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  1. red12391

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    My friends, the amplifier has finally arrived. Gold-plated on 24K pure brass, gas-resistant coating, but comes with a leather case. Introduce The Fate work process and appearance a quadruple board of fate It is an elaborate board that combines all four boards into one. The board...
  2. red12391

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Sorry I don't know your cable info. Check it out here...
  3. red12391

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    It's a new amp from a Korean company, and if you've heard of it, it's supposed to be unique in portable amplifiers, so I'll give it a listen this Sunday and report back.
  4. red12391

    CustomArt FIBAE Impressions Thread

    I want to buy more basic silicone eartips, where can I purchase them?
  5. red12391

    CustomArt FIBAE Impressions Thread

    There are eight APXs in Korea. Four of them got together and had a meeting. They have different cable matching.
  6. red12391

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    Brise Audio Shirogane Ultimate 8w Change sound signature I don't think it's for me
  7. red12391

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    I read somewhere that the Effect Audio Centurion matching is good, so if you get a chance, check it out.
  8. red12391

    The Watercooler -- Impressions, philosophical discussion and general banter. Index on first page. All welcome.

    The Brise Silver Concept 8W combination changes the PMG Audio APX sound signature, so it's not for me. I'll wait for the Orpheus combination.
  9. red12391

    CustomArt FIBAE Impressions Thread

    The vocal sounds are becoming too realistic High pitch is extended further The low notes are deep and magnificent in scope
  10. red12391

    Aroma audio product impressions.

    Oh, Jewel. The number of users is increasing. I'm curious about other people's combination. AMP: tiger grazioso
  11. red12391

    Aroma audio product impressions.

    Oriolus Traillii JP + Erlkonig = Jewel Their strengths were tuned well. Nideon Japan. I'm using it now. Rhapsodio Evolution Silver4 I'm thinking of changing it to that.
  12. red12391

    Aroma audio product impressions.

    Jewel is amazing. The balance between low, middle and high notes is great. The vocals are the best. You have to make sure that the cable has good resolution to maximize the benefits.
  13. red12391

    Aroma audio product impressions.

    Tb is a great decision. Aroma Jewel Tuning is TD. I like 428. It makes Hugo 2 cleaner.
  14. red12391

    Aroma audio product impressions.

    I arrived today. His first impression was that his vocals and high notes were amazing.
  15. red12391

    Aroma audio product impressions.

    My acquaintances heard it. I couldn't go because of COVID-19. People who heard it said it was crazy. I heard that 12 out of 30 are reserved in Korea. The jewelry I heard on the basic cable has a pretty good low tone. The up and down movements are very dynamic, giving you the pleasure of...
  16. red12391

    Aroma audio product impressions.

    Aroma Audio Jewel I made a reservation. I've decided on the design and I'll wait for October.
  17. red12391

    Cayin C9: Dual Nutube, Fully Balanced Class A/AB Portable HeadAmp

    Thank you. I'm Korean, but I didn't know it was a Korean product.
  18. red12391

    Cayin C9: Dual Nutube, Fully Balanced Class A/AB Portable HeadAmp

    Traillii에 사용하는 이어팁은 어떤 제품입니까?
  19. red12391

    Interesting machine from Luxury n Precision

    luxury & precision p6 pro 와 mmr thummim How's the harmony? Don't you lack strength?