will be updated when the price is updated)

There are recently been some rumors about more iems from Aful, and I can confirm one of them, a Single Balanced armature driver IEMs based on S&E-math technology is also in the pipeline. I would expect more from Aful in the future but that is the only thing that I can currently confirm. Award-winning technology just gets me out of bed. Paying some guy with a magic ear who says an iem good, just feels like I’m paying for a guy to repaint my house when my house is fine. It isn’t enough for me for a simple color retuning, I need to see value, technology, and quality. Hifi is a world of charging a silly amount, to have actual technology is insane and refreshing. The company has a few patients and a strong vision of what they want to do. Aful wants to achieve high-performing iems at a reasonable price. I encourage you to read up on the company.

Aful was founded in 2018 and this is their second international release and their fifth overall. There are graphs and videos floating around on Band 5 and Band 8, but they are tuned differently. Aful is a unique company name. I love their iems, and think this is a company to put on your radar.


I’m going to try to summarize the information on the patents in a short less technical manner and what they mean to me. They have three different patients. The first is High-Precision 3D Printed Acoustic Tube Structure. Which seems to help harmonize and eliminate peaks caused by resonance. I find that the iem takes EQ really well, and everything sounds alive from this iem in particular. From my personal experience, many iems and headphones won’t take eq well for various reasons.

The second big tech is RLC Network Frequency Division Correction Technology. It gives their Balanced armature a smooth treble frequency that rivals EST units. This is interesting to me because I really feel this iem has an EST in that it delivers an airy and detailed sound.

The third Technology is High-Damping Air-Pressure Balance System. It balances the air pressure in the canal. It is supposed to reduce discomfort and fatigue. It is supposed to enhance the low-frequency texture, depth, and elasticity as well. I do find the Aful to be easy on the ears and I don’t want them out of my ears. They also provide a fantastic sonic seal. This iem is one that I can wear for hours, not just for intensive listening sessions.

While I’m no technical expert, I do appreciate the patients that they have and find this iem unique and special.


The shell is even more beautiful in person than it is in the picture. I am really enjoying the look of it. I find the shell to be small but ergonomic. Its nozzle is easy to fit in my ears and I can wear it for long sessions without issue. The angle or size doesn’t hurt. It doesn’t add additional pressure to my ears. I like the nonrecessed nature of the connectors as it is easy to swap with other cables as needed, and it is really light to use.

(This has the CP 145 Spinfits, not the stock tips.)

At first, I thought that this was the exact same case as the Aful 5, but it’s not, It’s MUCH better. There is a company that sells iem round cases for 10 dollars on Amazon. This case is not that it is fully pleather feeling with a great texture. I find great value in this case and would value it at nearly 25 to 30 dollars. It looks classy and feels premium.
(On the far left is the Meteor case, followed by the Aful Performer 8 case in the middle, and lastly the Dunu SA6 MK2 case.)

This cable is a different color and quality than the cable on the Aful Performer 5. It feels nice and has a nice shine to it with a subtle two-color finish. It has a good thematic feel of Autumn and goes with the faceplate very well. It has red and blue easy-to-read connectors which make maintenance easy. My favorite cable is the Symposium Meteor cable. But the added color gives this the win here, despite the texture of the Meteor cable being a little better, and having a nice shine to it. The Aful cable has a neck slider and doesn’t seem to get unruly. I find the cable of the Peformer 5 like 20% stiffer, and not nearly as attractive or premium.
(This is the case that I keep my Meteor in, as I'm just not a fan of the stock case it comes with. Notice the color of the cable goes well with the faceplates.)

Tip Selection
We have red and blue style ear tips that fit me great. I feel it’s a clever and thoughtful gesture. I have requested that Aful sell their tips separately, I would definitely buy them. This is a nice gesture for me. I personally find myself using Spinfit 145, as my go-to. But as far as presentation goes, this tip selection is strong, fun, and enjoyable. It’s a better selection overall than the Aful 5, and it’s overall a nice presentation that is thoughtful.



