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It’s not a replacement, it’s a potential additional model. Just like a Senn 6xx or 820. Different models for different folks. Unless you have actually heard this, I would withhold judgement; driver count is irrelevant.

And of course, to each his/her own for this is a Bespoke product.
I heard this IEM at CanJam Chicago. The biggest issue is that it is a single BA. The bass was not good at all.

The idea is great as a luxury product that you can use as an accessory to anything from a key chain for your Ferrari or a set in your brief case when travelling on your private jet. If your goal is luxury, this is the most luxurious audio product I have ever seen at a CanJam. It is a really cool product idea.

If you care about sound quality, however, the much better set is the Noble FoKus Prestige. 1 DD + 2 BA. Best TWS I have ever heard. The T10 product is billed as the smallest TWS in the industry. That probably drove the decision to use a single BA driver configuration. But, the sound quality takes a serious hit due to this trade off.
HiFiHawaii808- Agreed. No one should be paying $3000 on any iem, let alone a single-driver iem. Not to mention iPhone users like me would find this useless as Apple doesn’t have lossless BT connection.
Thank you for the review it looks a very good and detailed review, but What is this? Seriously what audiophile will buy this? I’m still try to get what the hell is this? I mean I’m total this “hobby” cost me more then the price of the most expensive 38K unit fluer whatever, but serially this is a pure gimmick and toy , IMHO, I can bet that my VE Phonix + Cayiin N8ii sounds much better much and also looks very good
Bottom line it’s all about your enjoyment and your money, so buy whatever, but for me it’s all about the sound, the feel and the cost, and this product looks amazing, but how can it compete with the high fidelity products of the best iem and DAP , I mean let’s do A/B with a Lotoo paw s2 a 289$ usb dongle and tell me which one is better
@HiFiHawaii808 i get it, the price will certainly turn off many, as will it’s usage. I would point out that proper tip size is paramount for proper bass response. I went down to one size smaller than I normally use and fit along with isolation was shockingly better. Plus, we all know a show isn’t the best area with which to listen. “Much better set” as you mention is certainly in the eye of the beholder as well.
To long, lol…

@EdgarBear I completely understand your consternation as well. It is expensive. To me it does sound quite good as well, regardless of how many drivers it has. My hope is we never go back to the “driver wars” of a few years ago, lol. As for what it is, to me it is an alternative to the Google Glasses or other technology coming down the pike. The T10 is pretty much endless in possibility’s short of cooking your Mac-n-cheese as well.

As for “no one should spend that much on an IEM,” @Jacobal, to each their own. It is what it is.

Thank you all for the (mostly) thoughtful comments, this is a tough one for some to appreciate and is after all a Bespoke product.
ngoshawk- Yes, but I take value and perspective into account. Many people don’t know this, but once you cross the $1000 mark on an iem, the law of diminishing returns is applied to the extreme, and even more so for BT iems. There are many $1000 iems that can easily be considered summit fi. Remove all the marketing, hype, and gimmicks, and most of the highest priced iems don’t sound any better than their cheaper competition.
The fit looks ridiculous. Made for people with square ears? Do they offer custom shell fittings, at least, at this cost..?
@CT007 : The fit is not an issue due to the small size. I was able to wear the unit for 8-9hrs non-stop many times.

@Jacobal I’m fully aware of the law of diminishing return. I would also add that your $1k point is completely arbitrary; as many at that point are complete rubbish (and multi-driver). Many above that point are superb. I would also point to the Fir Audio VxV as a superb $1k model, which would completely satiate me. The point for most depends upon with what they are happy, and there are some wonderful sub-$200 IEM’s out there.

Man, I was not expecting that price tag. Woah!
I don't think the reasonable skepticism most audiophiles would likely express about these can be dismissed as simply being due to the price, or someone's inability to appreciate a "bespoke" item...

The price tag is consistent with TOTL offerings from nearly all of the celebrated IEM manufacturers, and this is Head-Fi... This forum is littered with similarly (or higher) priced IEMs, universal and custom.

And if we're talking money as a metric, than it's fair to point out that cult-favorite or not, that single BA driver the T10 is built around is derived from an IEM that debuted more than decade ago with an original MSRP of $349. Personally, I have tough time believing that the T10 can realistically deliver sound comparable to the $3,000-$4,000 TOTL IEMs it's priced to compete against.

But then again, who knows?

Pure sound aside, the secondary tech in the T10 is very impressive. Like a page into the future.
@Earbones I mean at the end of the day a company will price an item how ever they like so long as there's a buyer. The higher the margins (relative to production costs vs the marketed value) the better for them.

Edit: this, at the end of the day will be a money no object product reserved for those wanting to have something one-of-a-kind.
Good sound is so relative. So me, too, I would be very interested in a detailed comparison/sound description in comparison to "normal" current flagship earphones. Could you maybe add some? Thanks! :)
@Hanesu I did make some comparisons to some pretty lofty IEM’s and headphones in my review.

A couple of others may add some context. Compared to my custom UE Live , the T10 falls behind in detail retrieval and a bit in soundstage. That extra grand buys you more options for upgrading in the future along with wireless operation. I do think there is more bass with the T10 (with proper tips), but the Live has better control; with a more reference/like sound. I just ordered a DHC Symbiote SE in 8-wire with 4.4bal for a warmer signature.

Another comparison might be the Campfire Audio Supermoon, again custom. At 1/2 the price (and a little less than that), the Supermoon has too much lower treble sizzle for me but I still appreciate the fit (outstanding) and other characteristics such as wonderfully vibrant (but not harsh) mids. But that sizzle does get to me.

Most of my other gear is packed for an upcoming move. I hope this helps along with my comparisons in the review

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Very thorough review, well done! I'm gonna have to find a time to revisit these, i walked away from the t10 bespoke stand at canjam chicago wildly unimpressed by the technicalities and thought the sound was only decent, but the tech is absolutely fantastic. Granted, this was coming from using the rep's iPhone and his Tidal to play music, which has some serious lossy business, which makes me wonder how actually good these iem's are. These did not sound like they were thousands of dollars at the time.
@NickleCo I dunno if I can agree with your analysis that the T10 “at the end of the day will be a money no object product reserved for those wanting to have something one-of-a-kind”... or if I’m understanding you correctly, essentially an expensive vanity purchase.

For one thing, it’s just not expensive enough. The $3k-$4k end-game IEM market is a pretty packed one in 2023.

For another, even if something IS priced stratospherically compared to it’s competitors, it still needs to at least somewhat back up it’s cost with it’s performance.

A crazy price, limited stock, and customizability is not enough to create demand in the world of audiophillia. Too many have tried and failed.

Look at the $10,000 oBravo Ra C Cu.It doesn’t get much more “vanity purchase” then that. The asking price actually IS insane relative to anything on the market- so plenty of bragging points there. And it’s certainly unique. But the sound isn’t competitive. And the poor sales reflect that.
Single BA for 3-4k. Truly mad. We have to stop buying this stuff.
Rich people have terrible taste.