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  • Users: AnalogEuphoria
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  1. A

    CanJam London 2023 Impressions Thread

    sounds like the company needs a complete refresh, not that many people happy with the sound, looks or the price.
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    CanJam London 2023 Impressions Thread

    Anyone recording and uploading the seminars to YouTube?
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    Hugo TT 2 by Chord Electronics - The Official Thread

    Low activity in the chord threads lately, everyone enjoying listening?
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    Chord Electronics Qutest DAC - Official Thread

    what's the biggest differences you've noticed compared to Yggdrasil?
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    Watts Up...?

    Doesn't make it sound any worse though
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    Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread

    I’d get a second opinion 😅
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    Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread

    Oh absolutely, my audiologist said most people would struggle to hear the imbalance because it’s quite small, sensitive hearing a blessing and a curse! I’m still nowhere near actual hearing loss which is great and like I said can almost perfectly be corrected with a touch of single channel EQ...
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    Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread

    It’s only a 2-3db boost at certain frequencies so not a massive loss but enough to be annoying with headphones but not audible with speakers. I listen under 75db so I’m not concerned.
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    Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...

    So you can use a mains noise analyser like this Close to zero is what you want to aim for, use it for testing out power filter strips and devices before and after. some products actually cause more noise so ymmv.
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    Sennheiser HD 660S2 thread

    Yes but there are situations that EQ is important for enjoying audio at all imo, for example I have asymmetrical hearing and my right ear is less sensitive to treble and bass so I get this unusual one sided dominant sound while the vocal mostly remains in the middle. I can easily fix this by...
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    Arcam rHead - fully Class A, fully discrete, ultra linear headphone amplifier

    The little class A beauty that never got the recognition it deserved. Reading through the thread again made me think it must not have sold well at all, to be heavily discounted and even given away for free with some headphones. Hang on to this gem if you still have it guys, I have feeling you’d...
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    "Should I rip my CDs to my PC?"

    I actually did read the post, I was generally speaking.
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    "Should I rip my CDs to my PC?"

    I don’t think anyone really needs to rip CDs anymore with lossless streaming being the way to go these days it would be a waste of time. That being said i fell like I’m in a minority that actually still do make copies of CDs because I’m very selective on which version of an album I listen to...
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    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    if he does it blind he won't be able to see what he's doing lol I agree though and should let some one do it for him while closes his eyes to listen
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    Chord Mojo 2 Thread ___ [product released January 31, 2022 -- starting on page 95 of thread]

    Yes and if I turn off the lights completely the mojo shuts off and there is no sound at all.
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    Beyond the Curve - An Audiophile YouTube Series

    You might be interested in reading through this comparison
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    Beyond the Curve - An Audiophile YouTube Series

    If im not mistaken you are the man responsible for the excellent 560S? I have question for you about the ring radiator driver in the 800, can it not be scaled down to a smaller size and be used in a modified HD500 or 600 type enclosure or even new design? There’s a gap where the 700 used to be...
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    Pictures Of Your High End System II (Same Rules Apply)

    Those meze ear cups wearing a shower cap?