This Compares to Blessing 3, Blessing 2 Dusk, and surpasses the P5 handily. It’s a strong little iem with a taste of luxury that most can afford. The Blessing 3 is a fantastic iem, and I think that the Aful 8 fits better, and has a slight edge sonically. I think it competes with the more expensive Dunu SA6 MK2 and the Meteor which are 600 dollar iems. While I think other iems I have listened to rival it in technicalities and tuning, I do think this is my favorite iem over all that I've heard and is a competitive mid-fi iem to keep on your radar.

Quick-Fire Comparisons

In this section, I'll quickly compare the Aful 8 vs other iems.

Aful Performer 8 VS. Aful Performer 5 (220)
Overall Tuning: Aful 8
Details: Aful 8

Aful Performer 8 VS. Blessing 2 Dusk (330)
Overall Tuning: Blessing 2 Dusk
Details: Aful 8

Aful Performer 8 VS. TheiAudio Oracle MK 2 (589)
Overall Tuning: Aful 8
Details: Aful 8

Aful Performer 8 VS. Dunu SA6 MK2 (579)
Overall Tuning: Tied
Details: Dunu SA6 has a slight edge

Graph: Gizaudio has published a graph of this iem. It graphs very similarly to the Blessing 3 in the base, while the Aful 5 graphs are similar to Blessings 2 Dusk. While I was originally wary of this graph as it isn't exactly like my preferred tuning, I find this sounds really good. I would recommend that you try it before you judge it too harshly.



The base of the Aful 8 is Deep-Hitting and technical. The graph makes it look lean, but it is far from that. There is a growl and a rumble on the base notes. It hits hard and sounds fast. Cymbal hits are strong and detailed. The midrange is clean and clear without bleed from the base. It is an unusual experience like an Electrostatic driver in which you feel the base as the iem seems to rumble.
There is a full sound that adds to the male vocals and everything sounds clear and vivid. It has a hard-hitting feeling that is tight with a nice timber Vocals sound supported and rich with great presence. There is no wisp or lack of clarity in the female vocals.


The midrange is very detailed and natural sounding to me. There is an expansive soundstage to me that is nice and present. Vocals have a natural timbre to them that ties me in. It really instantly drew me in. Podcasts and voices all sound natural to me. I feel like I’m there with the Performer 8.


The treble is natural, airy, and shimmers in this set. I feel it competes with other more end-game sets and sounds detailed, and has sparkle at the right places. It has good musicality in the 10-15k range which is really nice and gets me to quickly enjoy the music. It maintains a smooth and extended presentation that ensures instruments sound like I’m there and it's magical.


I’ve tested the Aful performer and it sounds great on different styles with instruments sounding good especially. I don’t think this iem should be characterized by only doing one type of music or another.

Top 10 Tidal list here:
I listen to a wide variety of music. I pick the songs because of various reasons. But I picture myself locked away like Andy Dufresne from Shawshank blasting music and shut off from the world. It’s a blissful image.
The Marriage of Figaro -The opera song from Shawshank Redemption, terrible recording but fun and gets me in the mood to listen to music.
O mio Babino caro -This is a modern less operatic version but a song with great female vocals.
Video Rigoletto - “La donna e mobile” Sung by one of the three Tenors, great song for high-performing male vocals. Pavarotti is the greatest classic singer maybe ever. Fight me!
Iron man - The sound at the beginning is hard to make sound great, great drums, and cymbals, and if done right it feels like an old-school band.
I Will Survive (1981 recording, I like her voice, and the old vocals, the drums, and various natural instruments really make this a favorite for me.
There is a light That never goes out - Smiths ( A classic, I just love it. It’s mellow, and I can tell a lot of the tuning if this song is done right.)
Jump (I like how the sound effects are in this!)
Star Child Someone recommended this song to me, and I like how funky it sounds and has nice vocals and a mix of music and things going on.
Dicke Titten Ramstein The beginning is amazing and the bass hits hard. Great song. I love rock and metal. The German language fascinates me
Master of Puppets: Very fast song. Helps me determine if the driver can keep up.

