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  1. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Those Rekkrs (and Magni) deserve some breathing room.
  2. Tbone289

    Feedback by 'Tbone289' on listing 'SIVGA SV023'

    It's been great communicating with mudnut. The headphones are as described, and shipped securely and timely. He's a great selIer and I wouldn't hesitate to deal with him again.
  3. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    No worries. I work in the electronics field. I've already had it apart and back together since I posted. The larger Alps knobs have cast housings and don't attach to the circuit board (float), so there's no way to ground it from below.
  4. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Great idea! I have an Asgard 2 that needs this.
  5. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    He still does.
  6. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    The Six Pack release, with the exception of the live selections from Fandango, was remixed with new drums and guitar effects to make the original releases sound more contemporary at the time (late 80's). That was the first release of the first six albums I owned as well, and later was confused...
  7. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    That's the reason I do the skillet method the way I do. Heating toppings down adds moisture to the crust.
  8. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Don't knock it until you try it. It's not as fast as a microwave, but it's a hell of a lot faster than reheating in a toaster oven, which I do if I take the time. I'm not a guy who gives a rip about what anyone thinks about the "respect" I'm giving food. I want it to taste good and maintain...
  9. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    It's just telling you that you're reheating leftover pizza the wrong way. Skillet, medium-low heat, with a little olive oil. Topping side down first, then crust side. You're welcome. Usually when microwaves I've worked on have just quit, it's a safety switch. But, that doesn't happen in the...
  10. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    I'm fine with no sub level, but my sub's gain is easy to access. I run it hot for TV & Movies, and reduce it to a flatter response for music. The two things I mentioned in the Syn thread that I would request on an updated Syn 2: a switchable mode for two-channel with subwoofer only. I can...
  11. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Tubedepot has a pretty sweet deal on these if you need 6DJ8/6922 adapters. 5670W + adapter for $25. I just bought a pair from them to try in Freya-N, and bought another matched pair on the 'bay for $19.
  12. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    I do, but I've caught that SOB lying on occasion...
  13. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    I frickin' love mine. The system I use it in is easily the most "fun" in the house. Not the most detailed, transparent, system in the house, but easily the most fun. I've posted more detail in the Syn thread.
  14. Tbone289

    Schiit Syn Surround Processor Reviews/Impressions

    Good news, bad news indeed...but glad we got to the bottom of the situation, and that I was able to help. My thinking was the same as yours; if unplugging the BB2 worked, fashion a satisfactory way to power it off completely. Using a bluetooth power outlet or similar comes to mind...
  15. Tbone289

    Schiit Syn Surround Processor Reviews/Impressions

    Unison USB is is a proprietary Schiit implementation, and does not use C-Media USB input chips. I believe the current Modi is the only stand-alone Schiit DAC that uses CM6635. The earlier generations of Bifrost USB inputs used other C-Media chips such as CM6631A. I tested USB from two Android...
  16. Tbone289

    Schiit Syn Surround Processor Reviews/Impressions

    This makes sense, and I've seen similar operation with Fulla E, which has the same C-Media USB input chip. Basically, if there is a signal presented at the USB input, Fulla will default to USB and won't automatically switch over to optical. This is intended operation, as the DAC in Fulla has...
  17. Tbone289

    Schiit Syn Surround Processor Reviews/Impressions

    This is quite a quandary. You've tried multiple sources and multiple toslink cables with the same result. I suppose a bad switch or contact is a possibility, but that should show up in their testing. I'd be interested in your further communication with Schiit and how this is resolved. I had...
  18. Tbone289

    Schiit Syn Surround Processor Reviews/Impressions

    It seems that the only variable left might be your optical cable. Have you tried another one? It's odd that the one you have works with Bifrost and not with the Syn optical input, but I suppose that's possible. I think that would be the next logical troubleshooting step.
  19. Tbone289

    Schiit Freya Impressions and Tube Rolling Thread

    Yep... I edited to add the same as you were posting @mystaiced.
  20. Tbone289

    Schiit Freya Impressions and Tube Rolling Thread

    I'm not sure what is going on here. In passive and differential buffer modes at max volume, you should have the same output from Freya+ as your source's output since it's unity gain in those modes. This is not a burn-in issue. The only case I can think of that will give you less than unity...
  21. Tbone289

    Schiit Syn Surround Processor Reviews/Impressions

    OK. What is acting as preamp after the J2s, and how will you synchronize gain changes between the mains and center/surround?
  22. Tbone289

    Schiit Syn Surround Processor Reviews/Impressions

    It can't. One input at a time, either internal DAC or analog inputs. As you stated, it's just a two-channel device on the input, and the center and surrounds are created from those two channels. So, you can't feed the center or surrounds from a separate input. The internal DAC is a good...
  23. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    I wholeheartedly agree. The EQ lineup is very well thought out. It's pretty impressive what you can achieve on a budget with a mid-range set of dynamic headphones and a Loki.
  24. Tbone289

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    Same goes for Loki(+) mini. I swap between HD6XX and DT880/250&600ohm frequently, and it does a great job of EQing the deficiencies for both. Loki has saved me from the futile search for that "perfect" set of cans.