Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Night Crawler
Night Crawler
I feel your pain (pun intended). I've experienced a similar situation with a few of my own headphones (though admittedly, not with any of the HiFiMans), and for me, comfort always takes precedence! Always! Hopefully in time, you'll acclimate to their clamping and weight, as was my case when I made the transition to full sized headphones. A relatively quick work-around, however, would be to place them over any object overnight (or whenever they're not in use), that will allow them to be stretched out overtime. You'd be surprised just how willing to headband is to conform. All the best!
Dylan Yamazaki
Dylan Yamazaki
I've heard that these do well at Hip-Hop/R&B. Is this true?
Would these do well in a dorm?