I am going to share a larger list that I have of songs that I like in this review. 61+ songs Here

Value is subjective. But I feel this iem competes with my other iems well and is something to consider for those who want their first taste of hifi. It’s easily on par with the quality Symphonium Meteor, Blessing 2 Dusk, and Dunu Sa6 MK2. The packaging is very nice and unique with what is the most beautiful shell that I’ve ever seen in an iem. I find this a good value at the expected price of around 400 in that it is on par or better than most in that range, and competitive vs other items at the 600 dollar pricepoint. (This is hard to place without knowing the exact price, and this review will be updated later.)

Recommended EQ: I find the sound profile strong, but I still recommend a +4 DB boost at 32 HZ, 64HZ, 125 HZ, and +2 at 250 HZ. This iem takes eq well.

Gifting/who is it for:
I think this is a quality product, and it is hard to justify buying it for others, but it’s a strong product that feels like a more expensive iem, and looks like one too. It’s an incredible set to gift, because of the great packaging and presentation. I think it’s a good all-day wearing iem as well. I think it is a good recommendation for many who are looking for a strong set with good staging. It is expensive, but as its comfort is so high I could see many people who don’t normally like iems enjoy this set, as Audiofiles who want to see what a mid-fi iem can actually do.

Should you Buy it:

It depends on what you are looking for and your budget. It is a great daily driver that I love to play loud. It hasn't left my ears in three days for longer than a few minutes to do comparisons. I fully enjoy them. If you can afford it, buy it, take the blind, and you won't be disappointed. If you can't, try it when you can at the next Cam Jam, or local store. Or just wait for the inevitable budget Aful product to come out.


I used a Quidelix 5k and a Topping e70 dac through an SMSL SH-8s AMP. I also tested this with my new Schitt Piety (Solid state amp with tube qualities) which I found to be a delightful pairing. I also used it from my computer without a DAC, and at work with an Apple dongle. This iem is very sensitive and not a problem to drive by anything that I tested it with.


Thanks for reading. I’m still fairly new to writing reviews, and any constructive feedback is welcome. Also if you have questions or things that you think I should add in further reviews please let me know.
I think this iem is going to start a fire, I think it’s going to be relevant in years to come as a technical monster. We live in a world where technology has an impact, but it’s not always apparent. It’s going to take time for this fire to get going, but when it does, expect more to jump on the bandwagon. This is a fantastic iem with great relevance to the market. It’s not just a pretty iem, it’s the kind of iem you’ll want to shout to the world about. The Aful 5 was the starter, now we are onto the main course, and it’s delicious. Now I go back to listening.

Ok, for the TL;DR first of this iem, just buy it. It’s S class for Technicals and S for tuning. It’s fantastic. Just don’t spend 999 for it, wait until it drops to around 450 or less in a few days.
Great impressions thanks so much for sharing.


Headphoneus Supremus
AFUL Performer8 : Natural, Refined, Crystal Clear Sound!!
Pros: >Well-balanced sound.
>Rich & Dynamic Presentation.
>Tight, Punchy, Precise Lower-end.
>Clear Midrange, Vocals are simply sublime, well-textured, and rich in tone.
>Treble is clear, and crisp, and instruments sound detailed and precise.
>Layering and Imaging are simply amazing, great set for music as well as gaming.
>Easy, Super Easy drivability. Using these with my Steam deck and Nintendo Switch on the go.
>Comfortable Fit. Fits like a charm and provides very good isolation.
>Looks beautiful.
Cons: >Stage Depth could be a little better(nitpick honestly).
>I tried so hard, and got so far, but in the end, it doesn’t even matters. Well yeah, had many long sessions this past week, but couldn’t find anything to mention here.
AFUL Audio debuted last year in the international market with the release of the Performer5 which is a five-driver hybrid set of IEMs. I happened to get a unit to audition and review courtesy of HiFiGo’s India tour. Performer 5 gained a lot of attention for its exciting sound and crazy pricing. During the launch of the Performer 5, several articles from AFUL Audio suggested that they are already working on their next project, the Performer 8. As it is evident from their name, the Performer 8 is a more equipped version featuring 8 driver hybrid configuration(1DD+7BA drivers on each side). Fast Forward to today, and we are closing by for the release of the Performer 8. While there is no information related to the pricing for the pair, other information such as the technologies used, the driver configuration, the targeted tuning profile, everything is mentioned on the product page at HiFiGo(I guess they are the official partners for AFUL in the international market). Well, I have a unit with me which I got early last week and I have spent the entire week with this beauty. Today, I am going to share my review and some impressions for the Performer8 with you guys, let’s not waste any more moment and get our reading glasses on for today.

