Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Exactly how i hear it. Nice review. However, there is nothing funny about these iems. Unless, that was not a typo in your TL;DR :)
Corrected!!! Thanks.
Comparing these to Tri i3 would be safe?
I'm sorry, I don't own the Tri i3, I can't compare it.
This is a marvellously descriptive, evocative review, all the more so for being written in what I must presume is its author's second language? I only wished Head-Fi had a "suggest edits" function like Quora does, so the 'hardwired' grammatical errors could be rectified and the whole thing rendered truly fine!

(OMG, though, if ONLY you hadn't added that "for its price range" at the end. That was like finding a very big fly in the bottom of the most satisfying soup I've had all year...I swear that if I read one more 'variation' on that "for the price" riff I will SCREAM. As the only declared female contributor I've ever seen here once observed, "the set is either good or it's not")
First, thank you for your words Second, I'm sorry you find the phrase "for its price range" a disaster. But, it is something recursive, many times, within a sound review. In the end, everyone is looking for a comparison and to know if what they are going to invest is safe or not. But it's true that the inclusion can lower the "literary" level of the review. I'll take your words as a compliment and try to avoid falling into that easygoing manner the next few times. Although, I don't promise anything, in that sense. What I can promise is to continue writing with a minimum of quality. Any help would be welcome.
I'm from Barcelona and I speak Spanish. The English review is a hard work of translation, which I do with the help of some online translators and my general knowledge of English. But the main thing is that the base is written well and correctly, so your translation will be more appropriate.

Thank you very much.
@warbles i think its important to have the price range breakdown somewhere. Maybe a better desriptive set of words would have helped but price ranges are helpful. Because these $195 set of iems are bang above their price tag but they are not as "good" as pricier set that has better everything. I dont think you could rate a good frozen tv dinner the same as a good home cooked meal. :)