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  1. N

    Best Bluetooth remote for fiio x1 2nd gen?

    I am new to Bluetooth remote technology. I am looking for a small remote I can keep in my pocket around the house, and one that is powerful in the functions it provides. Fiio X3 ii is the player I need to control
  2. N

    HELP finding remote control amplifier for Fiio x3 ii

    Is there a solution to question 3 In response to the statement: "You can get a remote to control the volume of the amp, but you won't get playback controls on the Fiio, unless using USB OTG on the amp allows for remote control commands to go back up to the Fiio." Is there a specific battery...
  3. N

    HELP finding remote control amplifier for Fiio x3 ii

    Any suggestions to question 3, to control the track selection with a remote? Or can Bluetooth be added onto the fiio ?
  4. N

    HELP finding remote control amplifier for Fiio x3 ii

    I am looking to connect my fiio x3 ii to a amplifier that will allow me to control the DAC mp3 player with a remote control to play music through my speakers. The fiio has usb otg support and a line out, but no bluetooth. I love the EQ presets of the fiio, so I want an amp that will allow the...