Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Sounds like an awesome amp. Are there any drawbacks or cons you found with it?
EDIT 22FEB18: Just got mine in! #49. Wow, wire with gain is right. This amp is awesome. Lots of detail and no coloration to the sound that I can tell. Probably one of the best deals for amps in the $500 range. Highly recommended to anyone who is looking for a neutral, single-ended amp.
Morimoriya 62
Morimoriya 62
Great reivew
Makiah S
Makiah S
Honestly everything you've said gives me the impressions that this is very much a desktop PicoPower! As I describe my HeadAmp portable in much the same way... it would seem that "revealing with gain" might be the house sound for HeadAmp! This will certainly be on my radar moving forward!
No surprise here and definitely a great review. The Gilmore Lite is more or less a GSX-MKII in single-end operation with a little less refinement due to slightly inferior PSU for a much much less money. I hope Justin will make a dedicate DPS unit to further enhanced the sound.
The Dynalo is a real classic that has stood the test of time. This amp certainly deserves to be at the top of anyone's shopping list, regardless of price. If I didn't already own a GS-1, I would've snapped one up in a heartbeat.
It should be considerably better than the Pico Power. The Pico Power is an op-amp based with diamond buffer design if I'm not mistaken. The G'lite is discrete thru and thru. @yage, if you already have the GS-1 you really should order the Dynalo Plus modules (you will need two) to bring out even more performance from your amp.
So, umm, how does it sound with Fly By Night?