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  1. noshortcuts

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    We all have plenty of evidence ... it seems to me ... of a troll in our midst. Are you, nbe9, a customer? What is your investment in any of this Schiit beyond a hidden agenda? How are you honest and well intended while hiding behind the data of others? Why do you ask this question, really? Why...
  2. noshortcuts

    Holo Audio Spring R2R DAC

    I use an external DAC for music in my HT system. I also watch some movies in 2 channel to utilize the DAC (especially older mono/stereo movies). The HT preamp and amp are used with the music source and DAC. But that's for 2 channel listening and when using more channels the external DAC is not...
  3. noshortcuts

    Light Harmonic Geek Wave

    "No clue" goes for all of us and also applies to, or especially to, LHL. I wasn't kidding. As long as you don't change your address, you won't fall behind even though it may frequently feel that way.
  4. noshortcuts

    Light Harmonic Geek Wave

    Wait a few months (or more) and LHL will switch to a new system. Be patient. Be alert. Then, jump on it. Do what they ask. Then you'll be caught up. Then, wait, wait, wait. LHL will delete another system and start over again. ... In other words, I don't think it's possible to fall behind LHL...
  5. noshortcuts

    LH Labs' gorgeous Vi Dac ( Tube + SS outputs )

    My order does show up and does specify that a LS2 USB cable is included so even though I didn't remember that offering, I guess they have.
  6. noshortcuts

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    I was thinking of the millions as a total from all the shenanigans combined, successful or not at bringing in money. Ugh, for sure.
  7. noshortcuts

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    That's one of the million dollar questions. ... or, the answer is the millions of dollars amassed?
  8. noshortcuts

    LH Labs' gorgeous Vi Dac ( Tube + SS outputs )

    Just like the Source it took months to enter into the new system and my order is incorrect but since they rely on us to open tickets to fix their errors we can spend more months on what's been done already, over and over .... an accounting of orders. The utter madness is maddening.
  9. noshortcuts

    Geek Pulse: Geek desktop DAC/AMP by Light Harmonics

    The last time they promised bi weekly updates they all but went silent for 6 months. Holding our breath is not advised.
  10. noshortcuts

    What a long, strange trip it's been -- (Robert Hunter)

    Or less, depending on how many miles you put on them.
  11. noshortcuts

    LH Labs' gorgeous Vi Dac ( Tube + SS outputs )

    Speaking of the new web commerce/shop, they have the Geek Source listed for sale. The listing does NOT specify "pre order" like it does for the Vi Pro. That implies the Source is available for sale to be shipped. But AFAIK nobody has received one from the campaign yet. I'm confused as usual with...
  12. noshortcuts

    LH Labs' gorgeous Vi Dac ( Tube + SS outputs )

    Since the page I linked includes a long description of the Tube Vi (IGG Only model) specs and says nothing of CXX, who knows which page to trust? Of course, I hope you are right. I wonder why there aren't photos of CXX modules yet. Especially with the implied intent to ship all IGG Vi's in...
  13. noshortcuts

    LH Labs' gorgeous Vi Dac ( Tube + SS outputs )

    Oh right, CCX modules. I wonder if they scrapped those all together because they aren't mentioned in the "IGG Only" descriptions. Example:
  14. noshortcuts

    LH Labs' gorgeous Vi Dac ( Tube + SS outputs )

    What were the plug-in card thingies that Larry used to talk about (name and purpose )? I don't see anything about that in the sale page description.
  15. noshortcuts

    LH Labs' gorgeous Vi Dac ( Tube + SS outputs )

    March 28 of 2018, if we're lucky. Fancy marketing is all it is. I think they'd announce on gogo if they had such good news. Besides the vain hope of raising money, I don't know why they'd put this up. Maybe it's a mock up we weren't supposed to see?
  16. noshortcuts

    LH Labs' gorgeous Vi Dac ( Tube + SS outputs )

    What, what is this. WHAT NOW LHL? Selling more stuff b4 it exists.
  17. noshortcuts

    Schiit Yggdrasil Impressions thread

    Stereophile did not respond to Jason but they sure do make some inflammatory remarks to another post, such as saying the engineering is "sub-optimal". The author makes sure to add "in my opinion" but...
  18. noshortcuts

    LH Labs' gorgeous Vi Dac ( Tube + SS outputs )

    Neither hardware nor software MQA because both hardware and software are verified to be vaporware.
  19. noshortcuts

    USB Strikes Back! Watch out AOIP - USB/Ethernet Chain beats All (at least for me)

    I've just finished the first couple and last couple pages of this thread. Great job! It's interesting to see ways to improve USB to audiophile levels without spending fortunes. While I've managed to avoid USB in my audio systems, I can't help but wonder how much people have compared these USB...
  20. noshortcuts

    Light Harmonic Geek Wave

    At least when you spend stupid money on Sony, you receive a working product in a timely manner.
  21. noshortcuts

    LH Labs' gorgeous Vi Dac ( Tube + SS outputs )

    My responce/ticket: So what about shipping? This whole update is useless without giving a time line. Are we to wait months or years - realistically. Can you narrow that answer down a bit based on model paid for? No update for more than 6 months and then this. This apology without any useful...
  22. noshortcuts

    Light Harmonic Geek Wave

    That thread begins to tell what a horrendous mess the LHL story has been.
  23. noshortcuts

    Light Harmonic Geek Wave

    The joke is on us and it isn't funny, at all. So the Wave has a lame update. So what? Look at the Vi. No update for 6 months. Updates meen nothing anymore. Larry was on an extended trip and apparently didn't have access to a computer or phone the whole time. Otherwise why wait months for vague...
  24. noshortcuts

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    How do you switch modes on the Freya (tube, passive...)?
  25. noshortcuts

    Schiit Happened: The Story of the World's Most Improbable Start-Up

    As long as so many people want to discuss speakers in a headphone forum about a schitt company that doesn't build speakers (but perhaps motivated this discussion by thankfully releasing 2 channel electronics) allow me to add a plug for Salk Sound. Look them up. We have 3 pairs and love doing...