Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Hi, just picked these up too! Do you think that a LG V35 will be strong enough for these? Its my only audio source right now.
Gus Bxxxwood
Gus Bxxxwood
@Peddler Nice write up! You've given some great insight as what to I should expect out of the FD1 and seeing how we are close in age, our hearing may be similar.
I looking forward to comparing them to other iem's in this price range, especially the Tin T2 plus, which I also have coming.
Again, thanks for the detailed review!
I think the LG should drive them perfectly fine as they feature an excellent headphone amplifier on board
I wish they’d make an earphone with a proper insert depth.
Thanks Peddler! I cant wait to hear how these sound.
Great review Peddler! You've provided a lot of insight without creating bloated text - despite the fact that I'm not in the market for more gear, I'm interested to hear these now!
@randommustang - just to reinforce Peddler's reply, my V30 can comfortably drive both my Nighthawks and Ananda (both full size headphones), although I do perform the empty load trick. Your phone will have no problem at all with these IEMs. Excellent choice of handset for music, BTW!!
Gus Bxxxwood
Gus Bxxxwood
@misteral201103 What is the "empty load trick"? Sorry if I sound like the newb that I am.:older_man:
I think it's where you use an adaptor cable so you can connect a pair of 50 ohm headphones to the phone to trigger the high output mode then swap the headphones for ones with a lower impedance whilst still maintaining max output.
@Gus Bxxxwood - it's even easier than Peddler suggested (for headphones at least!) - disconnect the cable from the headphones, then connect the cable to the phone. The phone will register a huge resistance and switch to full "quad dac" mode to use all power to drive the cans. Then reconnect the cable to the headphones and off you go. The phone will drive full size cans anyway, but the extra oomph makes a little difference in the quality.
Any comparisons? There are really solid Chi-fi iems like the KZ ZSX now so how do these compare?
Gus Bxxxwood
Gus Bxxxwood
Thanks! Will give it a try. Planning to upgrade to LG V60 in the near future. Would that be a good choice?
How do u actually get a good seal on these fd1? Im having a hard time doing so in the end causing me to have crappy bass 🤦‍♂️ for an iem louded to have strong bass, this is surely not the case.
I've started using the foam tips that came with the headphones now. This has knocked the bass down slightly but given me the seal I wanted. I still prefer silicone tips generally but I'm still enjoying the sound. I shall continue to experiment with the different tips I have in my collection to see if I can find the ideal fit. What player are you using Faizalfx?
Gus Bxxxwood - I used to have the LG V20 and thought it was an excellent phone for music playback. Unfortunately for me the bluetooth performance was sometimes a little hit or miss and I was starting to use wireless headphones quite a lot - I managed to get the Note 8 for a good price used and haven't looked back. The wired headphone performance is nowhere near as good though but I can compensate with external Topping DAC/AMP or the Aqua + bluetooth amp. From what I have read the V60 is an excellent choice for music use.