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  • Users: Kib
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  1. Kib

    Review: Clear Tune Monitors CTM-200 dual-driver custom

    Nothing new to report from prior writeup.  Good product.  
  2. Kib

    Shouldn't An Analytical Sound Be Superior?

    Quote: Reminds me of a Vespa scooter forum I used to follow where fights would erupt over which color bike was the fastest. (BTW - Black is the correct answer)
  3. Kib

    Review: Clear Tune Monitors CTM-200 dual-driver custom

    On my ClipZip/Rockbox no EQ adjustments, I just bump the treble up +3db mostly because that's what you have to do when you reach a certain age...  
  4. Kib

    Problems with Rockbox'd Clip Zip, HELP PLEASE

      Quote:   I use oddgravity Playlist Creator software on the PC I'm transferring the music from.  Very easy, just drag and drop.  I think you can also do playlist creation directly on the RB'd Zip, again, take a look at the manual. Good luck, have fun !
  5. Kib

    Problems with Rockbox'd Clip Zip, HELP PLEASE

    I seem to remember reading that the 'shuffle' mode works best when run from a playlist rather than directly from the music file directory location.  I forget if the shuffle was less random or not all the files got played, but it's easy enough to slap together a playlist and use the shuffle on...
  6. Kib

    Review: Clear Tune Monitors CTM-200 dual-driver custom

      Quote: At least you're smiling when you're wearing them!
  7. Kib

    Can you sleep with custom fits in?

    My lovely wife, who I love dearly (!) has the most guttural seismic snore ever to erupt from a human being.  To sleep within a kilometer I need to wear some type of noise abatement device.  Other than modification of industrial earmuffs, my new set of CIEM's have been the best thing I've found...
  8. Kib

    Review: Clear Tune Monitors CTM-200 dual-driver custom

    Quote: I just tossed my CTM-200's on my wife's nano 6th gen (at least that what I think it is... it's whatever Apple was sending out recently as replacements when they found out the old one's batteries were spontaneously combusting) and everything sounded normal enough compared to an old...
  9. Kib

    What songs do you use to test a new IEM?

    Flim & The BB's "Funhouse".   Kinda jazzy-techno piece that at some point is going to put the punch on every octave on the scale.  Really separates the men from the boys.  Could have been produced just as a test    record. Joe Jackson "You Can't Get What You Want ('till You Know What You...
  10. Kib

    Adjusting my CIEMS - alternatives to nail polish?

    Have you looked at picking something up at a hearing aid supply house.  Seems like I've seen stuff that goes on like a liquid nail polish that is expressly made for building up an acrylic earpiece, although it might also need to be UV set.
  11. Kib

    Proper Way to Store IEMs?

    Quote: Yup, I've got a couple of different 'dollar store' type cases, both airtight plastic, one is about the size of an Altoid tin large enough to hold the IEM's, the other about three times as thick that can also hold a Clip Zip.  I keep a silica gel pack in each of them to help keep...
  12. Kib

    Review: Clear Tune Monitors CTM-200 dual-driver custom

    Quote: Glad you were able to hook up with Cesar, he seems like a pretty good guy.  $140 a cylinder (as it were) appears to be a pretty good deal.  As ljokerl mentioned in his review and from my impressions as well, Clear Tune seems to have the crossovers dialed in.  I've always felt...
  13. Kib

    Review: Clear Tune Monitors CTM-200 dual-driver custom

    Quote:   As I understand it, ear impressions are not an 'official' service Costco provides.  I seem to recall seeing a post that someone went in to the hearing aid center, asked about getting an impression and the provider said they would be happy to do it except there wasn't a cash...
  14. Kib

    Review: Clear Tune Monitors CTM-200 dual-driver custom

    Quote: I can understand your trepidation, it's a pretty sizable leap of faith to drop six bills on product that doesn't have much in the way of reviews. (Actually none that I've seen for the four driver model)   I think one reason there's might not be a boatload of write-ups around here...
  15. Kib

    Which Budget Custom

    I just got a pair of the CTM-200's and so far I'm pretty pleased.  I put down a few thoughts on the ljokerl review you mentioned.  One reason I'm replying to your post is it appears we're both looking for the same kind of signature, so your request kind of resonated with me.  After listening to...
  16. Kib

    Custom IEM driver degradation

    I just got my first set of IEM's and I too am putting Silica pack in the carrying cases.  It may be the only time I'm good with my wife being a bit of a shoe freak, since that's a good source of the gel packs
  17. Kib

    Review: Clear Tune Monitors CTM-200 dual-driver custom

    Joy !  My CT-200's just arrived.  Rather than reinvent ljokerl's the well written review, I'll just offer a few impressions.   First, the quality of this product appears first-rate.  Like the units in the photos, I ordered the Clear/Clear finish (w/black cabling).  The acrylic pour came out...
  18. Kib

    Review: Clear Tune Monitors CTM-200 dual-driver custom

    Just popped my ear impressions in the mail after chatting with Cesar, the main guy there.  Seemed like a nice enough fellow.  He was familiar with ljokerl's review.  Holding off on relaying credit card number for payment until the impressions are inspected, which was fine with Cesar.  Said he'd...
  19. Kib

    Review: Clear Tune Monitors CTM-200 dual-driver custom

    joker -      I really appreciate your review of this product.  As someone who is researching his first set of customs, your thoughtful and descriptive look at the CTM-200 is invaluable.  I was particularly impressed with your mention of the crossover performance, a little appreciated part of...