Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
x5 has a build in amp? which type?
Dude, hell of a review. Congrats.
@tan1415, X5 has 7 opamps. If you can just basically do a little bit search before asking the most basic questions it would be nice. That kind of questions can be easily answered even at manufacturers product page. http://www.fiio.com.cn/news/index.aspx?ID=100000146392422 scroll down you will see the amp section.
Hmm yeah my question was to short. I wanted his views on the amp thats build in.
How it sounded and if he can compare it with the amps of fiio.
Btw if i understand correctly..opamps is not actually teh amp that produces teh sound. is more like a [re amp.
but tbh dont really understand opamps. tried reading online.
Was reading about opamps when comparing teh asus xonar dgx and DSX
Seen 3 good reviews of the X5 so far including this one and I'd need a new DAP to drive the Roxanne's that are coming in. Hopefully they release this soon! Looking forward to getting one while I potentially save up for an ak120 with RW mod. (Though at this point the x5 seems like a winner in itself)
Excellent review! 
Thanks for the kind comments you guys.  Tan1415 - I'm not an EE or at all technical when it comes to electronics.  AmberOzl left link to specs, and perhaps a question to James or Joe on one of the current threads would give you a better answer.  What I can say is that althoguh Fiio recommend 32-150 ohm impedance - I had no problem driving either my DT880 250 ohm for HD600 300 ohm.  No real loss of dynamics.
Makiah S
Makiah S
looking forward to getting this and... Folder Mode I like... here is the big question will it play a "folder" like it will a song? Meaning I hit play on my DnB folder and it plays everything within that directory... I hope so
also nice pictures... I will be stealing that picture format for my own reviews :D 
also I like how that is organized ^^ totally going to steal your Format Style there Brooko <3 hope you don't mind 
One of the best reviews I've read for quite some time. Thanks for your informative and well-balanced writeup!
You set the bar for the rest of us...
Haven't read a review like this in a while...great job! Thanks...
waynes world
waynes world
Very informative review. Thanks!
Fwiw I don't EQ, but I agree that it would be nice to be able to maintain more than 1 custom EQ.
It's great that you feel that the X5's amp is more than sufficient for your needs. Awesome.
Just noticed photos weren't enlarging when clicked - now fixed.
Brooko, how would your compare X5 and Studio V in terms of spaciousness and instrument separation?
The Studio V 'appeared' to have marginally more space - but I think this may be due to the slightly brighter tone of the V3.  Slightly brighter perceived as slighly more 'airy' = more expansive.  It's just the way our ears and brain work together.  I thought both gave a very open, well detailed, expansive experience.  Of course - this will all very much depend on the headphone's you're using, and the volume you're listening at as well :)
Broko, many thanks for the additional info. To my ears, if a given player has more air/instrument separation in comparison to the other one than even if we try "fix" the other one - whether by EQ or by increassing the volume - it will not sound as good as the first one. In direct comparisons there is no much difference between my DIY Modded iPod Video and Studio V, but my overal impression is that Studio V sounds more airy/spacious and has better instrument separation.
It's an interesting topic - that's for sure Kris.  If you can grab an SPL meter at some stage (and have the time to play around) - set up both your iMod and V3 with a full sized set of cans.  Use same music and volume match (using a test tone).  Compare.  Then bump the iMod volume up slightly, and compare.  It's quite surprising how our ears and brain react in sync.  I agree with you though - the Studio does sound slightly airier.  My theory is that some of this has to do with the brighter signature.  However - like you, so far I haven't been able to produce an EQ to mimic it.
Where I can get it in Canada?