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  1. ai0tron


    Wipeout?? Man, I don't like that game. (And I pretty much dislike practically everything that comes out on the playstation, especially Grand Theft Auto.) Wipeout always came across to me like they couldn't figure out how to make a good racing game so they just covered it all with 90's pop...
  2. ai0tron


    I know what you mean man, I couldn't wait to get it, I actually had it overnighted the day it came out. Music Lover there is tons of stuff to unlock in this game. I don't think I have yet seen anyone post on IGN that they have beaten ALL of the game and its been out for over a week. And you...
  3. ai0tron


    Let me first state that I love F-Zero, I love Nintendo, and this post is pretty much going to be laden with praise and joy for the both of them. The fact that I love F-Zero in general doesn't play into my love of F-Zero GX as much as I thought. The new game would be lovable to me even not...
  4. ai0tron

    What's your IQ?

    Wow, you drove Andy Warhols limo? That's pretty damn cool. Any other famous people that you've driven around? Maybe he was on acid at the time? The 70's was actually after the time of his best works, perhaps he'd lost his edge. He was an artist though, and artists tend to have very strange...
  5. ai0tron

    What's your IQ?

    Scrypt, I agree to an extent, but I believe that ultimately you are the master of your success or failure. However things are different in a persons youth. But as a young child, if anything, high expectations should brew better performance. It's a matter of psychology and it's known as...
  6. ai0tron

    Is There Any Bigger Waste of Time and Effort Then the MTV Music Awards?

    The solution i found is to just nto watch tv. Play videogames and only watch movies you love.
  7. ai0tron

    hot likes it hot?

    Anyone here ever had Wasabi?? It's japanese and it goes with sushi. It's not hot so much in your mouth, it just has this tendency to float up into your sinuses. When that happens, it kind of feels like you have a hot metal poker jammed up your shnoz.
  8. ai0tron

    hot likes it hot?

    Texas pete and horseradish on lightly steamed oysters. Mmmmmm...
  9. ai0tron

    What Book Are you Reading?

    Hocus Pocus by Kurt Vonnegut (for the third time) I do love vonnegut.
  10. ai0tron

    percentage of human brain in use?

    Zanth, I have been working moderately hard on the handwriting thing. I had the idea a few years back that my right brain just wasn't getting enough exercise. Finally about 2 months ago I decided to force it to do things by writing with my left hand. So it's nice to see someone else with the idea...
  11. ai0tron

    percentage of human brain in use?

    Quote: Originally posted by Ctn I think we are using all of our brain extremely inefficiently. Given our brain is one huge neural net. The weighted connections through evolution easily and quickly evolves to a "good" low optima since our fitness function is a simple one...
  12. ai0tron

    Is Your Memory TOO GOOD?

    The element of surprise is not what makes ANYTHING GOOD. If your memory is the only reason you can't enjoy music etc. you are listening to ****ty music or watching ****ty movies. If anything a perfect memory should increase your enjoyment of life. I know many songs by Mozart by heart. But...
  13. ai0tron

    percentage of human brain in use?

    The idea that you use 100% of your brainpower is absolutely moronic. People have had metal spikes fly through their skulls and they have continued to function. I know a story of a man who had half his brain removed as a child and still has an IQ of over 120 and is also the head of a company!! He...
  14. ai0tron

    TV Usage by Head-Fi'ers

    I only turn my tv on when I am monitoring video outputs, playing GameCube games, or watching a DVD with a friend. I don't have cable and I don't want it. The only thing I can stand to watch is Atlanta Braves baseball, and thats only because I love the Braves and have loved them for over 15...
  15. ai0tron

    Useless facts

    Scrypt, if it helps at all, I think your english is a joy to behold on it's technical merits alone.
  16. ai0tron

    Useless facts

    "In the last 4,000 years, no new animals have been domesticated." Actually in the past 40 years, as an experiment, a Russian scientist domesticated a type of fox. You can actually buy them now. fox breeder
  17. ai0tron

    The Official Blackout Story thread

    The point is, he could have done something about it, he knew it was a problem. Congress new it was a problem. They let it go on and on, and since GWB likes spending money so much, it's just funny to me that he never thought to spend it on getting the power grid up to par.
  18. ai0tron

    The Official Blackout Story thread

    The power grid has literally been on the brink for over 2 years.
  19. ai0tron

    Any engineers or college folk wanna give me some advice?

    Im about to graduate. dont do drugs dont drink often or in large quantities date nice women who care about you and encourage you keep in touch with your family study daily, even if only for a few minutes just to keep yourself continually focused on your main goals and reasons for...
  20. ai0tron

    Half Life 2 video - You won't believe it!!!

    Doom3 is going to suck compared to half life 2. Doom3 like most of ID softwares "games" is actually not a real game at all. Its just an engine demo with lots of poly's. Add to that the fact that Half Life 2's physics are far better implemented than Doom 3's. Good luck finding a story or any...
  21. ai0tron

    The Official Blackout Story thread

    Thank George Bush and congress for the power outage. Because they didn't see any reason to upgrade the power system that engineers all over the place have been saying was hanging on by the skin of it's teeth. This is what happens when you lose sight of reality and spend too much time pretending...
  22. ai0tron

    Happy Birthday Setmenu

    Haappy brthday man, keep the cool industrial designs coming!
  23. ai0tron

    gregory hines has passed

    That guy was the guest speaker at my college graduation... Too bad I didn't actually graduate at that time, but yeah, the guy seemed cool. he got an honorary degree. (3 WEEKS and I will finally, really and trully be graduated!)
  24. ai0tron

    Most unique way you have ruined a CD.

    I saw video of people spinning cd's on their dremel tools at 20,000 and higher RPM's then shattering them. I decided to give it a shot on my dremel tool. Yeah, they spin fast, and when you hit the cd with something at that speed, it pretty much shatters into many pieces leaving behind a poof of...
  25. ai0tron


    I already have Golden Sun and yeah it is a fun game. It can be a bit much in the fighting repeatedly to raise your levels area but the puzzles are fantastic and some of them are damn hard. I should get the stuff in about 2 weeks. The contest I entered was just one of those click a link and...