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  1. crammit442

    EasIest way to slightly increase second bend diameter onES-5's untIl remold

    My ES-5's are beginning to get loose enough to need a re-case soon. Anyone have any experience in adding/coating the second bend area to slightly delay re-casing for a short time? I only need a couple of mm's to get a bit better seal. Thanks in advance! Charles
  2. crammit442

    universal to custom conversions

    I've been busy and haven't been keeping up with things lately so maybe someone who has can steer me in the right direction.  A while back I had a set of UE-5's converted to custom shells.  I don't even remember who did them, but it seems like they were in Florida. The first go round didn't fit...
  3. crammit442

    Customs and exercise

    Quote: Originally Posted by spacemanspliff The only issue I think you might have is micro phonics while running. I can't imagine a better way to exercise than jamming to a perfect fit. That is why I got them. I just got custom molds made for my A5s from Beltone for $150. I spent $300...
  4. crammit442

    Customs and exercise

    Bump. Any other exercising custom users? Not concerned with wear and tear. Just the ability to maintain a perfect seal while sweaty. Thanks!
  5. crammit442

    Customs and exercise

    Quote: Originally Posted by thatguyoverthere Believe me, musicians do not sweat more than I do when I work out. The same thing is true for me. I can sweat just thinking about going riding. Bump for any more custom owners??? Thanks! Charles
  6. crammit442

    Customs and exercise

    Quote: Originally Posted by PouncePony It's not a good idea to use IEMs, especially those of high $$ value, while perspiring. Moisture can get into them and do damage; temporarily or permanently. -Pony While I agree that ideally that's correct, many musicians sweat on stage...
  7. crammit442

    Customs and exercise

    Anyone have customs and use them for exercise? The reason I ask is that I've found that with(UM-2/Westone 3) universals I can sweat heavily and retain a good seal as long as I use foam of one sort or another. The silicone tips sound better to me, but the seal is eventually compromised by sweat...
  8. crammit442

    Westone 3 Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by FeedMeTrance good idea well atm EarphoneSolutions has free standard shipping, but $38 extra for FedEx. FreqCitySound (on eBay) has free First Class Shipping, and extra $8 for Express. So $407USD from FreqCity, so not much to save in the end actually...
  9. crammit442

    Westone 3 Impressions Thread

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jim Barry Oh... that's not good. One of the reasons I'm upgrading to the W3 is because of the lower sensitivity. The W3 is rated at 107 dB compared to 119 for the UM2 so surely the noise should be cut by more than half? Interesting. I hadn't seen a...
  10. crammit442

    First song for the UM2's.

    Since you're waiting on the UM2's to be delivered, it's not too late to return them and order the Westone 3 through Live Search through Ebay and get them for less than the UM2. I have UM2's also and they are fantastic, but for even less money you can have the W3's. They are truly a step up from...
  11. crammit442

    Customs: Comfortable or not?

    Along the same lines, assuming the fit is good, how do they(customs) do for exercise? I really only wear headphones while running/mtn biking and currently use Westone UM2's(Westone 3's on the way). The fit is perfect and I can wear them forever with no fatigue and they stay put. How does sweat...