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  1. EliasGwinn

    Free 88/24 music download from Benchmark, makers of the DAC1!!

    Episode #6 is up!!   From the site:     "Invariably, Deerhoof records are as pleasurable as they are perplexing.  Each release…each SONG from each release…delivers with an immediacy that, paradoxically...
  2. EliasGwinn

    Free 88/24 music download from Benchmark, makers of the DAC1!!

    Hey y'all!!  Thanks for noticing!    Also, a little birdie told me that there is an episode featuring the amazing Deerhoof coming out in late October.   Best, Elias  
  3. EliasGwinn

    How good and powerful is the internal headphone amp on Benchmark DAC1?

    Quote: This is correct.  The HPA2 in the original DAC1 has the same gain range as the highest range in the other models.   Best, Elias
  4. EliasGwinn

    How good and powerful is the internal headphone amp on Benchmark DAC1?

    Quote: You will not damage the headphone amp, and if you keep the volume reasonable, you will not damage your headphones either.   The DAC1 is designed to drive two pairs of 60-Ohm headphones or one pair of 30-Ohm headphones.   Best, Elias
  5. EliasGwinn

    benchmark dac1 USB power lines

    Quote: None of the Benchmark converters require USB power.   Best, Elias
  6. EliasGwinn

    New Benchmark DAC1 HDR released...

    Yes, the DAC1 is absolutely neutral.  To demonstrate this, we sent an AIX high-resolution music recording through the DAC1, then connected the output to our ADC1 (analog-to-digital converter) and recorded it.  We took that recording and sent it through that chain again, creating a 3rd generation...
  7. EliasGwinn

    Benchmark DAC1 now available with USB

    Quote:   Hi Doug,   Just to address your question here, I'll paste Rory's reply from the Benchmark forum:       1. We have not tested the Replay Gain feature of J River, but based on its handling of the signal (64bit), I'm not surprised that you cannot hear a difference...
  8. EliasGwinn

    Benchmark DAC1 now available with USB

      Quote:   There should be no sonic difference whatsoever.  Benchmark converters are immune to differences in differences between interfaces.  As long as the data remains in tact (which, in your case, should not be a problem), the sound will not be affected.   Best, Elias
  9. EliasGwinn

    Benchmark DAC1 now available with USB

    Glad to hear you're enjoying your HDR, Lord Chaos!
  10. EliasGwinn

    How good and powerful is the internal headphone amp on Benchmark DAC1?

    Sorry I haven't responded sooner! Somehow I didn't get a notification of your posts.   khaos974's math is correct; the HPA2 (Benchmark's headphone amp circuit that's in several of our products) will have plenty of power to drive the HE-6's, according to their spec.   Keep in mind, we...
  11. EliasGwinn

    Headphone amp for Benchmark DAC1?

    Hi, I'm Benchmark's applications engineer.  Let me know if I can answer any questions for you.   Best, Elias
  12. EliasGwinn

    How good and powerful is the internal headphone amp on Benchmark DAC1?

    I am Benchmark's applications engineer.  Let me know if I can answer any questions.   Best, Elias
  13. EliasGwinn

    Benchmark DAC1 now available with USB

    Quote: The ideal scenario is when you acheive comfortable listening levels with the volume control between the 10 o'clock and 3 o'clock positions.  So, I would suggest trying the DAC1 USB in the factory configured setting (-20 dB).  If you find that you cannot turn the volume up above...
  14. EliasGwinn

    Benchmark DAC1 now available with USB

    Quote: Hi Cpluse,   You can use monitor controllers with the DAC1, although without testing these particular models, I can't tell you if they will degrade the quality.  Perhaps you could acquire one of them temporarily for evaulation?   Best, Elias  
  15. EliasGwinn

    Benchmark DAC1 now available with USB

    Hi everyone!  I'm sorry I haven't been responding.  Somehow these latest posts escaped my radar.   I'll try to answer everyone's questions, but please let me know if I've left any unanswered.   Best, Elias
  16. EliasGwinn

    benchmark dac1 USB power lines

    Hi,   The DAC1 USB does not require USB power.  You will not lose sound quality nor harm the DAC1 USB if you don't connect the USB power line.   Best, Elias
  17. EliasGwinn

    Benchmark DAC1 now available with USB

      Quote: Hi GV,   We have a company policy not to discuss future plans for product development, so unfortunately, I can't answer this question.   Do you have any suggestions for us?  Would you like to be able to use this driver with the DAC1?    Best, Elias
  18. EliasGwinn

    Benchmark DAC1 now available with USB

      Quote: No updates yet, but there will be soon.  I'll keep you posted.   Best, Elias
  19. EliasGwinn

    Benchmark DAC1 now available with USB

    Quote: I'm sorry I haven't posted an answer on this yet.  As I'm preparing my reply, I'm realizing that to answer requires a complete explanation of electronic design!!  Your questions are what every engineer must learn and conquer to make a great product.   But I will finish and...
  20. EliasGwinn

    List of DACs that work with iPad

    Quote:   Believe me, I am as annoyed by 'subversive advertising' as anyone, and I certainly don't mean to do that.  I'm trying to stick to the facts and answer questions that are asked (someone asked whether jitter really had an effect in this day-and-age, so I provided a objective...
  21. EliasGwinn

    Benchmark DAC1 now available with USB

    Hi tvrboy,   This is a great question.  I would like to answer this thoroughly, so please excuse me while I prepare a complete answer.   Best, Elias
  22. EliasGwinn

    List of DACs that work with iPad

    Here is a plot of DAC1's performance of THD+N vs. Jitter amplitude.  Each of the several lines (each one is a different color) represents a different jitter frequency.  This is taken from page 34 of the DAC1 USB manual...
  23. EliasGwinn

    List of DACs that work with iPad

    Quote:   I'll show you with a measurement.  We measured the jitter performance of a competitor's D/A (one that cost over $2000) by playing a 10 kHz pure sine-wave while adding 250 mUI of jitter (not a lot) at various frequencies.  The red spike in the middle is the 10 kHz sine-wave...
  24. EliasGwinn

    Benchmark DAC1 now available with USB

    If you are trying to play sample-rates above 96 kHz while using the USB interface of the DAC1 USB, then your setup seems to be solid.  iTunes is also very good at converting sample-rates, but I don't think you need to change anything.   Best, Elias   Quote:  
  25. EliasGwinn

    Benchmark DAC1 now available with USB
