Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org
Nice review, thanks. I also think the Cozoy packaging is rather Apple-esque, and the Aegis design is rather cool sci-fi themed. Pretty much recalls the Alien design.
Aegis competes very well against DX90 and X5 with HE400. I've always preferred DX90 over X5 with HE400. I think Aegis might've just taken over the top spot.
For me, this is the clinching selling point: Aegis tentatively > DX90 > X5. A recent review comparing the latter two found DX90 to be the overall winner. If Aegis sits between DX90 and DX100, that'd be an impressive achievement.
Re Volume Control... On Linux I have similar issues of volume getting too loud too quickly with Astrapi. The way I deal with this is to use a sound mixer that allows very fine-grained volume steps like QasMixer: it makes volume changes much smoother. I would suspect something similar to exist in the Apple ecosystem...
I do think however that the Cozoy designers should consider adding a low/high gain switch to their gizmos. While I understand their desire for simplicity, and they're doing it great, the volume control is a problem for low-impedance HPs or IEMs (or non-technical users), and at this point no gain switch feels like a glaring omission. I'm not sure if there are any technical arguments for having no gain switch...