A Short Disclaimer before I begin:-

I absolutely loved the Performer 5, so I contacted AFUL Audio for the Performer8 through their Facebook page. They were kind enough to share a pre-sale unit with me for which I am thankful to them. There is no kind of benefit involved in this, being a fan of the Performer 5, I just feel lucky to have the early unit of P8 with me. For more information and stuff, you guys can go and check out on HiFiGo website from the link below(it’s a non-affiliated link).


I will start with the unboxing today. The package style and pattern are identical to what we had with the Performer 5 it’s just instead of a white box, we now have a greyish black colored box. Internals are again slightly similar, we have the pair sitting firmly into a foam cutout layer alongside a round-shaped box. The box has the cable for me, underneath this first layer containing the pair, we have six pairs of silicone ear tips in different sizes. There are some documentation as well such as a warranty card and user guide in a transparent envelope. Well, that’s all we have for the package, I hope you guys like the images I am attaching below.


Package Contents:-

>The pair itself.

>2-pin 3.5mm terminated cable.

>Seven pairs of silicone ear tips(6 in the package one on the pair).

>User guide.

>Warranty card.

Design & Build Quality:-

Performer5 resembled the Monarch MK2 in its face covers, the Performer8 has a better design approach. The shape is quite compact and lightweight. The entire shell is made up of resin material. Face covers are shiny and have an eye-catchy look. Upon a close inspection, it looks like multiple layers of hand-painted material are embedded into the face covers. The pair look and feel absolutely beautiful. The nozzle mouth is a bit recessed. It has three openings, one wide, and the other two quite narrow.

My wife also liked the fit and look of the pair. She has small ears, and the small-sized P8 fits her perfectly. I am personally using the stock ear tips only and getting a very good fit. Isolation is also quite good, I have no issues in listening to music at low volumes even in noisy environments.

The included cable is quite handy and has a rich in-hand feel. The connectors are a bit tight, but they fit perfectly and have a secure grip on the pair. I can securely place the pair along with the cable in the provided case, so no troubles there as well.

Powering The Performer 8(Power Requirements):-

Performer8 is quite a sensitive set of IEMs. It gets easily powered with most sources, and I find it to synergize well as well. For my personal usage, I have tested the set with my Shanling M7(15/100 volume, high-gain), HiBy FC6(10/31 volume, OS mode), and directly with my MacBook as well(about 50% volume level enough for me). So I can say that the pair is fairly easy to drive, it can be powered easily with most sources without worrying much. It even works with my Steam Deck and Nintendo Switch as well. For me, the most usage is done with M7 as my daily driver for the past week.

Sound Quality:-

Coming towards the most anticipated part of the Performer8, the sound performance. The pair delivers showcase outstanding sound capabilities with amazing clarity and a very, literally very refined sound signature. Throughout the frequency band, the P8 maintains amazing clarity. The lower end is precise, tightly controlled, and has a punchy presentation. It has good extension in the sub-bass frequencies as well. I would say, the Lower end quality and quantity are fairly balanced. It has a clear and strong rumble yet it doesn’t sound overwhelming. Mid-bass has a clear presentation with a good slamming response. The overall lower-end response is very well done. It is fast, tight, punchy, and precise.

As for the tuning of the Performer8, I find the set to have a balanced sound signature across the three frequencies. None of the regions feel over-emphasized, in fact, the balance between the three frequencies is nicely executed. Coming to the midrange response, Performer8 has a smooth and rich tone for the vocals. They sound quite rich and dynamic. Their clarity is simply sublime, Both the male and female vocals sound clear and have clean textured quality output. Instruments in the midrange have a crisp definition. Acoustic guitar, piano, etc. everything falling in the midrange section sound exceptionally clear and crisp.

