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  1. chrisgee5

    Focal Utopia General Discussion

    Good input. You've got the experience with it all so I'm sure your take is better! I should try EQing the Susvara and see what it does for me.
  2. chrisgee5

    Focal Utopia General Discussion

    I'll have to watch. Seeing this brought Spinal Tap to mind (turning my volumne knob to 11 as I type this....)
  3. chrisgee5

    Focal Utopia General Discussion

    So my two are Susvara and Utopia 2022. Overall I prefer the Susvara, but I wish I could combine the two and bring in elements of Utopia. Mainly a bit more midrange empahsis and a little more energy. My curiosity list includes the 1266 and Caldera. From the way people describe it maybe Caldera is...
  4. chrisgee5

    Focal Utopia General Discussion

    Sorry, had to FIFY for accuracy sake, unless we bring some Def Leppard into play :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
  5. chrisgee5

    Focal Utopia General Discussion

    Maybe it's the music I am playing on it. I grew up in the 80s, and the Utopia plays the music more like I heard it for years, while the Susvara make its sound more laid back, which is not how I remember it sounding. Glam metal was not polite!
  6. chrisgee5

    Focal Utopia General Discussion

    It's a Chris thing :). I'm enjoying Utopia with 80s - maybe sub-optimally - recorded music, where maybe a bit of non-neutral coloration helps the fun.
  7. chrisgee5

    Focal Utopia General Discussion

    Hum. I'm the opposite. Susvara is more a mellow daily driver and Utopia has more midrange spice/energy.
  8. chrisgee5

    Woo Audio WA23.....

    The colors look cool. I like listening with the lights off. Do you know in advance what colors, if any, a tube will emit? In other words, are colors a spec?
  9. chrisgee5

    Cooking Gear-Fi

    Based on your name I assume you like to BBQ! What do you mean about standing over the stove? The all clad D3 heats up quicker but you have to watch it more so you do not burn, and since you stand over the stove you are always watching it.
  10. chrisgee5

    Woo Audio WA23.....

    Wow. Fantastic review. I couldn't add anything to what you captured. Really digging the Omnific btw!
  11. chrisgee5

    Reply to review by 'chrisgee5' on item 'Woo Audio WA23 Luna Headphone Amplifier'

    I have the Sus/Luna combo. What he said.
  12. chrisgee5

    Cooking Gear-Fi

    Wow. Must have been a company that said "We can do better', and did. Are they less expensive?
  13. chrisgee5

    Cooking Gear-Fi

    Nice! How do you like made in vs all clad? Did you buy that for your house or professionally?
  14. chrisgee5

    Focal Utopia General Discussion

    Wow! I would think the physics of a HP would be able to do more than an IEM, at least with sub bass. But I've never tried, and we are all different! I just got utopia to add the Susvara. Have you ever tried Susvara vs Utopia?
  15. chrisgee5

    Focal Utopia General Discussion

    Heavenly, out of curiosity, why are you moving to IEMs?
  16. chrisgee5

    HiFiMan Susvara

    Isn't that a moron who is high on oxycontin?
  17. chrisgee5

    Focal Utopia General Discussion

    Makes sense. What brand did you use? Did you notice any material sonic difference?
  18. chrisgee5

    Focal Utopia General Discussion

    I just ordered Utopia to compare/contrast vs my Susvara on WA23 Luna, which I've been told is a better Utopia pairing than my Orr-Hypos. I haven't done anything with HP cords, as these two are my only pairs I've owned. I understand both the Sus and Utopia have suboptimal stock cables. Thoughts...
  19. chrisgee5

    Woo Audio WA23.....

    I'll be very excited to hear more about the 465 from you and Goldensound. Happy to sell you a like-new Hypsos.
  20. chrisgee5

    Feliks Audio ENVY

    what are those speakers? Home made?
  21. chrisgee5

    Woo Audio WA23.....

    Congrats! I'm curious how you find it vs. your solid state amps. You have quite a stable! I have no interest in listening to the ORR since getting the Luna. I try but go back after 15 minutes. I've wondered if I would like the Zahl or Mass Kobo better for solid state, or maybe I'm just a tube...
  22. chrisgee5

    Does it start with Hello world!?

    As in done chatting? I multi task so I bounce in and out. ha. I'm curious - tell me about your solid state thoughts? Have you ever tried tubes? It's been interesting for me to compare for the first time.
  23. chrisgee5

    Does it start with Hello world!?

    Good, much better than my ipod pros. Lol. I heard enough high end 2 channel over the year and am trying to replicate that in the headfi world. This is all my first HP gear, so I'm just starting the upgrade journey. I want to try the TC 1266 and Utopia as contrasts to the Susvara to figure out my...
  24. chrisgee5

    Does it start with Hello world!?

    I read these forums for 30 hours and then picked a starting system based on the "consensus" within my initial price point. People have been great to give feedback and share perspectives.
  25. chrisgee5

    Woo Audio WA23.....

    So you have to find a dealer that has them and go audition? Probably need to go to a big city for that I assume. I didn't find much locally in Austin (which is not a small metro area), or I didn't look hard enough. Maybe I could look in Dallas or Houston. EDIT: Or did I read you wrong that some...