Treble is well-defined and has great extensions here. Instruments in their high-frequencies have a clear definition and sound crisp. This enables the pair to deliver exceptional performances for genres such as Rock, Pop, Electronic, etc. When I got the set early last week, I played the track "Hotel California" by Eagles as my first track. And I was simply amazed by the clarity of the P8. Hotel California is my favorite track, and it is usually on the list of my test tracks as well. And the P8 handled the song so well that I was literally lost for the next seven minutes approx(the length of the track). Next, I tested the track “Don’t Give Me Those Eyes” by James Blunt, and this time the vocal clarity got me hooked.

Talking about some Hip-Hop tracks, I played some Billie Eilish next, featuring the “Bad Guy”, and how beautifully the Performer8 changed its presentation for this track. Performer8 keeps up with the speed of this track delivering very clear sub-bass extensions and refined lower-end clarity. Coming towards the technical performance part, P8 sounds great in that regard as well. The pair handles both macro and micro definitions nicely. Imaging and instrument separation is precise, and nicely executed. Soundstage has good width, although I would have loved a slight bit of more depth in the output. Probably my only con with the set.

Somethings I Think Could Be Improved(Cons):-

Well, it’s hard to find flaws with the set. It sounds exactly how I like, it fits nicely, and it looks nice. But I would like to nitpick, and I would say that the soundstage depth could be a bit better for a more 3D presentation on the stage. But apart from this, I can’t note down anything bad with the set. In fact, whenever I listen to the set making notes, I got so lost that I spent 2-3 hours and made 0 notes. I was so immersed in the music all thanks to my Shanling M7 and the P8 sounding absolutely brilliant. Now it’s time for some comparisons.

AFUL Performer 8 Vs AFUL Performer 5:-

Let’s make a short comparison between Performer 5 and Performer 8. There is a noticeable difference in how both these pairs sound. Let’s get some key points.
4 (1).jpg

>Performer 5 sounds warmer, it has stronger mid-bass. P8 sounds refined and has clearer bass with more extended sub-bass.

>Midrange on the P8 has a cleaner and more accurate tonality. M5 in comparison is warmer in tone.

>Treble is crispier, better extended, and better detailed on the P8.

>Soundstage, while both are identical in this regard, P8 has more air and sounds slightly wider as well.

>Detail Retrieval, P8 is crispier and has more details.

AFUL Performer 8 vs DUNU SA6 MK2:-

SA6 MK2 was my recent love. I absolutely adore how beautifully the pair manages midrange clarity and showcase exceptional vocals. P8 puts up a strong fight against the SA6 Mk2 and delivers excellent results. Here are my findings.

>Bass on the P8 is punchier and more dynamic. It reaches deeper as well.

>Midrange SA6 MK2 sounds lovely, But the P8 is, SUPER CLOSE. Yes, you guys read that right, with a punchy, fast lower end, the midrange clarity of P8 is really comparable and sometimes even feels slightly better than the SA6 MK2. In fact, I would say the P8 sounds slightly bit more accurate and natural. Damn lovely vocals on both sets.

>Treble on both the sets is handled well with P8 being crispier and the SA6 MK2 being more rounded.

Final Words:-

While I personally don’t know the actual cost of the P8 as of now, the pair really puts up a fantastic fight with the SA6 MK2 which is priced at around 600$ range. But based on the pricing of P5, I think the P8 will cost somewhere south of 500$, and it is a kick-ass performer. It hits all the sweet spots for me including quick lower end, clear midrange, and crisp treble. This has been a daily driver of mine for the past week and now I have to ship it out to the next reviewer in line for the tour. Feels like I can’t let it go so early lol. Well, that’s it. That’s my review for the AFUL Performer8. I hope you guys liked reading this review of mine. For any further questions or queries, you can ask me in the comments section below.

Thank You!!
Do they not realise that they are one W away from being Awful?
Detailed & Nice review! Great pictures! The stock cable gives a premium look! Thanks for reviewing, Pulkit! :relaxed:
great review mate